Log dump: 'Fun' on Chumley's island

Jun 11, 2008 17:55

Ironhide: Groggily, Ironhide wakes up, rubbing his helm and sitting up carefully, "...the frag...?" The last thing he remembered was driving back from watching that movie with the younglings, and then a fall...and then nothing. Wait...the younglings! He looks around, spotting Longarm, but Landmine isn't anywhere in sight. Shaking Longarm's shoulder gently, he tries to comm Landmine, and curses when he gets an error message.

Longarm: Longarm chirps groggily when he's shaken, but begins booting back up, optics flickering in confusion at the number of error messages blinking at him. Most disconcertingly is his GPS reading a big fat blank in the middle of nowhere - he's not anywhere near where he should be - not on base, or any of the roads near it. And there are...green plant things in his face, tickling his optics and facial plates; things he's never seen anywhere but on images from the internet. Things like that don't grow in the desert. With a grunt, he sits up, towing arm curled up tight against his back, displaying his apprehension, and he gives Ironhide a confused look.

Ironhide: "You alright, kid?" Ironhide asks, concerned, still looking for Landmine and growing more worried by the klik. He runs a systems check, finding that his comms, transformation and GPS are down, and curses again, his optics narrowing. Where the /frag/ were they? And where was Landmine?

Longarm: "I...think so. I am not damaged, though I have many error messages... I-I do not think I can transform!" Longarm suddenly realizes, voice going mildly shrill. Even after all this time, going into tow truck mode is still a comfort for him, and the sudden, seemingly forced /lack/ of it is disconcerting to say the least.

Ironhide: Ironhide frowns, "What error messages? And I can't transform, either. I don't like this." He ends that with a low growl, sending a quick pulse to Ratchet through their Bond to let him know he's okay. For the moment.

Longarm: "My GPS is not working. Neither are my maps. I...do know know where I am. There is 'an unauthorized breach of circuity', which is probably why I cannot /transform/!" Longarm says, starting out mostly calm before his voice goes up mildly high once again. He /can't transform/! The mere idea is enough to make his towing arm retract closer to his body in discomfort.

Ironhide: "We'll figure out what's going on, kid," he pulls Longarm into a hug, trying to comfort him. He's troubled by this as well, especially by the fact that he can't comm Landmine and find out if he's /okay/. "Alright. Here's what we're going to do first. We need to find Landmine, make sure he isn't damaged, and then we'll figure out where the slag we are."

Longarm: Longarm meeps incomprehensibly and gives in to the urge to cling, holding on tight to Ironhide's armor for however long the mech will allow him. /He can't transform, he can't transform-!/ "Landmine is...not here?" He asks, his plaintive voice muffled from pressing his face against the older mech's armor, suddenly concerned for his friend now that he knows he's missing. "He was...with us before."

Ironhide: Ironhide rubs the youngling's back comfortingly, then pulls away, looking for any sign of where Landmine may have gone. "I'm sure he's fine, he probably just wandered off to find help..." Except for the fact that there seems to be no footprints leading away, and that the trees are pretty densely packed, too dense for a mech the buggy's size to have gone through without some sort of sign.

Longarm: Longarm only reluctantly pulls away when Ironhide does, glancing around the forest for the signs Landmine's passage, slowly finding some of the same /lack/ of signs as Ironhide did. "I...do not think he would leave us. He is...smart. He would likely stay if he was here. It is...safer, yes?"

Ironhide: "It is, yeah, but you never know." /Where the frag are they/? He's really starting to get worried now, and it's becoming more and more obvious that there are /no/ signs of anyone else besides them, at least of roughly their size, having been there.

Longarm: "Perhaps," Longarm admits, looking around curiously, but never venturing far from Ironhide's side. Something about this is making the armor on his back tighten protectively...

Ironhide: Ironhide tries to patch his systems and get his comms working, but with no luck, "Fraggin' /Pit/! Why are my comms down?" He looks around cautiously, thinking of any other form of long-range communication he could use, and grins slightly as he remembers one, letting out a loud burst of Cybertronian in a pitch far too high for most organic creatures to hear.

Longarm: "My comms are down as wel-!!" Longarm /squeals/, jumping, door wings flaring, completely startled by the outburst, hands coming up to cover his audio crest despite the actual physical lack of a need to do so.

Ironhide: "Frag...I forgot. You two don't know Cybertronian, do you?" Well, there went that idea. He creates a file for Longarm of the language so he can at least understand it, and opens up a panel in his wrist to pull out a small cable, "Here, lemme see your wrist. Can't send you the file wirelessly, but we can still manually uplink."

