FUCK i'm sleepy. after trawling through HP badfic i finally found a slew of goodfic. so i was going through them and at around midnight i finished reading one of them which BROKE MY HEART because there was death but it was done so well that the reader builds up a shitton of hope, like, "he's not gonna die, that's not gonna happen," and then the character died and i was sobbing like someone had just killed my dog. (figure of speech. i have no dog.) so i was like FUCK NO i am NOT going to sleep with THAT being the last thing i think of, so i went for another fic
except, that fic gave no warning/indication of how long it was going to be. IT WAS LIKE READING THE LAST HP BOOK. i got to bed at around 6, and then V texted me at 9 and i was like heeeeaaaaarrrRRRRGHHHHH FUCKSICLES.
(but i got out of bed anyway, because i hadn't finished reading the fic even by 6am and DAKJSBGKAJBHKAH GODDAMN AWESOME!FIC, I WISH I COULD QUIT YOU.)
so i hung out with V today. there's something about V that's really fun. she's (obviously) herself, but at the same time she sometimes reminds me of me. she's about eight years older than me and usually i find it hard to connect with people over five years older/younger, but somehow she manages to remind me of when i was a dorky teenager. she reminds me of the best parts of being a teenager-- or at least, turns the bad parts into good. i think it's because there's a part of her that still is very much a teenager, and there's a part of me that isn't, but strongly remembers adolescence and wishing for a more likeminded friend so that things wouldn't be so lonely. my HS friends were awesome people, but we get along because we have compatible personalities, not because we share the same beliefs and interests. it would've been freakin' cool to have had a friend back then who was queer and wanted to write slashfic and growl and headbop stupidly to korn.
BROSEPH WILL BE IN AUSTRALIA!! EEEE i am excited. we are going to eat steaks like manly men and hunt for ghosts and visit ballarat. our combined awesomeness will make monster trucks spontaneously combust.