Watching-Asking-Doing -- SPN/Buffy xover; Dean/Spike; Dean/Sam; NC-17

Nov 13, 2008 00:27

Title:   Watching-Asking-Doing  - SPN/Buffy crossover

Author:   softbluebuddy

Rating:   NC-17

Warnings:   Underage. Dean is 21 and Sam is 17. Spike is old. Wincest.

Pairings: Spike/Dean; Dean/Sam mention of Spike

Word Count:   1554

Written for:  nekid_spike   guest of the month prompt Jensen Ackles

Summary: Dean and Spike have an established relationship which Sam stumbles on accidentally. This gives Sam the courage to ask Dean for the same things from his brother that his brother has been getting from Spike.


Sam got home from school early. He came into the house quietly and heard noises coming from Dean’s bedroom.

He made his way stealthily to the partially open door and saw Dean on his knees in front of that vampire, Spike.

Dean didn’t know that Sam knew about Spike. Sam had met Spike but what Dean didn’t know was that Sammy knew that Spike was a vampire.

As Sam peeked through the door he thought that Dean was being punished, and that Spike was mad at his brother, until he saw the rapturous look on Dean’s face.

Watching Spike’s cock pounding into Dean, made Sam rock hard. He’d never seen anything like this or done anything like this before, but it was amazing.

The expression on his brother’s face was beautiful as he stroked his cock in time with each thrust of Spike’s hips. And when Dean came, his whole body shuddered.

Spike seemed to come at the same time that his brother did, but kept moving slowly in and out, sliding his cock in the come that he had just filled Dean’s ass with.

Finally Spike pulled his cock out of Dean’s ass and pulled him up to a kneeling position facing him and wrapped his hand in Dean’s short hair and kissed him while he stroked his back with his other hand.

Sam watched until they were done then quietly slipped away and into the bathroom where he immediately opened his pants and fisted his cock while leaning on the bathroom counter. He was a seventeen year old boy and really turned on by what he had just seen his brother and Spike doing. It didn’t take him more than a half a dozen tugs on his cock before he was coming all over his hand and the cabinet under the sink.

Later, after dark and Spike had left, Sam went in the bedroom where Dean was cleaning his weapons.

“What’s up Sam?” asked Dean.

Not sure how to bring it up, Sam decided to just come right out and say it. “I saw you with Spike, Dean.”

Dean’s head jerked up and he looked at Sam, “Saw me with Spike what?”

“In your room after I came home from school. You didn’t see me, but I watched you with him Dean.”

He didn’t know how to handle this. It wasn’t anything he had been prepared to discuss with his little brother, but there was no avoiding it now, so he had to ask, “Why are you telling me this Sam? I didn’t want you to know.”

Looking at Dean when he asked in a pretty quiet voice, “Do you like it?”

“Sammy, I can’t talk to you about this.”

“Why not?”

Shaking his head as if in denial, Dean just said, “I just can’t. I can’t explain it Sam, it’s complicated.”

Looking at Dean with his face as open and trusting and wide eyed as it was possible to look he asked with all sincerity and like the fate of his very world would rest on Dean’s answer to this one question, “Dean, will you do with me what you do with Spike?”

“Jesus. Sam. No.”

“But Dean, it looked like you loved it. Ever since I saw you and Spike, I have imagined you doing those things to me that Spike was doing to you. Please?”


Sam climbed into Dean’s lap and said in a small voice, “Don’t you want me?”

“God Sam. Yes I want you. But I don’t want to corrupt you.”

“It’s not corrupting me if I want it. Is that how you feel Dean? Did Spike corrupt you?”

Thinking back to the first time that Dean was with the vampire, he had to admit there was no corruption going on, at all. Dean wanted it so fucking bad. Spike was gorgeous, and sexy as all get out. Dean would have done anything to have Spike let him suck his cock, then let Spike bend him over and fuck him until he was squirming around with his ass slamming back into every thrust of Spike’s cock. No, there was no corruption involved the first time or any of the other times since.

“No Sam. Spike didn’t corrupt me. I wanted it. Want him. He makes me feel amazing, like I have never felt before.”

“I know Dean. I could tell when I was watching you together. He is beautiful and I could tell how much you loved it from the look on your face. I want you to make me feel like that. Please…Dean.”

He looked at Sam’s face and knew that he couldn’t deny him what he claimed that he wanted. What he needed.

Cradling Sam’s face in his hands, Dean brought their mouths together tasting his baby brother for the first time.

Sam was in heaven. Dean was kissing him, teasing his mouth open with his tongue, licking and slipping his tongue into his mouth and gently kissing his little brother in such a gentle, seductive way. Dean was making love to him with his mouth.

Sam had told his big brother that he’d been thinking of Dean taking him sexually the way that Spike had done to him since he had seen them earlier. That wasn’t the complete truth.  Sam had been thinking of Dean sexually for a couple of years now but never thought anything would happen since they were brothers.

But seeing Dean today on his knees with Spike behind him making his brother go completely crazy with lust and Sam couldn’t help it. He had to say something to Dean. And from the way that Dean was kissing him, there was no way this was an out of the blue my little brother wants me to fuck him kind of kiss. This was an I’ve been lusting after my brother and I love him so much it hurts kind of kiss.

As kisses went it was about as perfect a kiss as Sam with his very limited experience with girls, could imagine. And to top it all off it was Dean. That fact alone made it perfect.

Sam was still sitting on Dean’s lap with his arms around Dean’s shoulders letting his brother explore his mouth. What neither Sam nor Dean knew was that they were being watched just like Dean and Spike had been being watched earlier.

Spike had forgotten his lighter. He thought he’d left it on the edge of Dean’s dresser and had come back to claim it. He hadn’t knocked, and since he had been invited in previously just came in to the house quietly so as not to disturb the brothers if they were busy.

What Spike hadn’t counted on was that young Sammy Winchester would be straddling his big brother’s lap and be getting what for all intents and purposes looked like the kiss of his life.

Spike’s first instinct was that he wanted to join the brothers Winchester, but something about watching them together and realizing that it was the first time for Sam, well, that should be special. Maybe they would all be together some other time, but not now. Not tonight. This should be for Sam and Dean.

Spike continued to watch the brothers from the shadows in the hallway beyond the open door. He was extremely aroused but content to watch them together. They were amazing, these two; absolutely beautiful together. Watching Sam’s first kiss with his brother was incredible. Spike had been around a long time, been jaded some, but in his heart he was still a poet and could appreciate beauty when he saw it.

Dean reluctantly broke the kiss and when he came up for air, told his brother, “Okay Sam. Okay. But I don’t want to rush you. Let’s take it slow, build up to it. Want to touch you Sammy and look at you.  I want to make you feel good. Let’s go lay on the bed, okay?”

Sam smiled at Dean, happy that his brother hadn’t brushed him off. He was happy at the words that Dean had said to him. He was finally going to get to be with his brother, even if it meant going slow. He would take anything that Dean had to offer him, because he knew that this was a turning point.

There would be no going back. And for that Sam wanted to go and find Spike and thank him because if he hadn’t seen Spike and Dean together, he never would have had the courage to say anything to his brother.

Sam climbed off of Dean’s lap and let his brother lead him to the bed. They lay together and took it slow just like Dean had said. They didn’t even take off their clothes. They just kissed and touched and rubbed off on each other for their very first time. The boys coming in their jeans as they rubbed their denim clad cocks together.

It was sweet and it was perfect thought Spike as he slipped away in the darkness, deciding he could come back for his lighter tomorrow.

sam, my fic, crossover, nc-17, spike, dean

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