Longarm: Longarm just stares of a moment, at a loss, before silently offering Ironhide his arm. He's never...'uplinked' with anyone before. Is it going to hurt? ...That's not how you interface, is it?

Ironhide: ...no, it's not how you interface, Longarm doesn't need to worry. Ironhide gently takes hold of his arm and looks at his wrist, finding the panel and popping it open, and then plugging his cable into a port. And, same as if he had sent a file wirelessly, Longarm /should/ get, ::Incoming file transfer: Accept Y/N?::

Longarm: Longarm watches on curiously, letting out a pleased huff from his intakes when it doesn't hurt or seem...bad. ::Accept Y:: He accepts the file and begins to integrate it into his systems, optics flickering as his processor churns away. "...Oh. Interesting..."

Ironhide: Once the transfer is done, he disconnects the cable and closes his panel, "Now you should be able to at least understand Cybertronian." To test it out, he then says, \\Understand me?\\

Longarm: Longarm stares at his arm for a moment before closing his own panel as well, nodding. "Yes. \\Yes...I believe so\\."

Ironhide: Ironhide smiles. "Good. Once we find Landmine, I'll need to transfer it to him too," glancing around, he picks a direction to go, "Stay close to me, kid. There's something fraggin' weird going on."

Longarm: "Alright..." Longarm agrees and follows Ironhide, peering around the strange place, noting the trees and massive plants, and the howls and calls of far-off and not so far away animals. "Are we...in a jungle?" Longarm asks, curious. It seems somewhat familar...

Ironhide: "Looks like it. Don't know /where/, though," he's careful to not disturb his surroundings any more than he has to, though there's still a noticable trail forming due to his size; he's not liking this at all, and just wants to find Landmine and go home.

Longarm: Longarm follows as carefully as he can, constantly turning around to look at all of their surroundings. He's still worried and confused, and maybe even a bit scared, but...this is starting to seem more and more like an expedition or something. Something like what Indy does, maybe?

Longarm: Of course, all the giant-sized stealth in the world isn't going to save them when, with a loud rustle and a crash-snap of small limbs and vines, something /big/ happens upon the two mechs. Something /big/ that hisses like a steam engine, and has scales that flash as it moves between the trees just out of proper sight.

Ironhide: Ironhide freezes, definitely hearing that, and looks around cautiously. He's pretty sure it's a reptile of some sort, though he doesn't remember any that are big enough to harm them, but this one's giving him a baaad feeling.

Longarm: Oh yes, it is a reptile, and even Longarm can tell which one it probably is. "...Snake. Big snake." He mutters, optics wide, Indiana Jones scenes running through his head. Indy's one weakness...

Meanwhile, the sound of the hissing gets louder - closer and higher up? If the mechs are paying attention, and they probably are, they might catch a glimse of a massive, dull golden set of eyes staring at them from head-height...before it strikes forward, lunging at them both.

Ironhide: Ironhide does see those eyes, and quickly ducks, yanking Longarm down with him and charging up a cannon, "Big fraggin' snake! I didn't think they got that big!"

Longarm: Longarm yelps and goes down with Ironhide, his towing arm swinging around onto his arm and folding up into his cannon before he even conciously thinks about it, suprising himself. The massive snake, most of its body still hidden within the bush, is likely fifty feet long if not more, and it's several feet thick around the middle. It hisses with anger, fangs bared as it lunges for the pair, striking lighting-quick. Longarm rolls to the side with a high electronic cry, instictually swinging his arm out to deflect the creature, only for it to latch on with a bite strong enough for fangs to pierce metal.

Ironhide: "Fraggin' /Pit/," Ironhide curses, optics narrowed at the gargantuan snake, "kid, don't panic!" With a growl, he drops to one knee, levels his cannon and shoots at the snake, about where its head meets its body; the blast is a low-powered one, meant to stun rather than kill.

Longarm: Unfortunately for them both, the snake isn't stunned by the blast. Rather, it's head is knocked back from it's hold on the sparkling with sounds of pain from them both, tearing armor (and probably losing a few fangs in the process,) hissing with rage. It lunges towards Ironhide, mouth agape, body flying out from the bushes in an attempt to coil, even as Longarm swings a pained left hook at the beast, trying to knock it off target.

