Christ dresses us in His own armor

Aug 08, 2024 16:02

It is 3:46 PM Thursday afternoon here in south western Michigan. It is 78 degrees and sunny this afternoon. It is somewhat hot but not unbearable.

I got up this morning around 8 o'clock AM. Around 10 o'clock AM kids from Caleb and Emily's came down here for the morning/Josie, Cora and their two baby cousin's (Emily's sister is visiting with her two little girls). I spent the morning sitting outside in the front reading from a book titled, 'Plans For Holy War; How The Spiritual Soldier Fights, Conquers, And Triumphs' by John Arrowsmith Translated By David C. Noe Edited And Introduced By Chad B. Van Dixhoorn.

Around 12:45 PM the kids cleared out and started putting the house back in order. I like order and feel uncomfortable when everything is out of place. Everything has it's place and should not be removed. In the mail this afternoon Carol and I received a Four Volume Commentary on the Psalms that we pre-ordered months ago-

'The Psalms A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 1 Introduction: Christ and the Psalms By Christopher Ash

'The Psalms-A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 2 Psalms 1-50 By Christopher Ash

'The Psalms-A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 3 Psalms 51-100 By Christopher Ash

'The Psalms-A Christ-Centered Commentary' Volume 4 Psalms 101-150 By Christopher Ash

I have been this afternoon looking at Volume 1 'Introduction: Christ and the Psalms' by Ash. Carol took a nap while I read and wrote. So another day goes by. Last night I mainly read before going to bed. I read last night before going to bed some more of the novel, 'A Glastonbury Romance' A Novel by John Cowper Powys. I also read during the evening hours, 'A Peace to End All Peace-The Fall of The Ottoman Empire And The Creation of The Modern Middle East' by David Fromkin.
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