Log: Magnus and Hot Rod Race

Jun 08, 2008 18:44

[This one's actually an old log that circumstance and timezones have made completing slow. It dates back to a few days or so before Metroplex arrived.]

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod is wandering 'round, nothing really in mind, other than finding something to do. He's pretty much just looking for someone to hang out with and talk...and maybe drink some of the High Grade he'd taken from the common room a while back*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus just needs to get out. Noki won't quit with the damn annoying music! Thankfully, said phone-former is well and truly asleep (and no, Magnus did not let him get into the standard grade to get him to recharge) and Magnus is daring the hallways, Rust or no Rust.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod's aware of the rust, and that he shouldn't really be wandering the halls, but he is anyways. He figures it would be too boring to stay holed up somewhere safe, away from the Rust. Besides, currently, he has nothing better to do than just wander around*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus is aware at least of the areas that have been quarantined and is making to avoid them. More's the pity that his chapel is currently on the other side of one such area though, so he can't go there. He is idly considering going outside anyway - not sure what he's going to do out there, but it's better than staring at the walls of his quarters for another four hours before Noki decides to pull out yet another annoying piece of music.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod has considered going outside, but hasn't actually done it yet. And, hey, as he's walking down the hall, he just so happens to spot Magnus. He stops and gives a little wave to the other* Hey.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus halts for a moment, then gives Hot Rod a nod in greeting.* Hot Rod, how have you been?

Hot Rod: Pretty good. Bored out of my mind. *Hot Rod shrugs, but grins.* How 'bout you?

Ultra Magnus: Going out of mine. *He gives a longsuffering sigh, followed by a grin of his own.* Noki has some rather annoying tastes in music. Try looking up something called "The Song That Never Ends" and imagine that repeating for five hours.

Hot Rod: *He gives a short laugh* Yeah, I've heard that song a few times, so I can imagine what you mean. So, where are you headed to right now?

Ultra Magnus: *Absently rubs an audial that has been abused by that and other songs on repeat.* Anywhere but my quarters... I was thinking of outside... *He shrugs.*

Hot Rod: *He nods* Mind if I join you? It's better than staying in here.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus quirks a smile at that.* Sure thing... I could do with some company after being shut in for so long.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod gives his own lop-sided grin.* Awesome. Let's go then.

Ultra Magnus: Alright... *Magnus grins and heads down the hall to the nearest exit. He may be an office administrator at heart, but he's not a total shut-in and the time he's been stuck in his rooms has really grated - and not just because of Noki's music. He reaches the southern airlock, turning to let Hot Rod exit first.* After you.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod grins again, following Magnus. He hasn't been outside in quite a while, so he's looking forward to getting out. He nods when Magnus lets him go first. * Thanks. *He slowly steps out, looking around*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus steps out after him, cycling up his intakes to take in the fresh air. It may very well be his imagination but it feels better in his cooling system after so long inside.* Mmm... Better than in there. *He absently nods back to the door.*

Hot Rod: Yeah, it is. Nothing to do in there, and, even for me, there are sometimes too many others around. Gets...stuffy. *He shrugs, enjoying the fresh air*

Ultra Magnus: *Snerks softly* Even though I have been considered a legend at being boring, being stuck in there at the moment is boring. I'll probably be flooded by the paperwork this whole crisis has generated once I can get back to my office.

Hot Rod: *chuckles* Paperwork is the only thing I would never do to get rid of my boredom. It would bore me even more.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus smirks* Well, it isn't suited for everyone, I may like it but I've had plenty of experience with mechs who don't... like Optimus - he's a legend for not doing his paperwork.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod laughs* Oh? Prime doesn't care for it either, huh?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus has no quibbles about gossiping about his brother's lack of paperwork skills.* Let's put it this way, one of Optimus's best assets was having me around to take up the position of Administrative Secretary for him, because the Prime's office would have collapsed under his paperwork backlog if I hadn't have taken over managing the place for him. Great leader, just really really hates paperwork.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod bursts into laughter. He'd had no idea that Magnus gossiped, but he found it amusing* He had that much unfinished paperwork?

Ultra Magnus: Well a vorn's worth of backlog managed to fill the three primary conference rooms in the Iacon Prime's Office. Those conference rooms would probably have equaled the size of the base put together. *Shrug* Took another quarter-vorn to get it all caught up. Out of concern for my brother, I'm glad it only took one vorn before I took up that job... I mean really, what would the Cybertronian press have said if the new Prime had been killed by an avalanche of datapads, in his own office?

Hot Rod: *Optics go WIDE* That's a lot of paperwork. *Snickers slightly* Yeah, that would have been one weird news story.