Ironhide: Apparently, this is a tougher creature than he gave it credit for; upping the power, he shoots again, holding his other arm up just in case the snake is unaffected, "You alright?"

Longarm: The snake's head snaps back from the force of the blast, the rest of it's body flying back with it into the brush. With a loud, gurgling hiss, it slithers off rapidly, leaves rustling until it seems to be gone.

Longarm meanwhile, lets out a short reply, clicking and buzzing in base electronic sparkling binary with fear or anger or surprise, or even something inbetween them all, it's hard to tell. Obviously, his first 'battle' experience was a bit of a shock to his systems.

Ironhide: "Lemme see that," Ironhide stands up and takes a step towards him, holding out a hand, "hopefully it isn't too bad." He hasn't heard sparkling-binary in a /long/ time, and gently pats Longarm's shoulder with his other hand.

Longarm: Longarm huffs his intakes when he seems to realize he isn't speaking right, but drags himself up off the ground, flexing his doorwings as he offers Ironhide his arm for inspection. The fangs managed to leave a series of holes and gouges in a semi-circular shape on either side of his arm, though only the few deepest puncture marks are oozing energon.

Ironhide: Ironhide's not a medic, but having been close friends with one for several million years and having to patch his own minor wounds on the battlefield before, he's got some base knowledge. Inspecting Longarm's arm, he lets out a small, relieved sigh, "...it's minor. You'll be fine."

Longarm: Longarm just buzzes in acknowledgement, frowning briefly when the sound rather then words come from his vocalizer, but he shrugs it off, peering at his arm curiously. It does seem to be mostly alright. It itches a bit though, but if Ironhide says it will be fine, then it will probably pass. He looks back up at Ironhide and nods, jerking his gun towards the path they were taking before. He's ready.

Ironhide: "......Longarm?" He's not sure if Longarm intended to buzz or not, but he wants to make sure there's nothing else wrong, "You sure you're alright?"

Longarm: Longarm starts to reply, but clicks instead. With a frustrated look, he concentrates and his processor clicks as he selects the right language files, 'moving' them back into place. With a crackle of static from his vocalizer, he replies properly again, still frowning. "...Yes. I should be...fine now."

Ironhide: Ironhide quirks an optic ridge, "Let's go, then." He keeps his cannon powered and ready, just in case of any other Reptiles of Unusual Size, and heads off.

Longarm: Longarm nods and follows, gun still out on his arm and ready - maybe this time he'll actually get to fire it if they run into something. He's watching the forest a lot more closely this time, that's for sure.

Ironhide: For now, the forest is quiet, except for the occassional birdcalls and buzzing of insects, and the snapping of branches underneath their feet. The insects are very annoying, though, and he could definitely do without them.

Longarm: Longarm follows carefully, eyeing drooping vines cautiously until he can tell for sure that they're not snakes. ...He can see now why Indy hates snakes so much. The bug's annoying drone makes his audios hurt, too. They are so tiny, they could probably get stuck inside his head if they flew in. That doesn't sound like a fun thought...

Ironhide: No, it doesn't, and Ironhide is having similar thoughts. Once they find Landmine and get home, they're all going to need a good wash. He can see a bit of blue between the trees ahead, and chances another loud shout, this time in English, "Landmine!"

Longarm: A wash would be really good already, and they've just gotten started, really. They will probably be worse by the time they get back. As before, Longarm jumps when Ironhide yells, though not nearly as badly as he did the first time. "I...don't think he was with us before. Maybe he is...some place else?" Longarm asks, worried for his friend. Landmine wouldn't have just wandered off, he's fairly sure.

Ironhide: "Hopefully he's close by, at least," he's worried, and it's apparent in the slight waver of his voice as he says that, "he's /got/ to be." Heading closer to the break in the trees, Ironhide looks around cautiously, setting all his sensors to max.

Longarm: "...I hope so." Longarm says, following behind Ironhide probably closer than is necessary. He continues watching the thick forest, wary of what else might be out there. Giant rolling boulders? Lava pits? He hope they won't have to cross a rope bridge, because he really doesn't think it will hold them...

Ironhide: The foliage at the bottom level of the trees is so thick, clear sky can only be seen through the trees at fifteen feet and higher. As Ironhide breaks through into what he's hoping is a clearing, the ground underneath his foot crumbles, and he notices that the trees stop right at the ledge of a very deep ravine; he scrambles backwards, bumping into Longarm, and just barely gets far enough back to avoid a not-so-pleasant fall, cursing very loudly in Cybertronian.

