So let's get through this

Nov 21, 2010 15:56

Updating my livejournal has been on my to do list forever and it is about time I get it done. That might mean I don't run the budget reports, but so be it. I don't really feel like running the budget reports anyway...heheh. So last I checked I was going on September. So the month of September I was in weeks 17-21 of the pregnancy. It was a very frustrating month living with Rachel. I was just getting very tired of her inability to communicate and bumblign around, leaving messes or putting things away not the way she found them, and kind of entitled attitude towards certain things- especially driving my car, or just in general using our house. She has never once said thank you for sharing dinner I cooked with her, driving her places (not offered any gas money either), or for inviting her places with my friends. Last week I paid for her at the Bishop museum because I worried the entry fee was too much, after I thought it would only be $5.00, and she did not say thank you then either. This things are still happening, but they are not bothering me as much I have used my phone a friend option- mainly my other sister-in-law to talk these things out, and I have just tried to look past it. She will be out in a week..woohoo, and I will be happy to have her as a sister-but not as someone I have to constantly be in contact with. So anyway Tim was very helpful during the month of September in dealing with Rachel. He would heat me up milk with cinnamon and just listen to what I had to say. So it was really nice to have him around in September. Let's see some days, points of notes:

Labor Day weekend

9/3- gym, groceries, watch a scary movie of some sort about a mental asylum and a couple of cleaners who are taking care of it, but go crazy while doing it
9/4- Hanauma Bay with Tim, was a lot of fun- saw a ton of fish, most notably a couple humus of different varities, plus tankgs, parrot fish, wrasses, and the like..afterward went to Kona Brewery so Tim could have a beer and I could get some yummy pupus. Then came home made dinner and watched Pandorum with Rachel...didn't think it was that scary, but definitely a good movie.
9/5 BBQ with Kat and Aiden. We went swimming first, Kat and I had fun talking and getting to know each other while Aiden monopolized Tim's time. He was so in love. Then we made bbq chicken, mashed potatos and corn, and had tiramisu for dessert...fantastic :)
9/6 Hiked Maunawilli Falls with Tim and Rachel. AFterward Rachel was acting really wierd..whispering on her phone and getting ancy about getting in the car. eventually she announced she was going to the beach and we could drop her off at the bus stop. No inviting us, no anything just that...whatever...

The next week was a little stressful because the Neon was in the shop, so Tim and I were sharing the civic. I'm a little weird about my cars, I don't know why I just get nervous about things happening to them, and people being rough on them. Like Tim and Care both can be rough on the is all gas break gas break. I wish this didn't bother me, but I just feel out of control and I hate when people drive my car. So sitting back while TIm drove took a lot of self control on my part. It is going to be the same when people come when I'm really really pregnant and getting ready to have Marguerite. I think that is why I get so annoyed when Rachel doesn't even ask to drive the Neon, and I just don't like it being out of control. Oiy I don't know, I wish I didn't care so much how people drove my car...and at the same time I wish people would drive it a little

So anywho, that was a bit of a pain carpooling with Tim, but it happens and we got over it. The next week was nice we did some swimming, I ran for the first time in a while..and while it was a little painful (and I stopped) from my belly, it still felt great.

The second weekend in September Tim and I met up with his friend from Arizona and we hiked up the Ka Iwa Trail out by Kailua. It was hot, and a little steep, but I did pretty good and the top had a gorgeous view of Waimanalo, Kailua, and K-Bay. Minimal effort for a great view. AFterward we went down to Kailua beach to go relax in the water a bit. Tim and I thought we were going to Lanikai beach, but then we realized we were supposed to go Kailua. So we figured we would just walk along the beach to get there since they a pretty much connected. But we ended up between a rock wall and some dead coral rocks with waves washing up and trying to trip us up. It was not the best situation to be in 18 weeks pregnant, so we finally found a set of stairs and walked the rest of the way on the sidewalk. We had a wonderful time out in the water at Kailua, just floating and talking with Tim's friend from Arizona. The beach up there is always so relaxing. That evening we did karaoke with the Delta spouses. We had a blast. Everyone got really into it, Tim paid for an extra hour for all of us to stay, and got kinda drunk. It was a good time for everyone. WE pretty much all sang our songs together, in the little karaoke room, so no one got singled out :) WE even got Rachel singing some songs. Afterward we got Tim some more beer and watched Gi Joe with him, since he was begging to do more. I'm pretty sure that Sunday we just hung out, went swimming with Kat and Aiden and got Zippys, then did some grocery shopping.

The next week was Tim's last. I loved having him, but I could tell he was ancy to get home to be with Care and Liam (especially with LIam's first birthday coming up) and I was ancy for time to start passing a little faster. I only had to work three days, then I got leave WEdnesday night for New Jersey. The red eye was great there, very comfortable and not full. I got to watch a couple episodes of house, and actually got a little sleep..even though I sware I felt her kick me and wake me up. My Aunt Maren took the day off, and came to pick me up at the airport :) She got me Dunkin Donuts, brought me home, we spent some time with Anna talking about her job and what she ws up to, and then they had some errands to run so I took a shower and just took a few minutes to relax. Meanwhile Wolfgang got into my supply of flaming hot cheetos..that punk. Pretty soon Elena showed up with Tristian. What a cute little boy he is turning into. A real smiler...everything seems to make him smile. I spent some time catching up Elena and playing with Tristian while my aunt made us dinner. It was a nice relaxing night to catch up with family.

The next day I went with Elena up to Sussex county to help her finish up her court case. It was nice to be there for her when she needed someone, it was a very nervewracking experience, but everything turned out good for her, so I was really happy. Sussex county is beautiful, it is a part of New JErsey I could actually see myself moving to someday. Afterward I met up with Anjum, who was acting a little strange, but it turns out she was weirded out by the way her Mom was acting. She didn't think the Mom would let me in the house while she got her things, but that was fine. I just hung out outside and got the GPS ready for our trip. Then we stopped for some snacks...tastykakes cus I can't get them in HI, and some other things and headed out towards PA. It was a long drive, but we were in good spirits, didn't hit too much traffic outside of PHilly, and took the time to catch up a lot. Had to stop often for the baby, but Anjum didn't mind. We rolled into the Tunnel Inn around 10, checked into our room - there was no innkeeper present, but they left everything out for was the cutest place :) The whole inn is run right next to train tunnels, where freight trains carry things across the state of Pennsylvania. Most of the people who stay there are train enthusiasts whol like to hang out at the train musuem, and sit on the deck and watch trains. They bring breakfast to your room each morning, and you can sit out on the deck and eat it while watching trains come through...or you could have a fire in the little outdoor fireplace...a really really cute place. After we arrived, we went straight to Diesel's to hang out with her and the bridesmaids, and Tank. IT was so great seeing them. Nice to catch up, show off the little baby bump, and relax with old friends.

That is all for now..didn't get as much done as I had hoped, but that is the story of my life.
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