Log dump: Holo!sex :D

May 14, 2008 22:17

A few months ago, an excursion happened. About a week later, a test had to be postponed.

Warning: Graphic M/M smut. First (and second) time either of us had ever written anything like this. Sooooo.

Ironhide: -he's obviously deep in thought as they walk to their room-
Ratchet: *he walked along beside, wondering why he was so quiet* ...Are you alright, 'Hide?
Ironhide: ....yeah. It's nothing.
Ratchet: *he took a sideways glance at him and then shook his head.* It's been a fun, but long night....
Ironhide: It has. -reaches the door and opens it, holding it open for him-
Ratchet: *he nodded and slipped in, moving to the berth and sitting down, then laying down to relax, just laying flat on his back.*
Ironhide: -closes and locks the door, then looks at him, hesitating slightly before speaking up- ...activate your holo again?
Ratchet: *he looked up and peered at him*...Why?
Ironhide: C'mon. Just do it.
Ratchet: ...Um, alright...*he let his holo flicker to life, then solidify* ...So what is this about?
Ironhide: -activates his own right in front of Ratchet's, and hesitates again before leaning forward and kissing him-
Ratchet: *his holo now wore a surprised look on its face at first, then followed his lead and leaned in, kissing back gently.* ::What...?::
Ironhide: ::...m'curious. It's different, s'all.:: -keeps it gentle, testing, and wraps his arms around the other lightly-
Ratchet: *He ran a scan on the net, getting a few ideas. He slid his arms around the other, pulling him closer* ::....interesting...::
Ironhide: -deepens it slightly, still testing- ::.....I like it.::
Ratchet: *he slid his tongue slightly across the other's lips, as if asking permission to go deeper. One hand slid further down, gripping at his ass and squeezing gently.* ::I could get used to it...::
Ironhide: -shivers slightly, opening his mouth and pulling him closer- ::I could too.....::
Ratchet: Mnn...*he really deepened the kiss, his tongue sliding across his mate's. He pulled 'Hide even closer, body pressing hard against 'Hide's. *
Ironhide: -moans quietly, hands running up and down his back slowly-
Ratchet: *even through the holo, his want of 'Hide was becoming apparent. Of course, he began to wonder if this bit would be part of the bet...if this would break the bet.* ::Careful...you don't want to lose, do you...?:: *he smirked under the kiss, his other hand sliding down his side..*
Ironhide: ::....../you're/ going along with it...:: -presses closer, and begins moving them slowly to the pile of blankets in one corner, still left over from when the Lennox family was staying with them, though they're now stacked neatly- ::And shut up. It doesn't feel right to /not/ do anything on this day. -slight growl-::
Ratchet: ::YOU started it. So, a truce for this day then?:: *he growled softly, backing up as 'Hide moved them forward. He slid both hands down, grasping at his ass again, gripping hard* Mnnnn....::Yes, I could definitely get used to this...::
Ironhide: -groans, pushing him down and straddling his lap, performing a quick internet search to see what he was supposed to do- ::....truce.:: -grimaces slightly when he finds the information, but continues the kiss, deciding to give it a try-
Ratchet: *he grinned at him between kisses, arching his hips up against the other. He already had an idea of what to do, and was determined to prove it to him. He ran his hands up and down his sides, finding the smoothness of the human body way different than the hard armor and sensitive tires, but still just as enticing...it was his mate, after all...*
Ironhide: -gasps, grinding his hips against him unconsciously, letting his own hands wander along his shoulders and back, dropping down to grip his hips and pull him closer-
Ratchet: *Primus, this was different, and yet amazing. He wrapped his arms around 'Hide, deepening the kiss even more. He was wanting him rather badly by this point, and it certainly did show...*
Ironhide: -growls, settling further in his lap for more contact and grinding against him more, moving his head to kiss and nip at the soft skin of his jawline and the tendon in his neck-
Ratchet: *He let out a low moan that reverberated through his body as he leaned his head back, allowing the other to nip and bite as he pleased* ...Mnngg....dammit, Hide...*he grabbed ahold of the shirt on his holo and pulled at it, an indication of what he was wanting*
Ironhide: -adjusts his holo accordingly, and starts trying to lift up Ratchet's shirt as well, nibbling on his collarbone with a quiet moan-
Ratchet: *he got the shirt off, then took off his own shirt, revealing well-toned musculature under his skin, rippling with every small movement. He ran his hands over the weapon specialist's body, moaning softly as 'Hide nipped at his collar bone, his hands sliding down and working their way under the hem of 'Hide's pants across his lower back, and slowly sliding forward to his front...*
