Title: Hatsukoi Limited
Genre: Shounen
Serialized in: Weekly Shounen Jump
Status: Ongoing, currently at 8 chapters
Warning: Panty shots?
Overall rating: 8/10
Arihara Ayumi is a middle school student with many friends who wishes that a boy will ask her out. One day, one of the toughest guys from her brother's high school, Zaizu Misao, asks her out! What will her answer be? (Chapter 1)
Hatsukoi Limited's main premise is about the first love stories of the different characters around Ayumi, so it doesn't only focus on one story, but on about 5 others. Each chapter is about a different person's love interest, and the manga has no set plot or goal, allowing it to be read in different orders.
ARIHARA Ayumi: One of the characters in which the stories in the manga revolve around. She is a middle schooler who wants a love life of sorts, and is quite outgoing and carefree. Has an older brother, Arihara Yuuji.
ZAIZU Misao: The toughest guy at Yuuji's high school. He is feared by everyone, and has an intimating look. Despite his appearance, he is actually quite sensitive and caring. Has a younger brother in middle school, Zaizu Mamoru.
The review
Story: 7.5/10
Very cute love stories! Despite being drawn and written by the same mangaka as Ichigo 100%, a pretty ecchi manga, this one is quite clean and nice. The stories are easy enough to relate to or understand, and even though the relationships may be confusing at times, it's clear enough to be remembered throughout the course of reading. However, since there is no set plot, there might not be enough room for development, leading to a potentially repetitive plot. Regardless, it's great right now at 8 chapters.
Characters: 8/10
Probably my favourite part of the manga besides the art! The characters are all pretty diverse, and even though there might be stereotypes (sensitive tough guy), there's also some pretty unique characters (otaku girl with a million intersts). Also, the relationships between them are pretty interesting, and it's very fun to see them get into all sorts of predicaments.
Art: 9/10
Really really nice art. Anyone who has read Kawashita Mizuki's works will note that the art style is solid, nice, and beautiful. The character designs are somewhat typical, but I really love the different hairstyles. Also, the characters aren't abnormally skinny-looking like in most manga, and have realistic proportions. Lastly, the settings are quite nice and detailed, plus the panel arrangements are organized and clean.
Overall: 8/10
A short, cute read for anyone who doesn't mind panty shots but would like something relaxing and nice. Also for people who love nice art and character designs. Overall, this is a balanced manga that doesn't seem much like a shounen, and instead blurs the lines between shoujo AND shounen.
Download Links (Hosted at MediaFire)
Chapter 1:
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SnapDriveChapter 2:
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SnapDriveChapter 3:
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SnapDriveChapter 4:
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SnapDriveChapter 5:
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SnapDriveChapter 6:
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SnapDriveChapter 7:
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SnapDriveChapter 8:
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SnapDriveAlternative download link (Chapters 01-08)
Online Reading Link
OneManga (Chapters 01-08)
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