(no subject)

Oct 30, 2008 17:06

Hello, LiveJournal! It's me, Sarah Palin, reporting from the campaign trail during this exciting campaign's final days between the terrorist and the maverick. Vote for the maverick and vote for me, Sarah Palin this coming Tuesday! Even though those silly polls say that that socialist man who pals around with terrorists and wants to raise your taxes is going to win, those polls are conducted by people like Katie Couric, who asked me really hard and unimportant questions. Who cares about the Supreme Court, anyway? All the Supreme Court did was kill a bunch of beautiful babies, like my Trig, that's what it did.
Beautiful babies who are in need of a good mommy, who will take them to see hockey games and the polar bears and the oil wells that will be built when Mr. McCain is president and will teach them how to hold a gun or ask for money for a specific purpose and then spend it on something else, you know.

I love doing that. Mavericks do that all the time, because we change our minds on what's important and because those silly Washington elite people just don't understand what it's like to be a governor.

Todd took Bristol to her first ultrasound last week. He sent me a scan of my new grandbaby through that funny personal email account that I used for government business. I don't see what's wrong with that! I just don't understand any other email program besides Yahoo, and I don't understand why those silly commentators who have nothing to do but, what do they call it "swim the Web," "spin the Web"...something the Web...accuse me of being unprofessional because I used Yahoo for official, top-secret business.
Todd said in the message that Bristol is afraid of the labor pain, but you know what I said? I said that she needs to suck up and deal with it, and it's God punishing her for being such a whore of a daughter. And then I told him to tell her that she must pray to God and thank Him for not letting her be a murderer too.

Mr. McCain told me that I need to read the Bible sometime, because he said that I can't keep on saying I love God if I can't back it up with his Word. But you know what, just like with Mr. Bush, I listen to my pastor and I know that because he's a leader, he must know what God says. I am a leader, but everyone I know in Alaska loves Jesus as much or more than I do. Except those pagan Eskimos, but we don't think about them very much, except when Todd makes us pray.

Well, another email just came into my Yahoo inbox and it says that I need to stop blogging and release a statement or something about my fellow Republican Alaskan government member, who was falsely charged the other day, just like I was. But we're Republicans and we say it's every man, or hockey mom, for themselves. See you tomorrow!

humor, politics

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