Longarm: Longarm yelps and stumbles back, latching on to the back of Ironhide's armor and hauling him with him fearfully, just in case. With a low sound, he peers around Ironhide and down at the ravine. "...That... would not have been good."

Ironhide: "You think?" Ironhide snaps, just a little unnerved by his near fall. Intakes cycling a bit faster than normal, he looks down as well, making sure to hold Longarm back and away.

Longarm: Longarm lets go and pulls back as if hit, pressing back into the trees for shelter. Was he not supposed to say that? Or grab him? His optics dim with hurt - he's never made Ironhide mad before... He would apologize, but he isn't sure if he could hold back a low whine of unhappiness if he tried, so he just stays quiet.

Ironhide: Longarm's reaction doesn't escape his notice, and he realizes that his comment had upset the kid; Ironhide curses under his breath, then turns to look at him, "...sorry I snapped."

Longarm: Almost against his will, that low, hopeful whine escapes Longarm's vocalizer anyway, and he tentatively comes back out of the trees, optics watchful. "...I...was not...bad? ...Or wrong?" He asks softly.

Ironhide: "No, kid, that just...scared me. And I tend to snap when I'm scared," he answers honestly, not wanting to lie to Longarm. It's not often he's scared, and he moves over to join the sparkling, "...well, we can't go that way. Let's try following the ledge."

Longarm: "...Oh. ...That...makes sense..." Longarm admits, visibly relieved. The fact that Ironhide gets scared too doesn't bother him, and it would never cross his mind to tease him about it. "Yes... Though if we find a rope bridge...we should not try to cross. ...I don't think it would hold. They often fail." Longarm says, shyly attempting a joke with a tentative, hopeful smile.

Ironhide: Ironhide shakes his head, "Don't think they'd support our weight anyway. Hopefully we'll find a safe spot to cross over, and if we can't, we'll head in another direction. I've got the spot we started at marked." He starts following the ledge carefully, making sure to stay as close to the tree line as possible.

Longarm: "Exactly," Longarm agrees with a small grin, following after Ironhide just as carefully. He's been mapping out their path and surrounding area like he normally does already, so he just nods. Two mechs marking the area is better then just one, yeah?

Ironhide: Two maps is always better than one, and Ironhide keeps on following that ledge, going into the trees at spots where there is less of a ledge to step on; he really doesn't want to fall down into that river.

Longarm: Too bad for them, the ledge is not as strong and steady as it should be, and the next point where Ironhide steps out from the forest and back onto the ledge, the framework of the ravine side gives way, the ledge under feet crumbling away. Longarm gives a yelp when he sees Ironhide start to drop from view, only to find himself /following/.

Ironhide: "/FRAG/," he curses loudly, in several languages (most of which are not from Earth), and tries to grab hold of what ledge is left, only to have that crumble in his hands as well. "Longarm!"

Longarm: Longarm shrieks, limbs peddling madly in midair as he grabs for the side of the ledge, but its out of reach. His towing line shoots out instinctually, but that is as much a lost cause as anything else - there is nothing for it to latch on to, and he can only watch and reach out for Ironhide as they fall.

Ironhide: It's a pretty long fall, and Ironhide lands with a loud splash; luckily, the river isn't very deep, only coming up to his waist. Still, that /hurt/, and there's still rocks falling. He knows that Longarm doesn't have very good armor, and moves as fast as he can towards the youngling, intending to shield him with his own body.

Longarm: Longarm shouts and offlines his optics before he hits - he doesn't want to die! The sparkling bounces heavily off the crumbling wall of the ravine once, sending up sparks as metal strikes against stone, before landing in a crumbled heap, dirt and rocks following him down.

Ironhide: Ironhide barely reaches Longarm in time to shield him from most of the rocks; he's more concerned about protecting his torso and head than his limbs. Most of the rocks bounce off of him, but a few of them do leave some minor dents, his only reaction to them being quiet grunts of pain. A particularly large one, though, hits him square in the head, and it's just enough to knock him offline.

Longarm: Longarm folds under the combined weight of the rocks and the other mech, attempting to pull his limbs in close at the last moment only to fail as the rocks pin them painfully, armor denting and bulking with the force. Finally, the rock slide that came with their fall stops, leaving them both partially buried by a pile of rock. Longarm lets out a high keen, intakes coughing on the dust as he tries to move, searching for Ironhide.