Ultra Magnus: It is a lot of paperwork, even in my opinion. *Magnus quirks a lip* Makes the pile Megatron presented me when I took over doing it here look tiny in comparison... though that pile is now gone, thanks to an inspired phone.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod grins* Yeah, I can see that it would. That amount of paperwork would make most piles look tiny.

Ultra Magnus: It made a memorable start to my first post-reformat job, that's for sure. Admittedly, if you ever hear Optimus mention it, he will always downplay how much there was, and how much was his own doing.

Hot Rod: *He chuckles* So, in his opinion, there wasn't all that much paperwork?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods* Pretty much.

Hot Rod: And all of it was just stuff that piled up from way before you arrived? Or was some of it from right before you made it here?

Ultra Magnus: Well in the stuff I had to clear after I got here, I had reports at least eight months old... like the Dread Lord... *Absently remembers the story he told Noki.*

Hot Rod: Dread Lord? *Looks at Magnus curiously*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus looks just a small bit sheepish about that.* It's from a story I told Noki after he decided to make a castle out of the datapads in my office while I was finishing work on the chapel... a tale of a damsel in distress being attacked by a "dread lord".

Hot Rod: Noki made a castle out of your datapads? How big was it? *Hot Rod definitely looks curious about that...and the story that Magnus told Noki* And I'm curious about this story you told him.

Ultra Magnus: Well he co-opted the guest chair and at least part of my desk to do it... though the tallest tower had to be a good five feet above the desk... *Raises an eyebrow at the request about the story, but digs up the details from his backup memory anyway.* ... Once upon a time there was the Fair Lady Supply Manifest of October. She was under attack from the Dread Lord Battle Report of Last Thursday August the Twenty-Fourth, who wished to take control of the Castle Datapad...

Hot Rod: That's pretty impressive, considering he's so small. *snickers at the beginning of the story, finding it amusing*

Ultra Magnus: It is. *Magnus nods.* Makes me wonder sometimes just how strong he is when he puts his strength to it. *Goes in to summarize the rest of the story* The Dread Lord was attacking the castle, claiming the Fair Lady had stolen it from him, and the supply of energon goodies stored within. The Lady disputed his claim, saying the castle had been built out of the bodies of many noble datapads, burdened with the cruel burden of data. She pleaded the help of "Noble Sir Noki" to save her people... and well the castle quickly came apart under Sir Noki's quest to free the datapads. *Magnus tilts his head with a grin.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod laughs.* I imagine Noki enjoyed the story? Although, it's still a bit hard to imagine you telling that story. You just never really seemed like you'd be the type to.

Ultra Magnus: He did, and was cheerfully acting as my personal office guard for a week afterwards in pride of his defeat of the Dread Lord. *Shrugs again at the latter comment.* I think it's just part of my fondness for family that does it... Noki needs someone to take care of him and I guess I decided to be that...

Hot Rod: *Smiles* Well, he seems to like you taking care of him. He's very...energetic, though, so I'm guessing it's a bit hard to at times?

Ultra Magnus: It can be... *rubs his audial again* Especially when he gets bored, or gets into my standard grade... he's small enough to get drunk just consuming standard grade.

Hot Rod: How often has that happened?

Ultra Magnus: Since I've been taking care of him... about five times. Before that? Well his personnel report is mostly made up of reports of him falling into people's energon. I suspect he got overcharged quite frequently from that. *Shakes his head a little* I didn't think doing that all the time would be good for him so I mostly keep him on low grade goodies, when I can keep track.

Hot Rod: *nods* Think I heard about that happening. *shrugs* I have to commend you for being able to take care of him, though. I don't know if I'd ever be able to.

Ultra Magnus: *Laughs briefly* It takes a Pit-load of tolerance to cope with him. Sometimes I wonder how I manage to do it myself.

Hot Rod: *chuckles* Why don't you have someone help you take care of him?

Ultra Magnus: *Shrugs* I haven't really considered it, at least not since Skywarp's offer, and even then I'm not sure what I think of that.

Hot Rod: What? Was Skywarp offering to help you, or was he trying to find someone to help you?

Ultra Magnus: Well, he offered to baby-sit, but considering his sense of humour, and Thundercracker's reaction to Noki... well I'm not sure I totally trust him.

Hot Rod: *chuckles and nods* Well, hey, I have enough time when I'm doing nothing that, if you ever need a babysitter for Noki, I can give it a whirl. *grins*

Ultra Magnus: *Grins back* I'll keep that in mind, though I'm inclined to trust you better than Skywarp.

Hot Rod: *chuckles, looking around. turns back to Magnus with a smirk* Well, since we're outside, and there's a lot of room out here...you up for a race? *definitely makes it sound like a challenge*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus snerks at that* I don't know how even a race that would make, but it sounds fun anyway.

