Log: Magnus Visits Metroplex

May 15, 2008 14:39

[Set right after Magnus' visit to see Ratchet about medical clearance.]

Ultra Magnus: *He's had to go back to his room for a few moments after seeing Ratchet but Magnus really does not feel like wasting any more. He heads outside, not even bothering to transform and walks the distance across to where Metroplex has settled. By the Pit is he happy to finally be able to go see city-mech and his drones!*

Metroplex: *Metroplex is still where he landed, and still in city-mode. Six-Gun and Scamper being needed elsewhere, he keeps watch of anyone approaching himself, though it's doubtful that can be labeled as a hard job. Seeing someone get closer, he lets Scamper know, and the car speeds up to get to the entrance, curious to see who it is. Dust and sand settling behind him, the drone transforms, smiling when he sees it's Ultra Magnus paying them a visit.*

Ultra Magnus: *Ultra Magnus sees the dust the black car kicks up, and as soon as Scamper stands, holds up a hand in a short wave and quickens his pace to close the last gap.* Scamper... it's great to finally be able to come over...

Metroplex: Magnus! Long time no see, truly. *He looks up at his face, a happy smile on his face.* You got the medical clearance, then? *It might be a subtle hint, or just affirming a thought. They had doubted Magnus would've shown up if he hadn't been cleared.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus grins, nodding, as he pulls out the datapad Ratchet gave him.* I made sure to get that done as soon as I could get onto Ratchet... *Laughs* I probably would have come over sooner if not for the current rust problem.

Metroplex: *He takes the pad and looks over it, glancing back up at the mech when he's done.* You never were one for procrastinating. Six-Gun is inside, he's glad you're here. Metroplex is too, though he's sorry he couldn't say hello directly. *Slightly apologetic, clearly a feeling coming from the city.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods, still smiling.* Understandable enough, I'm sure he can say whatever he wants when I have a chance to be in hearing of his PA system. *He takes a step closer, placing a hand on Scamper's shoulder, thumb stroking it in absent affection.* It's just good to be able to see you guys again.

Metroplex: He might comm you, he doesn't like the speaker-system when it's a private conversation. *He gazes at the arm, giving it a little pat and continues smiling. They didn't really get lonely, since they had each other, but they liked good company - a change in mind, so to speak.* It's good to see you too, Magnus. How are you doing, these days?

Ultra Magnus: That's understandable, especially when more people start coming over. *Magnus nods, only pausing momentarily as Scamper pats his arm, but not removing that just yet.* I've been reasonably well, been keeping myself busy... I adopted a sparkling who gives me plenty of interesting times of late... and minding Optimus's business in the meantime. *It's an old joke, but a favourite.*

Metroplex: *The sports car's hand goes down by his side again after giving the arm another pat. They weren't planning on leaving any time soon, or at least not the planet. There's an amused snort at the joke.* A sparkling? We thought the Allspark had been destroyed. *There's a pause before he speaks again.* Six-Gun is coming.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus gives a shrug.* He was created just before the Allspark was destroyed, he was lucky to survive too, considering the human who caused him to be brought to life tried to kill him immediately after, but the records don't have any information on how Noki survived that... or how he made it to the base to start with. There's a few other sparklings on the base who were made by the Allspark during the final conflict over it, before it got destroyed. *Glances up at the entryway, happy to know the other drone is heading this way.*

Metroplex: *The drone frowns, sharing the feeling with the two other in his mind-link. Kill him?* We didn't know humans were this hostile. Did he try to hurt them? *That would've made some sense, at least. Hurting just for hurting sounded like Decepticons. Behind him, the main door opens to reveal Metroplex' other drone, Scamper turning his head to watch him walk down the ramp, facemask hiding whatever grin he might be wearing.* Good to see you aren't rusting away. *Six-Gun says it with some wryness, quickly looking at Scamper before turning his focus upwards.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus is momentarily distracted by Six-Gun's arrival, snerking at the comment.* I can probably thank my fondness for paperwork for it - it kept me away from the infectious mechs before the quarantine was called. *Returning to a slightly more serious tone* It's the same as with a lot of species, there's good and bad ones, and humans have a tendency to be xenophobic. From the reports, I ascertained the human organization that found the Allspark to start with were working under a very xenophobic attitude. The one who tried to kill Noki evidently is very severely so and when Noki came to life scared and angry... *Magnus shakes his head*

Metroplex: *Six-Gun snickers, while Scamper replies to that with a grin.* Finally it came to good use, at least. *The newly arrived drone steps closer to Ultra Magnus, nodding in greeting. They both listen to the bigger mech with serious expression, doubtlessly sharing this information with the mech they're symbioting with. It's the car that responds.* They're a terribly young species, for having come this far.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus reaches out to touch Six-Gun, more affectionate touching for the defender drone as well.* They are very young, and live fast lives as well... Not all of them are bad, they can come around to accept things like off-worlders if given the time... I know there's a few who are currently living on the base at the moment.

