Dirge and Blackout log

May 14, 2008 23:09

Dirge comes through with his offer to pay Blackout a visit to deliver some energon. :3 Much conversation and window jumping is had!

Dirge: *And lo, Dirge was back in the base after spending a day psyching himself up by repeating 'You won't get rust' for twenty-four hours straight. That, and a nice cleansing shower had made him feel much better. So now he was headed for the medbay, energon in hand, to say hello to Blackout and catch up with the not-really-so-traitorous helicopter.*

Blackout: -In turn, Blackout remains where has he since the moment of his return: the medbay. With its boring white walls. Its boring empty space. Its boring 943 tiled ceiling. It is safe to say he is growing bored of his current predicament, but his still limited supply of energy and lack of certain parts certainly makes for a sound argument in keeping him in place. Oh, anything to break this monotony would do!-

Dirge: *Good thing Dirge is around then! The Seeker pokes his head in, then enters the rest of the way, not quite sure if he's disturbing the occupant. Oh well, if he is, who cares?* Hey, Blackout.

Blackout: -Lifting his head off the table, it takes him a moment to realize that the other is not a figment of his weary imagination. And is that energon he sees within the other's grasp? The substance he has been without for a time longer than any mech should have to endure? With some effort, Blackout attempts a sitting up position.- Dirge. I take it you are going through with your earlier proposal? -If not, he may just be reduced to pouncing the other for that drink.-

Dirge: *The other lets a rare, genuine smile break over his features, holding out a cube for the other* That would be why I'm here, yes. *He looks over the chopper. Slag, what happened to the mech? Something awful from the looks of it.*

Blackout: -That is certainly an understatement. Most of him is an improvement from before, though he still does not have use of one arm. It will be some time before those parts are found or made to be installed.- You are one of the few who have my thanks. -He states appreciatively, lounging back against the wall and accepting the energon. The way he sips it speaks volumes of his restraint and desire to savor it.-

Dirge: *Cracks open his own cube and sips, still looking over Blackout. Hn. Must have gone through some crazy slag.* So. What was the Clone like?

Blackout: -He openly snorts, taking another drink first. That copy can wait to be mentioned in face of him enjoying his energon.- Even after being under his pitiful excuse for command, it is difficult for me to believe that he is even associated with Lord Megatron. It was like following a sparkling halfwit; he had no purpose but to play the fool.

Dirge: *Chortles softly, shaking his head.* As I thought then. Another pretender, much like that fool Dive Bomb. *He pulls face when he mentions the Predacon.* The idiot is cooling his heels in the brig at the moment, until Megatron gets around to dealing with him.

Blackout: A pretender indeed. Just empty promises and false hopes resided with Galvatron, and any other who thinks they can offer more than we already have. -Concludes after a moment. The other's words give him pause and time to think and sip some more.- One of the ones fished out about considering switching, was he not?

Dirge: *Nods with a derisive snort.* The fool tried to make a run for the barrier. Starscream caught him and gave him a thrashing. *He takes another small sip.* I'm glad to have you back, Blackout. Your deception was most admirable.

Blackout: ... -Raises his cube to Dive Bomb, as if saying 'Congratulations, moron.' Though he can somewhat sympathize with him concerning Starscream's particular brand of treatment.- Well, as head enforcer, I will have to see that less of that becomes an issue. -His tone suggests neither pleasure nor disfavor, it entirely up to the listener to decide. Smirking at Dirge's words, he states- Rest assured, I am glad to be back. Though I do lament no longer being able to fool the fool. -To clarify his words, he runs his fingers along his cube, as if pulling the strings on a puppet.-

Dirge: *Dirge gives a dark chuckle, carefully leaning against a counter after making sure there's no rust or anything there. Eww. Rust.* If you require assistance, I am happy to help. *He watches Blackout for a moment, then nods.* There must be something gratifying about leading the fool into a clever trap...

Blackout: -Yeah, it's great having his own space in the medbay clean of such vile infecties. Can't deny that.- We shall have to wait and see how it goes. I will have my work cut out for me; there certainly seems to be a remaining amount of...unrest. -Said dryly, like comparing apples to oranges.- After what that beast put us through, I can't deny relishing what small victories I could. However...in his passing, it will be good to fly once again, unhindered and without having to fear what the skies hide. -Something not even he has done as of late. He's almost forgotten what it is like.-

Dirge: *Actually smiles again at that.* Ah, yes...to fly again will be wondrous. I need to stretch my wings badly. *He flexes them, wincing slightly.* They're very stiff.

Blackout: While I cannot bring myself to complain about my rotors becoming used to blood and toil as they have recently, I...do look forward to using them for flying once again, as well. As soon as the opportunity arises, I think I may just do that.

Dirge: *Nods in agreement.* I hope you wouldn't mind if I joined you.

Blackout: -He raises an optic ridge over his cube, though does not look insulted, merely amused by such an offer coming from the other.- A seeker volunteering to soar with a carrier such as myself? Really now, I may be fast, but keeping up with the likes of you is preposterous. -Despite the words, they are said surprisingly light (for him, at any rate) and he does not come out and exactly say no.- And what brought this on, if I may ask?

Dirge: Eh. *Gives a nonchalant shrug. He's just bored, really!* Thrust and Ramjet are acting like slagging idiots. I need someone to spend some time with who doesn't run into stuff or run away from his own shadow.

Blackout: -Laughs outright at that.- I will not even bother refuting such a statement. Very well, I may just take you up on such an offer. Not as if there are many who I wish could accompany me on such an endeavor.

Dirge: Glad to hear it. And I'm always willing to spend time with loyal Decepticons. *A small grin at that.*

Blackout: Words I can almost live by. -Raises his cube for the last time, finishing it off. He doesn't even have a light buzz going, but its flavor and added energy is most welcome.-

Dirge: *Already finished his cube. He walks over to stand by the berth, giving Blackout a gentle clap on the shoulder.* It's good to see that you're in pretty much one piece and on the mend.

Blackout: Fortunate for me, we have a competent leader. -He says in kind, not shrugging the other's hand away and instead allowing it there for the moment.- All the same, I cannot get out of here soon enough. -Glares up at the stupid 943 tiled ceiling. Yeah, he can't wait to leave you behind.- Feel free to smuggle in some more energon at any time.

Dirge: Competence is more than welcome. I just wish he spend less time messing about with Prime...*He sighs and gives a resigned shrug.* But, nothing we can do. And yes, I'll be sure to come back with more energon.

Blackout: -He...almost hesitates before responding, reluctance on breeching such a subject evident.- Lord Megatron does all that he can. -OH HEY LOOK IT'S A DISTRACTION I mean CHANGE OF SUBJECT er actually NEW TOPIC TIME.- Be careful on your way out. You would not want to run into a rust victim, now would you? -Smirks marginally.-

Dirge: *Blinks and stiffens at that* Er, no! No I wouldn't! *His entire demeanor changes in an instant. He hunches over slightly, looking around as if a rust victim is waiting to attack and infect him.*

Blackout: ..... -Well that was slightly unexpected. But hey, he'll run with it. Without saying he word, he uses his good hand to point a thumb in the direction of a window. Have at it.-

Blackout: -It's a little small, but it's better than walking in the contaminated hallways, right? Right.-

Dirge: *Dirge agrees, Dirge totally agrees. He heads over to the window and scrambles through in a most undignified fashion.*

Blackout: -Aaaaand closes the window behind, making catching the other in the aft a little. Looks like it's back to counting the ceiling tiles again. Le sigh.-

log, dirge, blackout

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