hiya old friend

Mar 14, 2010 00:53

love all, trust a few, do wrong to none. -William Shakespeare

the thing is, that even though so many horrible things continue to happen to me. i must always keep that quote up there in mind.

love all,

i do. even the people who have let me down and left me behind. i can only for my own sake if nothing else i must love them to be able to let go. to let go of my anger and disappointment. because the only thing holding on to that will do is continue to hold me back. so im done with it. resentment will not be apart of my life any more.

trust a few,

trust. is one of the most valuable things i think i can offer anyone else or that they can offer me. the fact that they know i can trust them and they can trust me is something to be cared for and appreciated. from trust so much can grow and thrive to make life bearable and worth living. its what makes love possible.

do wrong to none.

i was watching some movie the other day and a character in it brought up a very good point about humanity. we as people destroy a lot. whether its intentional or not. it happens. so our conscious efforts should go to repairing our world though humanity and with nature i think. so i will try to be a repairer rather than a destroyer. but as cliche as it is two wrongs dont ever make a right. and i realize that more and more everyday.

so no matter what people have done to hurt me either on purpose or not. i forgive them. im over it. and i will move forward. because there is so much love out there im done worry about hate.

that is all.

(missed you livejournal. im glad you still exist.)
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