Summer 2004!

Jul 22, 2004 09:50

This summer has been filled with it's share of up's and down's for me, but I just thought I would write about all the fun time's I've had this summer, so far!

About a week ago Tiffany and I went to see Spiderman 2, just us girls. It was like a girls night out! We were playing with the gummy bears that Tiffany bought! It was a lot of fun. I haven't had that much fun in a long time! Just a girls night out!

The other night (Monday night, Tuesday morning) Tiff and I thought it would be a good idea to go to Meijers at midnight to get the new Ashlee Simpson CD that we both wanted. So we go and we also get a grocery list from Tiff's mom. No big deal, right? WRONG! First off, the stupid Meijer employee's weren't doing their job and didn't put the CD out. Second of all, we had fun trying to find everything her mom wanted. Getting special coffee beans from the machine was also very interesting for us. Then on top of all this crap, we are being followed around my strange guys. Then we leave and a guy outside smoking goes, "can you take me home with me?" I turned around and walked away with Tiff as fast as I could! She didn't hear the guy say this, so I informed her on the way!
Then we thought it would be a good idea to try the Meijers at 14 and Utica to see if they had good employees who did their job and stuff. Well, no they didn't either. So the whole trip was freaking pointless!

The next morning I woke up decently early, about 9:30, to the lovely smell of my mom cleaning the kitchen floors with Amonia! OMG, I had such a headache, I just couldn't stay in the house! So I got dressed, brushed my teeth, and left. I went and used the gift certificate for a manacure and pedicure that my Aunt gave my like last year at my birthday I think! I'm now going to be getting a pedicure like every summer because it felt so good! And it makes your feet pretty! I stopped and grabbed a bagel on the way home (yummie!) I woke up Tiffany and asked if she wanted to go to Target and get the CD during the day like normal people. She got up, I stopped at home to pick up my mom who wanted to buy me a couple things for school anway, and the three of us went to Target and Kroger's with my mom.

That night I went with Tiff and her mom to the Pat Benatar concert! OMG, how fun, and such an 80's flashback. I only wish I would have known more songs!

I'm really excited about this weekend! Nick is taking me to Houghton Lake for the weekend. Well, just Saturday to Sunday. And I'm really excited. I wish we could have just a little more time, but with Nick's work right now, we can't. Maybe next year? But yeah, I'm super excited for that. And Nick just called me a little while ago and told me that August 6th, is his company picknic and that everyone expects me to be there! cute is that? I have something to do like every weekend in August! It's going to fly by and school is going to start very shortly! I'm not ready! :(

My summer class just ended last Thursday I belive and I got my grade on Monday. I ended up getting an A in the class which is really awesome because I need it to raise my GPA! And as a reward my mom like paid half for a purse that I saw at Target that i really wantd! It's so cute! It's very reto looking, black and white moslty, with pink high heals, and little sparkles all around it!
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