Volume 003, Issue 124

Oct 14, 2008 09:50

Volume 003, Issue 124
This issue covers October 13th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!


Dean/Haley art here


spn_darkangel  is hosting a SPN/DA challenge : Dean Winchester as Alec
takethesky87  - Heroes/Iron Man recs


pervyficgirl  wrote Sometimes People Deserve More; PG-13, SPN/Batman : Sam/Tim Drake
xenokattz  wrote The Best At What She Was; T, XMen/Batman : gen
seriousfic  wrote Diamond In The Garden; PG-13, XMen/Batman : Emma Frost/Poison Ivy, Emma/Scott, Ivy/Harley

Battlestar Galactica
frogfrizz  wrote That One Time; PG, STV/BSG : Roslin/Janeway

Buffy The Vampire Slayer
bassair  wrote Remember (4a); R, TW/BtVS : Jack/Buffy, Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Adam
bassair  wrote What Come May (15/16); R, TW/BtVS : Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tosh
jesterlady  wrote Half A Stranger (5/?); PG-13, BtVS/VM : Logan/Veronica, Spike/Buffy

princess_schez  wrote Witches, Demons, and Hunters - Oh My! (Part 15); PG-13, Charmed/Spn : gen

Criminal Minds
kikkimax  wrote Hell, and Back (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20) (Part 21) (Part 22) (Part 23) (Part 24);
PG-13, SPN/Criminal MInds : gen

The Dark Knight
projectmanhat  wrote Laughter; R, TDK/Law & Order :CI : gen

Doctor Who
justpickaname  wrote Of Martians and Bunnies, Oh My; NR, DW/Looney Tunes : gen

Dresden Files
joonscribble  wrote In Loyal Service (8/?) (9/?); R, TW/Dresden Files : Jack/Ianto
enigel  wrote The Stargate Files; PG, Dresden Files/Stargate Atlantis : gen

Gilmore Girls
mhalachaiswords  wrote Physics of the Spin: Family Ties (13/?); PG, Gilmore Girls/SGA : gen

Harry Potter
phate_phoenix  wrote The Differences Between Shadows and Darkness (11/?); PG-13, Yu-Gi-Oh/HP : Ryou/Harry
dhfreak  wrote Lost; PG-13, SPN/Heroes/HP : Dean/Hermione

cerebel  wrote Way From Normal; NC-17, Heroes/Iron Man : Nathan/Tony
dhfreak  wrote Lost; PG-13, SPN/Heroes/HP : Dean/Hermione
iamlillykane  wrote Blazing; PG, Moonlight/Heroes : Josef/Elle
karrenia_rune  wrote Someone to Watch Over Me; PG, Heroes/Highlander : gen

strangevisitor7  wrote Child of My Heart 6/?; PG, M7/Highlander : gen
karrenia_rune  wrote Someone to Watch Over Me; PG, Heroes/Highlander : gen

Iron Man
cerebel  wrote Way From Normal; NC-17, Heroes/Iron Man : Nathan/Tony

Law and Order (all)
projectmanhat  wrote Laughter; R, TDK/Law & Order :CI : gen

Looney Tunes
justpickaname  wrote Of Martians and Bunnies, Oh My; NR, DW/Looney Tunes : gen

Magnificent 7
strangevisitor7  wrote Child of My Heart 6/?; PG, M7/Highlander : gen
sparrowwritings  wrote Flip Side of Reality; PG-13, M7/The Who : gen

iamlillykane  wrote Blazing; PG, Moonlight/Heroes : Josef/Elle

wizefics  wrote It's Called ESP (7/10); T, XMen/Psych : gen

fonapola  wrote Crossing Kansas: Weakened Promise; NR, SPN/Smallville : gen
sarcastic_fina  wrote 5 Times Lois Knew Dean Was IT Chloe (4/5); T, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe
sarcastic_fina  wrote 5 Times Dean Knew He Was Totally In Love With Chloe (3/5); NC-17, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe

busaikko  wrote Deatils of War; PG, SGA/SG1 : gen

Star Trek : Voyager
frogfrizz  wrote That One Time; PG, STV/BSG : Roslin/Janeway

Stargate Atlantis
busaikko  wrote Deatils of War; PG, SGA/SG1 : gen
mhalachaiswords  wrote Physics of the Spin: Family Ties (13/?); PG, Gilmore Girls/SGA : gen
enigel  wrote The Stargate Files; PG, Dresden Files/Stargate Atlantis : gen

fonapola  wrote Crossing Kansas: Weakened Promise; NR, SPN/Smallville : gen
princess_schez  wrote Witches, Demons, and Hunters - Oh My! (Part 15); PG-13, Charmed/Spn : gen
pervyficgirl  wrote Sometimes People Deserve More; PG-13, SPN/Batman : Sam/Tim Drake
kikkimax  wrote Hell, and Back (Part 17) (Part 18) (Part 19) (Part 20) (Part 21) (Part 22) (Part 23) (Part 24);
PG-13, SPN/Criminal MInds : gen
dhfreak  wrote Lost; PG-13, SPN/Heroes/HP : Dean/Hermione
sarcastic_fina  wrote 5 Times Lois Knew Dean Was IT Chloe (4/5); T, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe
sarcastic_fina  wrote 5 Times Dean Knew He Was Totally In Love With Chloe (3/5); NC-17, SPN/Smallville : Dean/Chloe

joonscribble  wrote In Loyal Service (8/?) (9/?); R, TW/Dresden Files : Jack/Ianto
bassair  wrote Remember (4a); R, TW/BtVS : Jack/Buffy, Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Tosh/Adam
bassair  wrote What Come May (15/16); R, TW/BtVS : Jack/Ianto, Buffy/Spike, Willow/Tosh

The Who
sparrowwritings  wrote Flip Side of Reality; PG-13, M7/The Who : gen

xenokattz  wrote The Best At What She Was; T, XMen/Batman : gen
seriousfic  wrote Diamond In The Garden; PG-13, XMen/Batman : Emma Frost/Poison Ivy, Emma/Scott, Ivy/Harley
wizefics  wrote It's Called ESP (7/10); T, XMen/Psych : gen

Veronica Mars
jesterlady  wrote Half A Stranger (5/?); PG-13, BtVS/VM : Logan/Veronica, Spike/Buffy

phate_phoenix  wrote The Differences Between Shadows and Darkness (11/?); PG-13, Yu-Gi-Oh/HP : Ryou/Harry

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~ ♥

gilmore girls, psych, batman, moonlight, looney tunes, buffy, batman (movies), magnificent seven, supernatural, criminal minds, iron man, yu-gi-oh!, x-men, stargate: sg-1, torchwood, dresden files, star trek: voyager, battlestar galactica, doctor who, law & order: ci, stargate: atlantis, smallville, harry potter, highlander, heroes, charmed

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