I'd like to apologize for anyone to whom I've been, ah, strange in the past week. I'm not sure how this effect came about or what caused it to vanish so abruptly; I understand that such things happen here on a regular basis. So I'm not sure I should be relieved, here. Mrr.
My Portal gun isn't working anymore, though :(
My loft is looking much better now, and I've even found some equipment that would be usable with only minimal repair. The pedal-operated sewing machine is running already, so I'm available for mending works, although they are rather dull. It seems a more immediate concern than checking the printing house again, however, especially with winter coming in.
I'm not sure I would have the ability to store up for winter by myself - does organized trade happen here? It all seems impromptu. Perhaps we should set up a market.
Mr. Near, have you considered my offer?