Camera wierdness and other things

Aug 25, 2007 18:26

Is is possible for a data storage card in a digital camera to become compromised? For instance from exposure to a magnetic field, or something of the sort. My camera hasn't been working properly in a long still takes photos, but they are usually fuzzy or have lines on them. Since I don't want to replace the darned camera, if I can avoid it, I was wondering if any of you have experienced a messed up data card.

You guys doing anything fun this weekend?

Today I decided to make myself a couple of skirts. One of them will be out of this russet colored stretch velveteen that I initially got to make into a dress, had actually started to put it together, and then somehow in the several moves that I have done over the last few years, I lost some of the dress parts. Becoming a skirt seems like a good use of something that would be near impossible to match..I think I got it out of the Annex at Mill Ends, and for certain they don't have anymore. Probably a black stretchy cotton skirt, too.

Right...I'm gonna go and watch bad movies for a while...I'll come and visit you guys later.
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