Naruto fic: "Haven 4/4" (Naruto/Gaara, NC - 17)

Jan 04, 2008 11:44

Title: Haven 4/4
Pairing(s): Naruto/Gaara (unresolved SasuNaru in the back)
Warning(s): Angst-a-bundle.
Genre(s): … angst? Introspection?
Rating: NC - 17
Word Length: 22,500 (in total)
Description: Temari wasn’t entirely honest when she sought Naruto’s help. She said Gaara had been missing for a few days, but he’d been missing for a few weeks ( Read more... )

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Comments 66

questofdreams January 4 2008, 18:22:59 UTC
*gushes all over you* (wow, that sounds SO WRONG XDDD)

I can't even begin to say how much I love this fic. Like... SO FREAKEN MUCH. T_T

*lays pieces of her heart at your feet* D:

Also, I talked with Myra and if you're game, we're thinking we could do a 'christmas in July' thing with the community again :D y/n? (you mentioned to me at one point that you wanted to do this again... right? XD)


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 20:38:17 UTC
*picks up pieces and hides them with the cucumber, in the safe* MY PRECIOUSSSSSSSS!!!11evelnty!

Gush on me all you want, hot mamma!

Yeah, I would totally love to do a July thing! I think this one worked out so well, and since it's such a small and manageable group, we should try and keep it active. I hope the rest thinks so too.


transient_words January 4 2008, 18:35:02 UTC
God, I loved this piece and am only three steps away from writing a love confession to you. This is gorgeous; absolutely gorgeous and ... well, I don't think I can review this coherently. So, please forgive me, if I don't make any sense: I'm just too euphoric and pleased that you updated and shared something this brilliant ( ... )


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 20:54:53 UTC
Well... wow. Color me flattered. To death. Truly.

I'm honestly glad that the characters felt so IC. Most of the time, I kept rereading and erasing bits, because Naruto whined too much, and Gaara was too emotional. There were some bits where Gaara just had to be raw and exposed, but most of the time, writing his reactions and then making them more restrained was... difficult.

Writing Sasuke was easier because he gets ticked off much more quickly. I liked him in this fic precisely because he was so messed up. Usually, in other fics, I try to get him to resolve his issues... but it worked better here if he continued to be a mess. So, it's good to know he was frustrating to read, because it was frustrating to write him (and yet, probably, this is more IC than actually straightening him out).

there was no rushing of things, but a progress

That's why the fic turned out so long, in the end. I wanted Gaara and Naruto to naturally end up together, but the more I wrote, the more I realized it was something that couldn't just 'happen'.

It's ( ... )


starbeams January 4 2008, 18:48:37 UTC
Oh my god. This goes in my list of greatest fics ever.

I experienced so many emotions reading this, and with the final scene with Sasuke and Naruto, my heart just ached for Sasuke. But you just made it all better with how Naruto pictured his future with Sasuke. And I'm just so happy that Gaara can be happy and Naruto's babbling and gahh. I loved it so much.

And you write Gaara smut very well I might add xD

Really amazing amazing job <3


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 20:42:13 UTC
with the final scene with Sasuke and Naruto, my heart just ached for Sasuke.

I wanted to give Sasuke a fitting conclusion, somehow. It couldn't be happy, but it could be a 'maybe happy someday' kind of ending. Naruto wouldn't stop caring about him, but he couldn't be responsible for Sasuke's happiness either. I liked having that as a conclusion to their messy affair.

Ahahaah! Thanks, though I still maintain it's very hard to do. :3

Thank you so much for the review!


milosflaca January 4 2008, 19:12:15 UTC
Puchas pues la verdad quisiera muchisimo poder leer esto, pero comenze a leerlo y no entendia ni jota.... asi que bueno.


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 20:36:45 UTC
Asi es la vida mujer. Yo tampoco entiendo mucho del popslash. XD


milosflaca January 4 2008, 21:07:52 UTC
recuerdas cuando eran tiempos mas sencillos, y ambas estabamos en un solo fandom??? XD

Cuando regrese adalisa (es que ella si sabe de naruto), lo leo y le pregunto, porque solo he leido un solo manga de la series, asi que bueno.
Pero por otro lado me encanta como escribeeeees! (algun dia tendre que obligarte a escribir UN fic de popslash para mua. yes, yes)


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 21:33:19 UTC
Bueno, es un shonen al mas puro estilo shonen, pero a mi me gusta mucho el storytelling del autor!

Pero, ah si.... tiempos aquellos de unidad.


fye_d_wlowright January 4 2008, 20:17:12 UTC
Well... wow.

I loved it . Every part of it. You definitaly need to write more GaaNaru.

oh, and did i already mentioned that i loved it :D


crazy_toffee January 4 2008, 20:39:32 UTC
Thank you! I love hearing people enjoy my stuff. (don't we all?)

I might write more GaaNaru at some point, since this fic definitively gave me a taste for the pairing, but I'm still more for SasuNaru or GaaLee. Oh well, you never know, right? :)


fye_d_wlowright January 4 2008, 22:48:20 UTC
Well i too like SasuNaru a lot more, but its nice to read something else ocassionally. And then there is also ItaNaru which is my current obsessions

I hope that someday i run against some other GaaNaru fic written by you :)

At least its good to have some hope ;D


crazy_toffee January 5 2008, 15:11:40 UTC
its nice to read something else ocassionally.

Oh, definitively. I also branch out from time to time into other stuff. Generally, I will read anything that's well written (to my tastes) and has character development. (and possibly smut. Ahaahah...XD)

I don't know if I'll ever write GaaNaru again. I sort of want to pick up my more 'mainstream' SasuNaru projects now, but you never know.

;D Thanks for the feedback!


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