Ironhide: -groans, kissing along his collarbone and the hollow of his throat, and dematerializes the rest of his clothes, hissing at the slightly cooler air hitting his erection and rubbing against him with a moan-
Ironhide: -impatient Ironhide is impatient!-
Ratchet: ::Hmm...Someone is impatient...:: *he followed 'Hide's example, and soon the both of them were completely in the nude. He arched his hips up against 'Hide's, his own erection sliding and grinding against his, sending pleasurable sensations washing through him...*
Ironhide: ::...shut up.:: -whimpers slightly and attempts to push him down on his back, hands moving over his chest and abdomen, going lower-
Ratchet: *he fell backwards, growling and reaching up, nipping at his shoulder, his hands wandering down to 'Hide's ass again, pulling him against him hard, grinding his hips upwards and hard against him.* ::Make me.::
Ironhide: -/moans/, and brushes his fingers along the base of Ratchet's cock lightly, testing, delivering small, hard nips along his chest and making small thrusts against his hip-
Ratchet: *he groaned deeply, writhing under his touch, not realizing just how something like this would feel. And -PRIMUS- did it feel good. He moved his own opposite hand to 'Hide, playing first around the tip, and then sliding fingers along the shaft and finally reaching the base, light touches to torment the sensitive skin there. He leaned his head back in a soft moan as his chest was nipped on, his fingers digging into the other's side...*
Ironhide: ::/Primus!/:: -thrusts into his hand, lightly gripping Ratchet's erection and sliding his own hand up to run his thumb over the tip- ::We're gonna......have to do this...more often...:: -lets his other hand wander down to spread his legs further apart, and goes back to bite at the tendon in his neck-
Ratchet: *he groaned at that, writhing under 'Hide's touch. The sensations were incredible* ::Mnn...in-indeed...:: *he continued his slow hand motions, fingers grasping and sliding up and down, testing to see what would happen, or rather, what 'Hide would do...*
Ironhide: -lets out a deep moan, squeezing him lightly, and covers Ratchet's mouth with his own in a hard kiss as he slowly pushes a finger inside him-
Ratchet: *He hissed at that, not expecting that at all. His entire body tensed up, the sensations pulsing through his body* ..MMnnngg! ::PRIMUS, 'Hide! ....mnnn...:: *his own hand clenched around 'Hide as his body tensed*
Ironhide: -hisses and bites at his lower lip, quirking his finger experimentally and stroking with his other hand lightly- ::...tell me if I'm hurting you...::
Ratchet: *he writhed slightly and moaned deeply at that* ::You...you aren't...Mnnn...:: *he thrust his hips, causing 'Hide's finger to move deeper, the sensations seeming to tear through him, his body shaking in response to it. He gripped harder again on 'Hide's erection, hand sliding up and down slowly at first, and slowly gaining speed as time went on. He kissed back and went to bite at his mate's upper lip, catching it and sucking on it seductively...*
Ironhide: -whimpers slightly, thrusting into his hand and pushing in deeper until his finger brushes against /something/ in there; his other hand continued to stroke as well as he shuddered, small moans escaping him-
Ratchet: *he arched upwards as 'Hide pushed his finger deeper, his hand letting go and grabbing at either side of his hips* ::Primus-forsaken...Ohh...damn, 'Hide...:: *he leaned up and nipped at his neck, his hips thrusting up and rubbing harshly against 'Hide, clearly indicating his want...*
Ironhide: -leans his head to one side, baring his throat for the other- Nnnn... -brushes that something one more time before removing his finger, and grabs his hips with both hands, angling them up and pressing his erection against Ratchet's entrance-
Ratchet: *he latched onto his mate's neck, and before he knew it, 'Hide had moved himself into position and was pressing against him. He let go and leaned back, looking at 'Hide. He slid his hands across the other's back, pulling at him gently, encouraging him to go further...*
Ironhide: -looks right back at him, lust not completely able to hide his slight nervousness, before burying his head in his shoulder, pushing in slowly with a low moan to allow him to adjust; he'd read that it could hurt, and wanted to be careful-
Ratchet: *he gripped hard at 'Hide's sides, a slight whimper escaping him as his mate penetrated slowly within. He arched upwards a bit, trying to help, almost.* Mnnn...'Hide...*his voice was a slight whisper, his face scrunched up in a mix of pleasure and pain..*
Ironhide: -buries himself completely, body shaking with a need to /move/, but he holds back for a moment to rest their foreheads together and whisper in a strained voice- You okay...?
