Gary Byker Memorial Library Used Books Sale

Aug 21, 2024 15:20

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'Strangers In The Land: Patterns Of American Nativism 1860-1925' by John Higham

'Weimar Culture: The Outsider As Insider' by Peter Gay

'Richelieu and the French Monarchy' by C.V. Wedgwood

'The Fifth Republic: France's New Political System' by Nicholas Wahl

'The Varieties Of History From Voltaire to the Present' Edited, Selected and Introduced by Fritz Stern

'Imperial America: American Foreign Policy Since 1898' by Lloyd C. Gardner

'Caught in the Revolution: Witnesses to the Fall of Imperial Russia' by Helen Rappaport

'Bookshops: A Reader's History' books and reading by Jorge Carrion

'A Short History Of Russia' by R.D. Charques

'How to Travel with a Salmon & Other Essays' by Umberto Eco

'Criticism: The Major Statements' Second Edition Selected and Edited by Charles Kaplan

'Vanishing Cornwall' British history by Daphne du Maurier

'Lenin: The Man, The Dictator, and the Master of Terror' biography by Victor Sebestyen

'Taking Paris: The Epic Battle For The City Of Lights' by Martin Dugard

'Saving Adam Smith: A Tale of Wealth, Transformation, and Virtue' a novel by Jonathan B. Wright

'Jackson Pollock: An American Saga' biography by Steven Naifeh & Gregory White Smith

'Whose Freud? The Place of Psychoanalysis in Contemporary Culture' Edited By Peter Brooks & Alex Woloch

'Great Society: A New History' American History/the 60's by Amity Shlaes

'Requiem For A Lost Empire' a novel by Andrei Makine Translated from the French by Geoffrey Strachan

'The Autobiography of Lincoln Steffens: The Life Story Of America's Greatest Reporter' by Lincoln Steffens

'Columbus' biography by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

'Winter Journal' memoir by Paul Auster

'From Babel To Dragomans: Interpreting The Middle East' Middle Eastern history by Bernard Lewis

'Onward And Upward: a biography of Katharine S. White' by Linda H. Davis

'Silent House' a novel by Orhan Pamuk Translated from the Turkish by Robert Finn

'Catherine Empress of All the Russias' biography by Vincent Cronin

'The Prince of Darkness: 50 Years Reporting In Washington' memoir by Robert D. Novak
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