Boccone Dolce - demistified!

Sep 27, 2010 02:30

Many times I try to replicate cakes that I have tried in restaurants. This one is not an exception. First time ever I tried Boccone Dolce was at Papa Haydn's, a desert place w/ cakes and deserts that are sure to please even the most picky desert lovers.
This is a very light and fruity desert that literally melts in the mouth and has been a family favorite for quite some time now.



10 egg whites
1.5 cups sugar
1 teaspoon cream of tartar
1/4  teaspoon salt

2.5 cups whipping cream
1 cup sour cream
1/4 teaspoon citric acid or 1.5 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoons vanilla extract

100 grams semisweet chocolate

Berries/fruits of your choice (strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, blackberry or other)

Turn the oven to 200F.

Line a 14 inch, round baking pan with parchment (I use a pizza pan). Parchment paper is important; otherwise the merinuge will not come off the pan.

For the meringue:
Whip the egg whites at medium speed to soft peaks (about a minute). Add the cream of tartar (to stabilize the egg whites)  and salt (loosens up the fibers, allowing them to whip up to maximum volume).
Turn the mixer to high and gradually start adding sugar, letting the egg whites whip to stiff peaks and pearl color.
Transfer the egg whites to the parchment lined baking pan, spreading the meringue into an even layer.
Place the pan in the oven and let the meringue bake for 10-12 hours (You can bake it overnight. Baking the meringue at a low temperature ensures that the meringue does not turn beige and dries thoroughly)
Turn off the oven, leave the oven door ajar and let the meringue cool down for 30 minutes (Otherwise the drastic change in temperature will crack the meringue).
Melt the chocolate over a double boiler. Transfer it into a plastic bag/pastry bag. Trim off the end of the corner of the bag.
Cover the meringue in "strips" of chocolate, making sure that most of the meringue is covered in chocolate. (do not just spoon the chocolate over and spread it. The chocolate will prevent the cream from making the meringue a bit softer).

Pour the cold heavy whipping cream into a mixer bowl and start whisking it, gradually going from low to high speed.
As soon as the whip cream starts to thicken up, gradually add the sugar.
When the whip cream is whipped up, add the sour cream, lemon juice and vanilla and whip for another 10-20 seconds, to incorporate.
Do not over beat. Once the whip cream is whipped up, do not continue whipping. If you over-whip, the cream will break.

After the chocolate has set on the meringue, either spoon or using the pastry bag cover the meringue with the cream.
Layer the fruit on top of the cream, pushing the fruit into the cream.
Fruits need to be dry, otherwise they will "bleed"
If you're going to use strawberry, cut it up.
Refrigerate the cake for at least 5 hours.

*For the meringue, you can use either the egg whites that are sold separately from the egg yolks (in carton boxes), or you can separate the egg yourself.

*The dried meringue can be stored at room temperature for a week in a sealed container/wrapped up; you can also freeze it.

*The chocolate is used as a barrier for the cream, if layered on too thin, too much cream will penetrate the cream, if layered too thick, the meringue will stay dry and will be hard to cut.

*If you're using fruit with a lot of acid, use less acid in the cream.

*Originally the cake is made with three layers, but I prefer to have one thicker layer as it is much easier to cut and eat it.

Bon Appetite!

Малина, Ягоды, Шоколад, Украшение Торта, Сливки, Безе, Голубика, Десерт

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