Ratchet: *he nodded slightly, and opened his eyes to look 'Hide directly in the eyes, whispering softly* ..Yes...Primus, yes...*he leaned up and kissed him gently, giving him permission to continue...*
Ironhide: -deepens the kiss with a groan, withdrawing a bit and thrusting back in, whimpering at the waves of pleasure it sent through him- Mmmph!
Ratchet: *'Hide wasn't the only one being sent into waves of pleasure. He felt them wash over him, and he moaned, leaning up and burying his face against his mate's shoulder* ::Pri-mus..mnnghh...:: His own body moved to the thrusts, dipping and sliding up with every movement. After a few moments, he placed his hands on 'Hide's chest and pressed up, forcing the other to sit up as he thrust in and out. He reached up and grabbed 'Hide's right hand and brought it down around his shaft and curled his fingers around it, his own hand curling around 'Hide's. He began to move his hand up and down slowly, making the other's hand move. Soon, the rhythm of both their hands and the thrusts were one in the same...*
Ironhide: -drops his head down to bite at his shoulder gently, his pace speeding up until he's slamming into him hard and fast, growling lowly and looping his left arm around to pull his hips closer- ::....this is....amazi- ooooh...:: -the comm trails off into a deep moan, and he nips his way to Ratchet's throat-
Ratchet: *he would not allow 'Hide to let go, and as the thrusts got faster and harder, so did his own hand, and thus so did his mate's hand. Pleasure was rapidly climbing at this rate, and his entire body was shaking. All he wanted was more...but at the same time, he didn't want it to end. He matched the other's thrusts, hands pumping, hips moving, voices moaning a wordless beg for each other, and what one could give the other..*
Ironhide: -gasps against his neck, his thrusts becoming harder, forcing himself in as deep as he can possibly go, and squeezes him tightly as their hands move together- Nnnn.../Primus/... -kisses him hard, whimpering into his mouth-
Ratchet: *The squeeze, the hard, deep thrusts...it put him to the edge. He was nearly on the verge of overload, or, as the humans put it, orgasm. Right on the edge was possibly the most torturous thing on earth...or in the universe for that matter. Being so close to ultimate freedom, and yet being denied it. Possibly the only salvation was the fact that he was here with his lover, his mate...who was sharing the same fate as he. He half moaned, half growled, his own face buried against 'Hide's neck.* ::'H-Hide...I'm...so...close...:: *his free hand grasped at his mate's back, nails digging into the skin...*
Ironhide: -lets out a strangled whine and moves his hips with his free hand just barely, but it's enough to noticably go in even deeper- ::...Ratchet.../Primus/...loveyousomuch.......::
Ratchet: ::Iloveyoutoo..oh -PRIMUS!-:: *He cried out, both over the comm and out loud as his body was thrown into the nearly overwhelming orgasm/overload that he had waited for. This time, it was different, the waves of pure pleasure and passion emanating from down lower and taking over his entire body, versus his spark and then throughout his body. His body throbbed intensely, shaking as he was racked with wave after wave of white-hot intensity. His hand grasped harshly at 'Hide's back, and his other hand quickened the pace, even though the pleasure was already too much...*
Ironhide: -it only takes a few more thrusts for him to follow, thrusting in impossibly deep and curving his hips in tightly, rocking against him and biting his neck harshly with a scream-
