where to start

Oct 23, 2010 23:05

So a quick run down of life since I last updated:

Andie and I's trip to the Big ISland was so great. The first day we woke up hella early to make a 5:50 am flight. We got there, got my bosse's truck, got some snacks at the KTA, and first drove down to the Southern most point of the U.S. which is the southern tip of the Big Island. Can't excactly remember what it is called, then we drove to Punalu'u Black Sand beach to check the volcanic rock and sea turtles. NExt was a drive to the Volcano National Park. After a quick stop at the visitors center, we drove into the park and saw the Kilauea Calderon, and walk through these awesome huge caves that the lava formed called lava tunnels. Unfortunately we were both exhausted and starving at this point, so we didn't spend as much time as we wanted to there. Then we drove into Volcano for lunch at a little cafe. Then we headed up towards our place for the night, stopping along the way to check out Lauapahoehoe Beach, it is this gorgeous but more spiritual place along the eastern shore of the Big Island, at one time there was a school there, but in 1941 there was a huge tsunami that hit the school playyard and killed 37 people. THe site and the memorial now are very beautiful and humbling. After we drove up to Honoka'a to stay in my bosses' place. We showered, bought strombolli in the little Italian place in town, and watched Baby's Mama :) The next day we drove out to Waipio Look out and I got so show Andie the valley and the beach, then we drove down to Kona town. WE were hoping to rent some boards and go paddle on the bay, but the place we were going was sold out. So we stopped for coffee then drove down the coast further to Kona boys to rent a couple of boards there. WE wanted to paddle out at Kealakaha Bay so Kona Boys hooked us up with a launching area on a little private boat ramp- after a little bit of craziness getting the boards in and going (Andie wouldn't let me lift them) we start out into the bay. The area around the rocks was a little tough to get around, but once we got in to the bay it was calm and smooth sailing. Too bad the day was a bit overcast so it wasn't as nice as it could be, but it kept me from getting dehyrdrated. I was a little bit faster than Andie, but I think that was because I just felt so good to be out on the water again and holding a paddle. We wanted to get out to Captain Cook Monument but it was just a little too far so we turned back in. AFter a little scuffling getting the boards back on the car we turned them back in and stopped at a beach park to shower and clean up. Then we drove up to Waimea and had some Chinese food at the Jade palace. On Sunday we had to do some work checking out my bosses' lot and the realty market in Honoka'a. Then we drove down the coast towards Hilo town stopping at Akaka Falls to take a short hike and check out the waterfalls. Then we went to Hilo where I started feeling really sick and dizzy, so I tried eating while Anide shopped- and ended up throwing up. Then we went to a Kava/coffee bar for food, and a discussion about the kava roots and its qualities. Afterward we went to the airport and caught our flight home exahusted but happy. The next day Andie went home :( IT was so sad because I love having her around, we get along really well and are just really comfortable with each other. Her last day we went to Cheeseburger Waikiki downtown with Rachel and hung out for a bit. The next weekend we hung out with the spouses for the first time for Spouses Night out... we went to Dennys for dinner and then a little Yacht Club called La Mariana where they got some drinks and we all had fun just hanging out and getting to know each other. The weekend after Bridget, Kat, Rachel and I went to the Ho'omaluhia Botanical up in Kaneohe. Prior to that Rachel and I watched the wahine paddlers take off for the Dad's Center race, it was awesome and humbling :) Then we hung out on Kailua beach for a bit, swimming in the beautiful water and enjoying a pretty empty beach sine it ws so early. The next week my sister and Mom came in on Tuesday. It was so wonderful seeing them and Liam, even if the house got a little crazy between my Mom and Liam... The first Wed they were here I had my doctor's appointment. They got to hear the heartbeat, and it sounded wonderful. STarting week 14 or week 13 I started feeling a lot better withthe pregnancy, and slowly gaining a little belly. I started feeling much more comfortable, which really scared me, but hearing her heartbeat made it all better. Afterward for the rest of the week, I enjoyed spending time with Care, Tim, Liam, and Mom. Taking Liam to the park, and just relaxing it was nice. Friday night we went to dinner at Care and Tim's house to visit their renters- they always make us a ton of delicious local kine food :) Such sweet people. IT is always sad going back into that house though. So many happy and sad memoreis all rolled into one. It has a distinctive smell..whether my sister lives in it, or her tenants, and it is all there...it rushes into you when you enter in. Saturday we went to Danielle and Will's weddin gin the morning at this gorgeous little beach next to Waimanalo Sherwood beach. IT was a beautiful beach ceremony, and the reception at the Hawaii Kai country club was elegant, fun, and delicious. We got to spend some time hanging out with Pam and Benny, and Liam got his butt kicked by Dog the Bounty Hunter's grandaughter, who is about 2 months older than he is. We had to leave early to meet up with this random guy Ray, we met trying to find a truck to move the two man canoe= and this guy thought Tim sounded like a nice guy and agreed to help us out! It was awesome, and so nice to get it to a secure place until we move somewhere with more storage :) Yay. Then we stayed at the Makaha house to watch the UFC fight and eat lots of meatty dishes. The next day we took Liam to the zoo for this birthday. We had fun- it is actually apretty nice zoo, and Liam got into a few parts of it. Especially the tiger- which roared really loudly before we went and Liam got all excited about the "kitty." He also got really into a petting zoo, where he pulled the hair on a goat and caused the goat to go into confinement area, and then he really got into the hippos! He stood up and put his face against the glass as the hippo passed right underneath him. Kori and Nate came with Issac, and it ended up being a really fun day. After we went home and took LIam in the pool. It was so much fun takin ghim swimming, especially with his little inner tube. After swimming we had birthday cake and hung out, the poor birthday boy was pretty exhausted by that point though, and he was ready for sleep. That pretty much brings me to September..phew at least I got somewhere.
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