On Nature Drunk and High

Mar 07, 2008 15:45

Had a presentation on Fernando Pessoa in Portuguese today, and for once I think I didn't totally blow it! It was actually pretty fun, and Ana seemed to get everything I was saying...except I did say "carteira" when I meant "carta," but oh well. I think I did pretty well for me, and not too badly on the test either.

Mike's here, hangin' out and being a good sport like always. We're gonna go see the UCSC production of The Vagina Monologues tonight, and I'm quite looking forward to it. It won't be as good as seeing Tia, but it ought to be fun nonetheless.

Say hi, Mike!


And there you have it, folks.

Also, I've written something. I think it's for Tia, although I didn't realize that while I was writing it. Anyway, go read it if you like and tell me what-all you think: http://www.fictionpress.com/s/2485461/1/Poppet

Anyway, time to do homework so that the weekend can be spent dicking around.

tia, mike, writing, portuguese

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