Ratchet: *He threw his head back, the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelming him to the point of no return. He felt as if he were going to pass out from the sheer intensity of it all, and he thrust up with his own hips, pressing 'Hide even deeper. He finally allowed himself and his mate to let go of himself, and he wrapped both arms around 'Hide, pulling him close as he was washed over with the same strong pulses of pleasure that would last a mere few seconds..but were an eternity to them both..which he did not complain* ::Primusdamn...I love you, 'Hide...:: *he held him tightly, never wanting to let go*
Ironhide: -moans, his whole body shaking, and he pulls out of him weakly, wrapping his own arms around Ratchet tightly and falling limply on top of him- ::....that was...:: -not even able to form a coherent sentence, curling up against him on the no longer neatly stacked blankets-
Ratchet: *he pulled him as close as possible, leaning back, his holo now sporting a nice dark mark on his shoulder.* ::Incredible...:: *he finished it for him, his breathing heavy. He fell into his own little pile of limp, allowing 'Hide to find refuge above him. He opened his eyes and looked at him, smiling at him.* ::Happy...Valentine's Day...Ironhide.::
Ironhide: -nuzzles him and weakly smiles back, fingers moving soothingly against his shoulderblades and back; it takes a minute or two before he responds- ::Happy Valentine's...Day.::
Ratchet: *he didn't really have the energy to respond to that, as he was already drifting off. His eyes closed, and his breathing slowed down, but his grip on 'Hide was as tight and protective as ever...*
Ironhide: -knows they're going to regret recharging with their holos still activated, but he doesn't particulary care at the moment, pulling on the edge of one of the nearby blankets and draping it over their bodies before resting his head on Ratchet's shoulder and snuggling closer, drifting off himself-

Ironhide: -in their quarters, scowling slightly, slumped in a chair-
Ratchet: *he was on his way back to their quarters after a day of work and..interesting information.*
Ironhide: -debates tinkering with a gun, not sure when Ratchet was supposed to get off shift-
Ratchet: *the slight beeping of the door panel would indicate that he was back...*
Ironhide: -looks up, straightening in his seat-
Ratchet: *he slid inside and locked the door behind him, then turned around to face him* ...
Ironhide: ...
Ratchet: ...So.
Ironhide: ....you aren't mad at me over something that happened vorns ago, are you?
Ratchet: *he crossed the distance between them and stared at him* ...
Ironhide: ...Ratchet.
Ratchet: *he leaned down and kissed him hard, not giving him a chance to say anything else*
Ironhide: -blinks, a bit shocked, but returns it- ::.......Ratchet..?::
Ratchet: ::Just shut up and enjoy it.::
Ironhide: -...well, this is unexpected....but he wraps arms around him and drags him closer-
Ratchet: *he grinned to himself* ::So...about that...training session....::
Ironhide: ::Mmmm, we /did/ have one scheduled, didn't we?::
Ratchet: ::Yes, we did. And no, I am not mad at you.:: *he grasped at his arms and pulled him up, hands automatically sliding around the other, fingers tracing across tires*
Ironhide: -shivers slightly, and pulls away from the kiss- ...thought we'd agreed on holos. -amused-
Ratchet: ...We did. *he grinned slightly*
Ironhide: -takes a step back from him and folds down into his alt, activating his holo and grinning- ....let's see how well you do on the offense.
Ratchet: *he transformed down to his alt mode, and activated his own holo, which promptly began to stalk 'Hide.* So..you want me...on the offense.