Metroplex: They have so precious little of it, how can they stand losing any of it? *Scamper again, the drones share a similar expression as they look up at Magnus. Neither pulls away from the touch, though it isn't returned beyond the initial pats from the car.* There are humans on base? *Six-Gun breaks his silence, sounding less than enthusiastic about it - careful, really. Where there was one, there was two, then more than you'd bargained for.*

Ultra Magnus: I do not know, just that they fill their lives with so much. *Magnus is not put off by the lack of reaction, it's enough to be able to touch them.* I think it's only really one small family group who are in residence, any of the others who are friends with mechs on the base live in their own communities... I have only really seen four on the base since I've been here, and three of them are the family group.

Metroplex: That explains their lack of hostility, at least. *The car takes over as their spokesperson again, the other glancing at his fellow drone. Scamper doesn't return it, instead looking at Magnus.* Would you like to come inside? *The two didn't mind being outside after being in space for so long, but they never moved that far away from the city unless Metroplex had something specific in mind for them.*

Ultra Magnus: *The suggestion draws Magnus's attention away from discussing human issues, and he smiles softly to Scamper.* I would love to go in. *He glances up at the main bulk of the city, admiring the shiny metal walls fondly.*

Metroplex: *One drone grins while the other smiles, the car turning around and starts moving towards the entrance, Six-Gun waiting to follow in order to take the rear out of habit.* Then lets go. *Scamper looks over his shoulder as he says it, Metroplex himself standing massive in front of them with the door still open from when Six-Gun went through it.* :: I have a room to show you. :: *The voice is unmistakably the city's, deep and friendly.*

Ultra Magnus: *Remembering Six-Gun's habit reasonably well Magnus follows Scamper as he heads in, smiling as the city-mech's comment comes through.* ::I'm sure your tastes will be excellent, Metroplex.:: *And he really does trust Metroplex's taste, it is just one of the numerous things he is fast recalling he respected the megabot for.*

Metroplex: *The gun-drone isn't slow to follow, moving more to Magnus' side as they move closer to the entrance.* :: I hope you will like it. :: *Inside, the lights come back from their dimmed state, Scamper slowing down slightly to let the other two catch up with him, ending up on Magnus' other side.*

Ultra Magnus: *Most of Magnus's attention is on re-familiarizing himself with Metroplex's hallways, but he does notice how Six-Gun and Scamper have settled into walking either side of him and can't help smile. Primus help him but he can't keep a smile off his face today, though that's hardly a bad thing. There is a soft thankful thought directed in the general direction of the aforementioned deity that the city-mech has come to Earth. Part of Magnus can't help be amused at how dizzy he's acting over this.*

Metroplex: *They all remain silent, less awkward and more companionable as the two lead the Autobot towards destination unknown - though it shouldn't be that surprising that they are heading for the room Metroplex mentioned. Both move in perfect partnership, never missing a beat of the other's movements, and mostly focusing on the hallways in front of them, though Scamper gives occasional glances to the mech between them. Lights keep turning on further ahead, always where they are heading, other corridors and rooms remaining dimly lit.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus catches one of those glances of Scamper's, quirking an eyebrow at the black drone in friendly amusement.* How have you guys been, up 'til you came here? It's been some time since I lost track of where you were assigned after I had to be transferred...

Metroplex: We were sent to Kerrchak and spent some time there to help fight off the Decepticons. *Scamper doesn't break the optic contact, trusting other senses to keep himself from bumping into walls.* There were some other reassignments after that, nothing too out of the ordinary. *A slight hesitation before he continues.* We had some tough battles. Fortunately we received backup before it ended too badly. *At this, Six-Gun makes a soft sound, remembering some of the worse moments. The car, however, just smiles reassuringly. They were all still here, after all.*

Ultra Magnus: Well it is good that you came through it in good condition. I... *He does not finish that thought, but it is something along the line of how much he would have missed them, if Metroplex had been permanently lost.*

Metroplex: *Taking note of Magnus' trailing off, he gives the mech a pat on the back in an attempt to cheer him up.* All is well that ends well. *It's not a philosophy Metroplex and company believed in enough for it to be a spark-felt thing, but they liked the optimism of it. On Magnus other side Six-Gun chuckles quietly as Scamper continues.* And now we're here. How long have you been on Earth, by the way?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shakes off the thought - Metroplex is here, now.* Not all that long actually, about two and a half months. Feels like longer, probably because life on the base is... interesting, what with opposing sides having to learn how to live peacefully.

