salvation must include epistemological redemption

Aug 19, 2024 15:08

It is 2:57 PM Monday afternoon. It is in the low 70's and cloudy this afternoon. Today it feels like the end of Summer.

I got up this morning around 7:15 AM. When I came upstairs Carol was listening to a lecture by R.C. Sproul and cooking food. R.C. Sproul died a couple of years ago. Carol left with a friend from her church to visit another church member in Grand Haven who lives in a place for mentally the handicapped. I spent the morning mainly writing in my paper diary and reading from a book titled, 'The Psalms A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 1 Introduction: Christ and the Psalms by Christopher Ash.

Carol got home from her visit around 11:35 AM. Carol and I ate lunch and then I decided to doze and read. When not dozing this afternoon I have been reading what I started reading yesterday, an old used paperback titled, 'Strangers In The Land-Patterns of American Nativism 1860-1925' by John Higham.

Last night I read before going to bed some more of the novel, 'A Glastonbury Romance' by John Cowper Powys.

This afternoon Amazon delivered a book I had ordered titled, 'Poet's Apprentice Book Five: 1984-1991' memoir by Randy Roark. Carol is outside right now pulling weeds. Time keeps drifting by. It will soon be over.

I will close to wait.

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