Ironhide: -smirks-
Ironhide: Unless you don't think you can handle it.
Ratchet: ...*he stared at him* ...I can handle it. *he took a few more steps towards him*
Ironhide: Prove it.
Ratchet: I will. *he finally reached him and slid his arms around him, pulling him into a rough kiss right away...*
Ironhide: -grins and returns it, his own arms wrapping around, pressing close-
Ratchet: *he slid his arms down the other's back, moaning softly into the kiss, pressing against him and taking a few steps forward, pressing 'Hide backwards towards that pile of blankets.*
Ironhide: -more than willing to let Ratchet lead, hands wandering down his back to grope his ass, and he pushes his hips into the other teasingly-
Ratchet: *he managed to get them to the blankets and he pushed 'Hide down onto them, hovering over him and grinning. He leaned down and placed both hands above his shoulders, leaning in to lock him in a kiss..*
Ironhide: -growls quietly, trying to pull him close again-
Ratchet: *he grinned against the kiss* ::What? You want something...?:: *he pressed down against him, arching his hips against 'Hide's slightly*
Ironhide: ::What do you think?:: -growls again and arches right back, already very clearly aroused-
Ratchet: ::Hmm..I can tell you want something....:: *he pressed again, his own arousal apparent. He deepened the kiss, growling softly, one hand sliding down 'Hide's side tormentingly*
Ironhide: -moans, grabbing his hips and forcing them to stay put as he ground into him again, then works his hands under his shirt to run along his chest-
Ratchet: *he moaned softly, his own hands roaming across 'Hide's sides, and finally sliding under his shirt and pushing it up and trying to get it off...*
Ironhide: -oh slag this; he just dematerializes it and starts trying to lift off Ratchet's, groaning into their kiss-
Ratchet: *He grinned at that* ::I should make you work for it.:: *hands sliding down to his mate's hips, teasing along the pants seam*
Ironhide: -breaks the kiss to latch onto his neck, kissing and biting at the tendon and the hollow of his throat- ::Fraggin' /tease./:: -pulls on his shirt insistently-
Ratchet: *he grinned, then moaned against the biting, finally dissolving his shirt for Hide* ::I thought you liked the teasing.::
Ironhide: -presses against him, hands running over his sides and then to his back, dragging up and down his spine, choosing not to respond verbally-
Ratchet: *he grinned at that, leaning down and nipping at Hide's shoulder, fingers slipping underneath the hem of the other's pants, searching..*
Ironhide: -bucks up slightly, growling lowly, and gropes his ass again, this time working his hands under his pants, and bites his earlobe-
Ratchet: *he adjusted slightly, his hand finding what he was going after, and he slid his fingers around it and began massaging gently, sliding his hand up and down...*
Ironhide: -moans and dematerializes his pants, moving a hand up to the back of his head and hooking a leg around him to pull him closer-
Ratchet: *he groaned at that, his hand tightening around Hide's erection, still sliding up and down gently, but firmly.* ::What...?:: *grinning*
Ironhide: ::Stop slaggin' /teasing/ me!:: -nips at his throat again and reaches a hand around to start unzipping his pants, trying to make Ratchet just as desperate as he was feeling-
Ratchet: *Oh, he was already desperate, but slag, he wanted to be the one to give when he wanted to. But for now, he obliged 'Hide and dissolved his pants also, leaving him completely bare* ::Better..?:: *his hand still moved up and down even as he nipped at his mate's chest now..*
Ironhide: -arches up into the nips with a low moan and grasps him, giving a gentle squeeze before sliding his own hand, bucking his hips up-
Ratchet: *he groaned against that, his own hips grinding against 'Hide.* ::How bad do you want it, Ironhide..?::
Ironhide: ::Fraggin'...Ratch...:: -growls, outloud and over the comm-
Ratchet: ::Tell me.:: *his fingers slid and teased around the tip, his other hand reaching down to slide along 'Hide's hip..*
Ironhide: -half growls, half whines, and pushes his hips up- ::...Ratchet...::
