His Spirit indwelling the believer enables us to pray

Aug 21, 2024 15:38

It is 74 degrees and sunny this afternoon. It has been a mild August weather wise this year. We have had few very hot days this Summer.

I am tired as usual. I am always running on empty. I wonder what it would be feel like being wild and young/full of fire? I keep thinking in 28 years if I live that long I will be a 100 years old. Twenty-Eight years is a very short span of time to get saved-be ready for death-a home-coming-SEE the Lord Jesus Christ stand before Him. Am I ready to meet the LORD?

I got up this morning around 6:50 AM. I woke up because I heard Carol getting ready to go to the Holland Farmer's Market and then meet a friend for breakfast. Before Carol left we prayed/one never knows when death will strike down one of your loved ones.

I spent the morning writing in my paper diary and reading from these two books-'Plans For Holy War' by John Arrowsmith and 'The Psalms A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 1 Introduction: Christ and the Psalms' by Christopher Ash.

I caught a field mouse in a make-shift trap and had to take to a field behind a local thrift store-set it free. While out a checked out local thrift stores for used books. I found three used books at Action House thrift store down the street from us-

'The Devil's Reward' a novel by Emmanuelle De Villepin Translated From The French By C. Jon Delogu

'Looking For The Good War: American Amnesia And The Violent Pursuit Of Happiness' non-fiction by Elizabeth D. Samet

'Barbarian Days-A Surfing Life' memoir by William Finnegan

Last night I mainly read from these books before going to bed at 11:10 PM-'Poet's Apprentice: Book Four 1982-1983' memoir by Randy Roark, 'Poet's Apprentice Book Five: 1984-1991' memoir by Randy Roark and 'The Collected Stories of Mavis Gallent'.

Tomorrow morning Carol and I are driving to Grand Rapids to visit book stores and Trader Joe's. It will soon be done and there will be no turning back. What is done is done. You reap what you sow.

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