There’s nothing more refreshing after a long day out in the blinding hot sun than an ice cold beer. Encased in preserved road kill. No, really.
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My mother-in-law HATES squirrels. She’s the type who likes every leaf and branch picked up in the yard and the squirrels - I swear on mah life y’all - THROW tree nuts at her while she’s out there. It’s like they know how upset she gets. Their little beady eyes light up when they see her.
Which is why I totally wanna get her one of these for her
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When I was young we lived in a rural area with our home backing on to a ravine. During the winter months our house became somewhat of a hostel for those vagrant travelers. My mom, petrified of mice would send my younger brother and I into the house first to check the traps and give her the all clear.
Seriously. She would wait in the car and send in
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This ‘purse,’ (and I use that term loosely) reminds me of Jack Nicholson. Kinda odd looking, put together wrong, over-confident, and in need of a comb.