It's officially goose Spring; I found the first goose egg of the season. Around here Spring isn't based off of a date on the calendar, it's whenever the geese start laying and lasts till they stop.
The girls and I went shopping in the county of freedom. We met up with our old glass instructor who lives out that way. She had texted me out of the blue last week. I think the social isolation was getting to her. She brought her dog, Lyric, with them so S could give him pets. I gave her a couple dozen eggs, and successfully refused offers
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From the perspective of our layers, Spring has sprung. One goose has been laying for a few weeks, yesterday I found two duck eggs, and last week the new chickens left me these:
She is growing back some skin and feathers around the edges of her injury. She started picking off scabs yesterday, but I think the freshly exposed layer looks ok. The bits she tore off kind of looked like cooked skin, possibly from the alcohol I had to pour on her when we were struggling with the maggot infestation on her first night of extreme
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