Communication: market day

Nov 05, 2008 19:15

Attention, Adstringendum.

If winter isn't already here, it's definitely on its way, and I, at least, am not sure how many of us here in the city have everything they need to safely get through it. We seem to have people with all sorts of talents here capable of producing all sorts of things, but individual talent will only get you so far.

I'd like to hold an open market this day next week, where everyone could come by to trade goods and services before getting either becomes more difficult. Not far from my house there's a small convention center that I think would suit us; the coordinae are [x,y] if you wish to take a look.

Interested people, please to be sounding off, and tell us what you'd bring so that people can know it's worth coming.

Also - does anyone know what this bird is called? There are a couple nesting on my windowsill. They don't seem hard to tame - I'll see about it when the eggs hatch.

the art of stuff, oh look nature, civil enterprise, cooperation and commonwealth, communicating

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