Oct 08, 2008 18:30
God it annoys me when Big Day Out tickets go on sale. the line-up this year is SHIT HOUSE as usual, shitty bands that have popped up in the last year, and will fade just as quickly. More so i hate the FUCKING IDIOTS who buy tickets to the BDO. People go just cause it's like 'omg bdo i wanna go and party like some fucken bogan with an aussie flag tied to my neck so i can look cool while i head bang to shitty music'.
The people in this country are so fucked and sad. Looking on my msn list, two people are already like 'omg bdo tickets' on their msn nicknames. Both people have such a crappy opinion on music, they wouldn't even have a taste. Why would they be all like 'omg big day out', it would be like me going 'omg i have footy tickets' who the fuck cares!
My brother got tickets, what a nob head, it's such a sad event.