Ironhide: He might not be a tall mech, but he's heavy, especially with all of his armor and weaponry. Still knocked offline, Ironhide is dead weight, the only sign he's not dead being the raspy sound of his intakes as they fight with the dust that's still settling.

Longarm: Longarm onlines his optics again when the rain of stone stops falling, intakes still huffing until the dust clears. "I-Ironhide? Ironhide!" He shouts, letting out a long, increasingly panicked keen when he doesn't answer. He squirms as best as he can, his body pinned fairly well, though he tries pressing at the combined weight of Ironhide and the rocks, lifting himself for a few feet before slumping back down with a choked sound from his vocalizer. He's stuck. They're both stuck, and Ironhide is hurt and he he doesn't know what to do!

Ironhide: Apparently, that rock hit him pretty damn hard, because he isn't showing any signs of rebooting for a /while/. The rocks almost completely cover him, and of course Longarm, and he's covered in a lot of minor dents, as well as a handful of bigger ones, the biggest on his helm.

Longarm: The only thing Longarm can do is wait. He's pinned totally - his gun is buried and with Ironhide laying across him, he wouldn't dare use it to try and blast some of the rock away. His towing line is extended and pinned by rocks, as is his towing arm itself (and that part right there /hurts/ because its so sensitive but he tries not to think about it.) And his arms and legs are pinned with too much weight at too bad of an angle to get the leverage to get them out. Forcing back a low cry, he wriggles around, tugging on Ironhide's armor with the one hand actually able to touch the older mech. "I-Ironhide? Ironhide, wake up please? Wake up..." He pleads, squirming uncomfortably when he feels some energon from a wound, either his or Ironhide's, run into his audio crest.

Ironhide: The tugging on his armor causes Ironhide to shift a bit, just enough for some of the rocks on top of him to roll off, though it still doesn't wake him. The trickling energon proves to be from Ironhide, though it's a very small amount.

Longarm: Longarm waits for a while longer, just barely able to see the blue sky far above, rocks and Ironhide's shoulder blocking most of his view. He tries not to whimper or panic, but his intakes are working far harder than they normally would be from fear. What if Ironhide never wakes up? The thought makes him whimper in despair, long and shrill.

Ironhide: Very slowly, his systems begin to boot back up, and Ironhide's hands clench as he lifts his head up and promptly lays it back down again, "......ow..." His head is /killing/ him, and a few of the rocks still on top of him are poking into joints and other sensitive parts.

Longarm: Longarm /squeals/ when he realizes Ironhide is finally awake, squirming and with frantic relief, "Ironhide! Ironhide you're alright! I was worried you weren't going to be alright - you wouldn't wake up! And we're stuck. There are lots of rocks and I cannot move!" Longarm says in a rush, still squirming, latched onto that small bit of Ironhide's armor.

Ironhide: "...Longarm? You alright?" Ironhide asks, lifting his head again and focusing his optics on the sparkling. Groaning slightly, he tries to move, but decides that's a bad idea at the moment, as the movement sends spikes of pain through him.

Longarm: Longarm nods, fighting back his panic as best as he can. "I...t-think so. Mostly. There is some damage. Are you alright? You were quiet for a long time." Longarm says, voice going a bit shrill at the end.

Ironhide: Ironhide smiles weakly, "Gimme a few kliks, and I should be able to move. I think." He runs some basic scans on himself, sighing in relief when he sees that he isn't too badly damaged; he'll just hurt for a little bit.

Longarm: Longarm stops squirming altogether at that, and lets out a broken sigh of deep relief, optics offlining briefly. "That is very good. I was ...very worried." He admits, briefly tightening his small grasp on Ironhide.

Ironhide: "M'gonna be fine, kid," he assures Longarm, managing to free one arm, and pats him on the shoulder carefully. He tries moving again, this time the pain at a level he can tolerate, and grunts as he sits up and off of Longarm, rocks falling off of him and causing more dust to go into the air.

Longarm: With the sudden shift of weight, Longarm gasps, energon tingling in compressed limbs. With a grunt, he fights his way up from the scattered rock, armor dented and scrapped and even hanging awkwardly in some places. If he thought about it, he would know that it would likely be much worse if Ironhide hadn't protected him, especially with his still vulnerable spark chamber as it is.

Ironhide: Ironhide looks him over critically, leaning on one of the boulders, "You don't look so good." Of course, he's one to talk, and he reaches up to feel the dent on his helm, hissing slightly at the sharp jolt of pain that accompanies that movement. "...Ratchet's gonna kill me," he mutters.

