cow punk

Aug 22, 2024 15:00

It is 2:31 PM Thursday afternoon here in south western Michigan. It is in the 70's and sunny this afternoon. It feels like early Autumn weather. But it is predicted to get hot next week.

This morning Carol and I left the house around 8:45 AM to drive to Grand Rapids to visit book stores. I bought these used books today while Carol and I were in GR.

'Diaghilev' biography by Richard Buckle

'Puritanism and Demonocracy' Intellectual history by Ralph Barton Perry

'The Winter's Hero' A Novel by Vassily Aksyonov Translated By John Glad

'The Idea Of Fraternity In America' by Wilson Carey McWilliams

'Everyday Glory: The Revelation Of God In All Of Reality' by Gerald R. McDermott

Carol and I did stop at Reformation Heritage Books and I picked up two new books-

'Sermons On Genesis Chapters 11-20' by John Calvin Translated By Rob Roy McGregor

'In The Power Of The Spirit: Sermons on Matthew, Mark, & Luke' by John Calvin Translated from the French by Robert White

After getting used books at a thrift store near Reformation Heritage Books Carol and I headed home. When we got home we determined we had been gone four hours. I am very tired today because Carol and I stayed up late last night watching the Democratic Convention. I think I finally fell asleep around 12:45 AM.

Yesterday I mainly read in the evening hours, 'Wonder Confronts Certainty: Russian Writers on the Timeless Questions and Why Their Answers Matter' by Gary Saul Morson. This morning before Carol and I left we did read from the Epistle to the Colossians/Bible and then prayed together. We live by the power of prayer/we pray in Christ our Great High Priest of the Everlasting Covenant.

I need to close since I am wasted!

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