I have learned more about the LiveJournal-Facebook thing, including seeing a post that shows how cross-posted entries look on Facebook:
http://cleolinda.livejournal.com/901884.html They show the commenter's icon and the journal URL of the original poster's journal.
So yeah. Not cool with me. For this reason, I've disabled commenting on the LJ side of my journal. I've imported all my comments and everything to DreamWidth, so they aren't lost. They might be harder to find now, if you'd bookmarked them (though I don't imagine anyone bookmarked my comment threads!), but if you're looking for one and can't find it, please ask. I'm happy to help.
Cross-posting will continue, but you'll have to come over to the DW entry if you want to comment.
I'm really sorry, everyone. I was trying to be as LJ-user-friendly about my switch to DreamWidth as possible, but even if nothing comes of this cross-posting thing, it disturbs my peace of mind enough that I have to do something about it.
[This entry was originally posted at DreamWidth (
http://crimsonquills.dreamwidth.org/690884.html). Please comment there using OpenID or anonymous commenting. (
comments at DreamWidth.)]