Communication: IT'S ALL LIES [voice]

Oct 28, 2008 17:42

Someone's watching.

I know they are. I feel them. The cameras. These little tech pieces have all got cameras in them, I'm telling you someone is watching us. I'm telling you these things are not safe I should throw this one away but I've got to warn you first.

Don't trust computers. Don't trust anything with a camera in it. You don't know who could be watching. There's someone here who can kill you if he sees your face. Just like that. I'm telling you someone's watching us all or maybe many someones and I don't like it I don't like it at all. I don't like this place, it's an awful maze and all the streets look the same and there are no people. But someone's still watching.

At least I have my gun. I'm getting out. I can get out of anything.

I'm getting out right now. Stop looking at me.

((OOC: Portal!Tanith has GLaDOS-induced paranoia alas. Fun game is not so much fun to live in...)

identity crisis, so alone, the establishment lies to you, mindfuck, i want my cake, event: halloween

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