Hot Rod: *grins and points to some kind of landmark in the distance* It'll definitely be fun. Race ya to there and back. *transforms and waits for Magnus to do the same*

Ultra Magnus: Transforms almost immediately after Hot Rod, revving cheerfully. It's been a while since he's been in truck form - in fact he's not sure he has been since the drive he took to cool off, after the photo incident.*

Hot Rod: Okay, ready? *revs his engine* One...Two...Three...Go! *takes off at his top speed*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus was ready from the point when he transformed, go when Hot Rod calls it, he takes off at his best speed. Admittedly, he can't get the sort of initial speed Hot Rod started at, but he fast puts on more as he goes, catching up on the red car's head start pretty quickly.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod is slightly surprised that Magnus can go as fast as the other can. He reaches the landmark pretty quickly, but has a hard time getting around it. He's going too fast to make a perfect turn, so he has to put on the breaks to be able to, giving Magnus the perfect chance to get in front of him*

Ultra Magnus: *Being aware of how maneuverable his bulk can or cannot be, Magnus has to pull a bit wide to make the turn himself. It does catch up most of the remaining space, resulted with them being neck and neck when Hot Rod comes out of the turn. That's what Magnus has to deal with, being such a large truck.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod is back up to his top speed, so he's surprised that neither he nor Magnus is in front of the other. He also knows that he can't put on anymore speed, so, if Magnus can, there's the chance he'll actually lose the race*

Ultra Magnus: *While Magnus can pull a bit more speed, another problem of his bulk arises - big vehicles take longer to stop. He is not sure whether to slow and lose the race or push it and risk stopping too late. as it is, his indecision wins it for him and he is forced to pull a risky move to prevent ramming into the wall of the base itself - he transforms and skids to a stop, toppling over as he does, to end up laying half on his side.* Ow.

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod stops himself. Barely. He knows that, even if he's smaller than the other, it's just as hard for him to stop when going at his top speed. He almost can't stop, so he has to turn and risk possibly going out of control or flipping. Luckily, he manages to stop without too much trouble. He spins out of control a bit, but manages to get the control back. He transforms and looks at Magnus." You okay?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus sits up with a groan, checking down the side he slid on. As expected, he's scraped it up pretty badly, but it's mostly paint damage he can fix himself, and almost not denting.* I should really avoid doing that...

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod can't help but chuckle* At least it's only a few dings and scrapes. I can give you a hand with your paint if you want. *He sits down, grinning at the other.* You have to admit the race was pretty fun, though.

Ultra Magnus: I might need that. *Laughs* Yeah, it was. Even going for a slide at the end.

Hot Rod: Yep. Gotta do that more often...without the slide, that is. And maybe without me spinning out of control.

Ultra Magnus: *Laughs a bit more.* That's what makes racing memorable... *He absently feels along the plating up his back, having come down more on his back to start with. That side of his back feels just as scraped up and he is going to need help getting it repainted.*

Hot Rod: True. Sometimes it makes it more fun. More of a challenge. *Hot Rod hasn't even bothered to see if any of his paint is scraped, knowing that some of it probably is*

Ultra Magnus: That it does. *Magnus smiles, moving to get up. He sways a bit as he stands, but recovers just fine.*

Hot Rod: *grins back at him* You okay? You seem to be having a little trouble standing there.

Ultra Magnus: *He shakes his head.* Naaah... my stabilizers were just a little off from going sliding like that. *He tries to look around his hip to see just how scratched up it got, only to unbalance himself - again.* Pit. Should keep in mind that I am not that articulated... *He mutters.*

Hot Rod: *chuckles* Maybe you should just sit back down before you fall.

Ultra Magnus: Ugh... Maybe I should. *He finds a smallish rock to sit against.* I was a lot better articulated before my first upgrade... you would think I'd remember that I'm not that flexible after several thousand vorns though!

Hot Rod: *shrugs* Sometimes it's easy to forget things. *is leaning back against the rock he sat in front of*

Ultra Magnus: Possibly. *Magnus shrugs.* There's a lot of things from that part of my life that stick in mind rather sharply for me...

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod looks at Magnus curiously* Like what?

Ultra Magnus: *He tilts his head thoughtfully* Oh... stuff like what my mentor talk me... learning my trade... getting to know Orion and Ariel... *He frowns a little* Learning what a family is and that I didn't have one...

Hot Rod: *He nods slightly, and is quiet for a minute* Do you miss times like that? Back before the war?

Ultra Magnus: I miss the time after my upgrade... I had family then and up until that off-world mission Optimus went on things were reasonably pleasant. After that... well things started to go wrong when he went on that mission, I was left in charge of the Prime's Office and I may be a good administrator but I'm not really leadership material, and after he came back relations with the Lord Protector's Office went to the Pit... *Sad shrug* I have a better idea now why it did - never knew just how closely Optimus got on with Megatron back in those early days.