Longarm: Longarm just groans in agreement - he doesn't exactly feel all that good, either. It feels far worse than any training session they've ever had, at least. "Why would Ratchet kill you? I thought he... liked you." Longarm asks, confused and eager for anything to take his mind of his own aches.

Ironhide: "....it's a figure of speech. He won't really hurt me, he'll just be upset at the repairs he'll have to do," he grimaces, reaching over to Longarm and straightening a piece of his armor for him carefully.

Longarm: "Oh. That is...better." Longarm admits, managing a weak smile when Ironhide fixes his armor for him, reaching over to return the gesture, pulling a piece of stone out from his mentor's armor in the process. This has not been a good day for either of them.

Ironhide: There's a sharp sting of pain when the stone is removed, but it fades quickly and leaves the spot feeling much better, "I could really use a wash..." Ironhide looks up the sides of the ravine, then upstream, and pushes himself up, "You good to walk, kid?"

Longarm: Longarm frowns for a moment, going over his internal warnings, before nodding and moving to stand up properly, dirt and gravel falling off his chassis and out from his armor with a rain of dust. "I...think so. I am not so... damaged that I cannot walk."

Ironhide: Ironhide moves onto the bank of the river and starts heading upstream, wincing slightly every now and then. He sends out another pulse to Ratchet, to let him know he's okay, and mutters to himself, "Let's see what else can go wrong now."

Longarm: Longarm follows, limping at first before he manages to dislodge a stone stuck between some armor. His optics widen though when he manages to catch Ironhide's quiet words. Wasn't there some movie rule that said you were never supposed to say stuff like that? With a worried glance around them, eyeing the surrounding ravine distrustfully, Longarm quickly moved to walk closer to Ironhide. Hopefully it would be safer there.

Ironhide: Fortunately for them, their trek upstream is rather uneventful, and after a few hours of a steady uphill climb, they reach the lake that feeds the river, "...it's starting to get dark. We should find somewhere to recharge, kid."

Longarm: "...Yes. There might be...things...that we will not be able to see." Like sudden cliffs and giant snakes. Longarm nods, and starts looking around for some type of shelter, or even just someplace less dirty and wet then everywhere else.

Ironhide: Ironhide spots a cave up ahead and motions for Longarm to follow him, "Up there. Nothing will be able to sneak up behind us. When he reaches it, he notices that it's rather shallow, barely big enough for both of them to recline in, but hey, it's shelter.

Longarm: "...Alright." Longarm says, following Ironhide and eyeing the small shelter curiously, before smiling faintly. "This...will work." He slowly works his way into the small spot, hoping that they'll both be able to fit well enough.

Ironhide: "Well enough, yeah," he follows Longarm in, settling with his back against the wall and facing the entrance; they both fit in there, but there's not much more than maybe a foot inbetween them. He's tired and sore still, and wants to find Landmine and go /home/.

Longarm: Longarm curls up once Ironhide settles in, getting more comfortable and settling down for recharge once he's sure he isn't going to be getting in Ironhide's way. Still, recharging in a strange place is not the easiest thing to do, not when they've been through so much in just a few hours. His processors won't stop buzzing, and he's still worried about what Ironhide said earlier. What else was going to happen to them? Would they ever find Landmine? Would they ever find their way /out/ of this place? With a low, muffled whimper, Longarm curled up more tightly, as small as he could manage without being able to transform, towing arm pulled tight against his back.

Ironhide: As tired as he is, it's hard for him to recharge still, and he sighs, Longarm's whimper not escaping his notice. He knows the youngling is scared, and lifts his arm up, motioning for Longarm to lean against him, "C'mere."

Longarm: His optics flicker in the half-darkness of the cave, confused for a moment, before Longarm eagerly scoots forward to curl up under that arm, a small, grateful warble-click escaping him. Warm armor and the comfort of another body makes him feel far more safe and secure than the cold, lumpy rocks under him.

Ironhide: Ironhide smiles down at him and pats his shoulder gently, "Recharge. We'll find Landmine tomorrow." Hopefully. And a way to go home.

Longarm: "...Alright." Longarm murmurs, optics offlining obediently as he fights to settle into his recharge cycle, comforted by his mentor's closeness.

Ironhide: Longarm's presence helps to calm him down as well, and after a while, he drifts off into recharge, though he does leave a few sensors on just in case. It'd be stupid to do otherwise.

longarm, log, ironhide

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