Facebook and LJ...what to do?

Sep 02, 2010 09:22

This LJ-Facebook thing is making my head hurt. I can't figure out what to do about it. I know you folks must be sick of seeing posts like this, but I at least have to lay the issues out clearly for myself, and maybe someone reading will even have a helpful comment.

1) I HATE Facebook. I always have. The only reason I have an account there at all is because I have RL friends and family who only ever post pictures and invitations and stuff there. I rarely post there. There's only a picture of me there because otherwise friends and family looking for me to friend me can't tell that it's the right me, and Facebook doesn't provide a link you can send to people to friend you if your journal is totally locked down. Trust me, I spent hours trying to find a way to 100% lock my journal and still let specific people find and friend me. Can't be done.

2) I have work people and non-fannish people on Facebook. I don't want even the SLIGHTEST HINT of connection from FB to LJ or vice versa.

3) Even if I opt out, folks visiting my journal can crosspost their comments to FB.

4) It doesn't matter if I ask people not to on my journal. Some people will not care. Some people will forget. Some people will be friendsfriends surfing and will never have seen the note.

5) I don't want to lock my journal because:
  1. I am friended by A LOT more people that I have friended myself. I don't want to friend everyone who friends me just to provide access to a locked journal. I did that, in a partial way, for years and it made f-list and filter management a nightmare.
  2. My fic is all here, and a lot of people link to it, and I don't want to break those links. I hate it when I discover that as a reader surfing around. I've written a lot of fic; it would be a huge pain in the ass to go back and unlock it all.

6) What I'd like to do is just move to Dreamwidth wholesale, but the problem there is that a lot of people I still interact with regularly are still on LJ. I know folks on DW who make feeds out of their LJ friends' journals and subscribe to them on DW. But those feeds don't contain locked content, and I have quite a few friends who regularly post locked content to their LJs. And I mod a couple of communities here, and while one of them isn't an issue, the other one most definitely is, and it's a small community I'm trying to build, too, and any disruption now could kill it.

I just don't know what to do to keep my fannish content and identity off Facebook, without taking access away from all the fannish folk on LJ.

I'm aware that the chances that this will come back to bite me in the ass are small, but it's it only takes one time that you don't lock up after yourself for someone to screw you. *speaking from exprience*


I'm beginning to think I'm just going to have to f-lock my journal, go through the agonizing process of unlocking all my fic, and just apologize to everyone who I don't have friended back and don't intend to friend back for flist-reading reasons. :-(

But how will that work with DW cross-posting, when I want something to be public on DW but not on LJ?


ETA: I've been pondering options, and I think actually the easiest and safest compromise, for me, is to completely disable commenting on my LJ. That eliminates the problem, but allows fandom to still see my past fic and posts, and allows current LJ users to read my content. I almost never get comments on old posts, so that shouldn't be much of an issue. New posts, people will just have to come over and comment on DW, where there's both OpenID and anonymous commenting for non-DW people. And if there's a new post I really want maximum comments on, I think I can manually unlock them on a single LJ post.

ETA 2: Further responses to this post are on the DW version here: http://crimsonquills.dreamwidth.org/689423.html

[This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth (http://crimsonquills.dreamwidth.org/689423.html). Please comment there using OpenID or anonymous commenting. (
comments at DreamWidth.)]

journal admin

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