Hot Rod: *Nods again, shifting slightly to get more comfortable.* And that's when things started getting pretty bad everywhere, huh?

Ultra Magnus: Pretty much. I did not really know what was happening at the time, but since I got here I've gained a better concept of how it fell apart... *He absently toes at some pebbles.* At least now it's starting to settle down, even with all the minor squabbles around the base.

Hot Rod: *Nods* Yeah. Things've been relatively quiet, huh? While it's nice not having to go out and fight the Decepticons, it's pretty boring around here now. None of the excitement that was going on before. *Shrugs*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shrugs in return.* That is the price of peace, it is far quieter than war is. *He thoughtfully reaches back to feel the raw area he scraped up, frowning a bit at it.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod isn't even paying attention to the scraped areas on his own body* Yeah, I guess. Just wish there was some kind of excitement. Not necessarily fighting or anything. Just something to do.

Ultra Magnus: I think... *Just a little distracted here - he's sure he's torn up a good bit of his top layer of dermal plating, as well as his paintwork.* ...it is something you need to work out for yourself... find something to distract yourself with, because at least then you can find something you like, not get shoved into doing something you find boring because someone else pushed you into doing it.

Hot Rod: That would work if there was anything to do around here. The most I've been able to do was get drunk with Arcee. *Grins* While that's fun...I unfortunately can't be doing that all the time, can I? And, obviously, we had our little race, which was fun, but can't do it all the time either.

Ultra Magnus: True enough. *He's nodding here.* I can't say much, my interests are things most consider boring, so those won't help...

Hot Rod: *Chuckles* Oh? What are your interests that are so boring?

Ultra Magnus: *The eyebrow goes up* I did mention paperwork before?

Hot Rod: Okay. Yeah, that is boring.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus grins a bit, he's always been well aware his interests are quiet ones.* Yeah... I am going to have to do something about this soon.., *He refers to the scratching.* It's only surface damage but I don't want to risk letting it remain exposed.

Hot Rod: Yeah. It's probably a good idea for me to do the same. *He looks at the small scrapes and everything. He shrugs* At least it isn't anything bad.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus gives the scratching Hot Rod has got a look* Yes... that probably doesn't even need sanding back, just patching up a bit.

Hot Rod: Probably. *He shrugs again* And that's not really hard to do or anything.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus gives a small laugh* Though I'm going to have a bit of work... It feels like I scraped a fair bit... and I'm not extremely flexible... I'll manage though, had worse than this happen on the battlefield... *Under his breath* and no cat-drones in sight...

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod grins again* Well, then...we should probably be getting back inside to get all of this fixed up, huh? *He sounds slightly disappointed because he was enjoying being outside, talking to Magnus. And he definitely enjoyed the race*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods, a little less than pleased at heading inside just yet, but the scraping is smarting a bit and he wants to get it tended to.* Yeah... though it's been nice being outside... *He slowly stands, recalling how unstable he was earlier. His gyros seems to stable now at least - something to that Primus for.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod pushes himself up, sighing* It was really nice being out here for a change. *He grins again when he looks up at Magnus* And the race was pretty fun, too. We'll have to do it again sometime.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods, with a smile. He doesn't let himself have simple fun like that enough.* We should, it was fun.

Hot Rod: Well, then, I guess we head back inside now, to get these fixed up and do whatever else we need to, huh? *He looks thoughtful for a moment* So...when do you wanna do this again?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus grins a little* Probably as soon as I have some spare time, knowing me though, I don't get that very often.

Hot Rod: Well, whenever you do, make sure you let me know. *He looks at the entrance and sighs, not really wanting to go back in, but knowing they need to at this point*

Ultra Magnus: I will. *He nods, glancing at the entryway himself.*

Hot Rod: *He glares at the entrance before looking over at Magnus with a grin* Well, at least we have next time to look forward to. *He starts walking over to the entrance*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus watches the smaller mech walk for a couple of moments, before he shakes himself and follows, hand returning to the scraped area on his side.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod's trying to ignore the slight itch coming from the scraped area. He glances over his shoulder, still grinning* Well, since mine are just small scrapes, I'm probably going to go back to my room for now. If you have any free time soon, stop on by and we can do this again.

Ultra Magnus: Will do... *Magnus nods as he steps inside, looking down the corridor towards the wing his quarters are in.* I'll see you later. *He turns down that way.*

Hot Rod: *Hot Rod gives a small wave* See ya. *He heads off in the direction of his room*

hot rod, ultra magnus, log

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