Ratchet: ::You going to tell me, or just keep calling out my name..?::*he leaned up and kissed 'Hide rather harshly, hands still roaming and caressing*
Ironhide: ::...just fuck me already!:: -returns the kiss and squeezes again-
Ratchet: *he growled at that and kissed him hard, positioning himself and adjusting his hips to reach lower, tip resting right against that one entrance.* ::That's what I wanted to hear.:: *he pressed in, sliding in slowly, pulling away from the kiss to watch his mate's reactions as he moved.*
Ironhide: -tenses up, gasping, his hips arching- /OhPrimus...!/ -his hands move to Ratchet's back and grip him tightly, and he whimpers slightly from the combination of pleasure and pain-
Ratchet: *he paused for a second, making sure he was alright* ::You alright...?::
Ironhide: ::M'fine, just /move/::
Ratchet: *He nodded and moved further until he could go no more, then pulled back out almost all the way...and slid back in, setting a constant rhythm. He leaned back down, kissing him, his hands going to 'Hide's hips in support.*
Ironhide: -moans, meeting his thrusts, and moves his leg higher, pulling him closer-
Ratchet: *he moaned in return, the feeling absolutely incredible. After a few moments he broke off the kiss and sat up a bit, still thrusting even as he slipped his hand around 'Hide's erection again and began sliding his hand up and down, wanting him to feel what 'Hide had done to him last time. He timed the thrusts and hand movements together, watching his mate as he did so, the pleasure rushing through him*
Ironhide: -hisses out something unintelligible, his whole body shaking, and grips Ratchet's hips tightly, his head falling back on the blankets-
Ratchet: *he grinned and continued his thrusts and movements, falling forward after a few moments, his free hand supporting him as he stared down at 'Hide*
Ironhide: -buries his head in his neck, groaning loudly- /Harder/...nnnn......loveyouRatch... -hands move to grip at his shoulders, needing to hold on to /something/-
Ratchet: Mnnggg...Iloveyoutoo..*he increased his pace, and thrust deeper, his hand clenching in the blankets, pleasure surging through him. His other hand kept pace, wanting to drive him to overload...*
Ironhide: -it doesn't take much more than that for him, and he lets out a muffled scream as he overloads, arching up and shaking from the intensity of it-
Ratchet: *that muffled cry and the sight of him crashing into overload was all that was left that he needed, and he rushed headlong into his own overload, thrusting harder and deeper than before, pleasure overtaking him. The hand that supported him collapsed and he fell against 'Hide, unable to move now..*
Ironhide: -keeps his tight grip, falling limply onto the blankets and nuzzling him with a content smile-
Ratchet: *after a minute he slowly withdrew, laying beside 'Hide for a few moments, an arm over him.* Mnn...we can't stay like this, though....
Ironhide: -pouts slightly, but moves to give him a gentle kiss- As much as I'd like to...unfortunately.
Ratchet: *he kissed back gently, then nodded* Whenever you're ready..
Ironhide: -deactivates his holo and stands up in his mech form, smiling-
Ratchet: *he deactivated his own holo and transformed, standing and staggering slightly, a bit disoriented* mmnn...
Ironhide: -catches him, and a bit disoriented himself, helps move them both to the berth, and collapses on it on his back-
Ratchet: *he collapsed on the berth with 'Hide, and turned to face him, sliding an arm around him* ...so...did I pass...?
Ironhide: -grins, snuggling up to him- With flying colors.
Ratchet: *he grinned* Good.
Ironhide: Of course, I'm going to have to make sure you keep practicing.
Ratchet: Oh really now? *he leaned in against him*
Ironhide: Mmm. Don't want you to get rusty. -snuggles in more, optics dimming slightly-
Ratchet: *He chuckled at that* ..Heh. I don't think I will get rusty with -you- around.
Ironhide: -laughs quietly, drifting off already-
Ratchet: *He smiled, drifting off as well...*

log, ratchet, ironhide

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