It's Gonna B-b-b-be Frikkin' Awesome!

Mar 10, 2008 20:33

Mn, had me a good weekend. Vagina Monologues were great, although the new addition about Katrina survivors was marred by the weird pronunciation of "New Orleans" as "New Or-LEENS" by the presenter. But what can you do? Kicking it with Mike was fun, although much of it was spent doing Portuguese homework (the last of the quarter), and there were some awesome new developments. Hanging at Jerry's was similarly amusing, although there was a heck of a lot of booze around. Got very little sleep and I don't regret it. Maybe I'll start on a normal sleep schedule because of it.

I was dumb and didn't read all the text on the class info and had to cancel my enrollment in Italian Theater because, hey, apparently to be in that class you need to speak Italian. So 'tis the Classic Russian Novel for me three times a week if I don't get into the Fiction Writing workshop again, boo hiss. I gotta figure out what to submit for that...maybe I should take a poll. Any ideas, people who've read any of my work? It'll probably have to be between three and five pages, otherwise I'd probably just turn in 1001 Things. Sometimes I doubt the strength of my work as a writer, but I might as well try at least one more time, right?

Oh, my download of the newest episode of the Midwest Teen Sex Show is done. Catch you sluggers later!

Edit: Oh, yeah, and the wig I bought off a chick on as a potential Xellos wig arrived today and it looks pretty bitchin'. Thick and long, a lot of hair to work with. Gotta crop it down a little and fix the bangs, but other than that it's pretty stellar for $17 and my purposes, even if it's a skin-circle rather than a skin-part wig. So hooray for little pleasures.

spring quarter, class, midwest teen sex show, writing, cosplay

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