Editing happened! We’re not finished, but progress was made. Hurrah!
Today was Mad Communication Day. I must have sent a good 20-25 emails covering various subjects for the magazine. Mostly about Issue 12, although there were a few things about past and future issues as well. Kay also sent quite a few emails as she handled the artwork for various issues.
We’ve received final hi-res versions of almost all the Issue 12 art. I tell you: the document that will eventually become the interior of the issue just keeps getting bigger. We’ve never had this much internal art before (not even close), so… yeah. At the moment it’s over 15 MB, and I’m pretty sure the final result will be over 20 MB. (I know that’s not a lot compared to some, but remember that most of our issues have been 100% text inside.)
I’ve said it before here, but I want to repeat: We are no longer accepting submissions to the LGBTQ issue! We’re still receiving the occasional submission. If you have our ad calling for submissions to the LGBTQ issue on your website or blog, please take it down! I hate having to disappoint people by telling them we can’t consider their story since submissions are closed.
But remember, we will happily accept submissions that have LGBTQ elements for any issue, so long as they match the
current genre as well. We’re always receptive to LGBTQ characters and stories, not just when that’s our monthly theme.
So far, the slush process has gone pretty smoothly. We haven’t got a ton of
Action/Adventure submissions yet (it’s always slower in the first half of the month), but we’ve sent some out to each slush reader. Everyone’s still getting used to the process, but no major glitches yet. *KNOCK WOOD*
I’m anxiously awaiting the first proof, but at the same time I’m in no hurry since we’re not anywhere near ready to submit for the second proof. I’m pretty confident that with some concerted effort over the next several days, we can be ready to submit for the second proof by Monday the 12th.
Did I mention before that fitting links to ALL the content for Issue 12 on the front page of the site is going to be a bitch and keep me up nights? Because it is. Seriously. Right now we’re looking at 10 stories, 2 articles, an interview, the cover art and seven pieces of internal art. Hell, fitting it on the print edition’s Table of Contents was hard enough!
Originally published at
Crossed Genres. You can comment here or