Confederate Patriotism

Jun 27, 2006 23:14

Bald Eagles symbolize patriotism across the US. South of the Mason-Dixon line this most certainly holds true, in a laser lights show projected onto Stone Mountain in Atlanta, GA. Mixed in between the hilarious light-beam renditions of "Devil Came Down to Georgia" and other local favorites, projected images of the Bald Eagle and American flag fill the mountain face. In the grand finale, when General Lee breaks his sword over his knee and joins the Confederate South with the Northern states, the laser outline of the Bald Eagle flies proudly across the mountain face, a gloriously patriotic image.

25 June 2006
Atlanta, GA Stone Mountain Park and the suburb of Tucker, GA

Carolina Wren
American Robin : A/J
Carolina Chickadee
Blue Jay
Eastern Towhee
House Sparrow : M/F
Northern Mockingbird
Red-tailed Hawk
Mourning Dove
Feral Pigeon
Red-headed Woodpecker
Dark-eyed Junco (Slaty-backed)

12 Bird Day

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