The Sons of America

Aug 18, 2024 15:43

It is 3:30 PM Sunday afternoon. It is 74 degrees and mostly cloudy. Also there it is windy outside. Time creeps by.

I got up this morning around 7:20 AM. When I came upstairs Carol was doing her feet treatment in her Room. She left for church this morning around 8:30 AM. I spent the morning writing in my paper diary, reading, and I filmed a video for my Youtube channel.

I stopped reading around Noon and sat in the living room dozing till I heard Carol arrive home from church. Carol usually talked to people after the morning service so she gets home late from church. It is amazing to realize how much Carol talks! She is either talking to herself or she is talking to someone. I personally would get freaked if I was to be a constant talker like my wife. I do not believe I have anything to talk about accept the Lord Jesus Christ.

This afternoon after lunch I have been reading from a book titled, 'Stranger In The Land; Patterns Of American Nativism 1860-1925' by John Higham.

I will close to drift. It is a new week and have nothing to do but sit in silence in the Presence of God. I recommend these books to help you find spiritual peace in silence-

'Into The Silent Land: A Guide to the Christian Practice of Contemplation' by Martin Laird

'A Sunlit Absence: Silence, Awareness, and Contemplation' by Martin Laird

'An Ocean Of Light: Contemplation, Transformation, and Liberation' by Martin Laird

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