Metroplex: Does it work? *For once it's not the car speaking up, the red drone looking up at Magnus with interest. Elaborating some, Scamper speaks up again.* Are there many fights breaking out over differences? *Both are looking up at Magnus now, curious how the situation on Earth really is.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shrugs* It seems to work reasonably well. I think partly because Megatron has set rules in place against too much fighting. The worst problems are mainly with Galvatron and Nemesis at the moment, and with Decepticons wanting to switch sides.

Metroplex: Galvatron and Nemesis? *The car frowns. They'd come across the names, but were unsure just what the two of them were.* ...and 'Cons switching sides? To Autobots? *Scamper sounds disbelieving, while the other gives a dubious snort.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus shakes his head at himself, for not explaining.* Galvatron is a clone of Megatron. He's been making overtures to the remaining Decepticons about taking up a life of fighting and destruction again. The switching sides... it's not switching to the Autobots, it's switching to Galvatron's side instead of Megatron's. Nemesis... *Magnus grimaces, remembering what he knows about that one* From what Optimus told me he started out as a virus, but has some time gained a body. He's done some terrible things just since I've been here - captured one of the femmes on the base and tortured her for a good few weeks.

Metroplex: *They're silent as they think that over, turning their gazes in front of them again. Another Megatron? A walking virus that tortures? The need for the barrier that had been mentioned to them becomes more obvious now, unfortunately. They had been looking forwards to a planet without war raging on it. The gun-drone breaks the silence.* If enough Decepticon joins Galvatron, will the war start up again?

Ultra Magnus: *He looks at Six-Gun seriously, the gun-drone's question is one even he has wondered over.* If enough of them joined him... though at the moment a lot of them seem to be willing to give the current peace a chance. There are even a few who have bonded to Autobot partners, so I doubt those ones would consider it. So far there has only been one mech who has changed sides, and one attempt who is currently in the brig.

Metroplex: *He glances back, looking like he's making a small grimace under the facemask.* So it's uncertain. *He - and the other two in the link - are more worried about the chance of sabotage in the form of a double-crossing mech that a war, the latter they knew all too well how to deal with. Clever sabotage, though, could kill them.* We're almost there, *he adds quietly. Decepticons were generally untrustworthy, who knew if there weren't any already someone who had switched allegiances without anyone knowing?*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods at the statement, while he guesses at Six-Gun's worry. He's had enough experience with mechs with faceplates - and certainly Six-Gun as well - to read the small indicators visible. He would gladly do anything to help protect Metroplex that any of the city-mech's parts might request of him.* Somewhat uncertain, yes. Add to that normal personality clashes... I am sometimes surprised things are as peaceful as they are at the moment.

Metroplex: Good leadership, maybe. *The car tries to brighten the mood, intending it more as a compliment for Optimus than Megatron, Metroplex hadn't come to think of Megatron as his leader just yet. (Then again, he hadn't been on Earth for that long.)* Mechs get tired of fighting. *They move into a another corridor, being in one of the more central part of the city. It's a - not private, sheltered, out of the way of the main hallways, with a wide door on either side close to the hall it branches out from.* Pick a side. *The two look at each other quickly before turning their attention to Magnus, waiting for the answer.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods at the leadership comment, but does not put in his thought that it applies to both sides - Megatron understanding the Decepticon mindset better than any Autobot ever could, even Optimus. He looks at the doors the drones indicate to, moving to the left-hand door. It is a random pick, Magnus having an idea that the two sides are probably much the same anyway.* This? *He touches the door lightly, glancing at the pair of drones.*

Metroplex: *The pair smile at him, the door opening as he touches it, sliding into the walls out of sight and bother. The room itself is clean but has traits of not being used recently, containing shelves and file cabinets - all secured to the walls and floor to keep them from being flung around when Metroplex transformed into his robot mode, with some modifications in the form of straps and such to keep other things in place. It shouldn't be hard at all for the paperwork-loving mech to see that it's a room meant for storing datapads and other sorts of paperwork in an orderly fashion, and it's big enough for the three to fit inside easily.* :: One of the officers I stationed with thought they needed an upgrade and a change of location. ::

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus smiles, definitely seeing the purpose behind the way this room has been outfitted. It is a better setup than the office he's put together on the Ark, that is for sure. He walks slowly around the room, hands absently touching the fittings as he passes. He turns back to the two drones, though his thanks get directed to Metroplex himself* ::Thank you, this is perfect Met. I would say you have perfect taste.::

Metroplex: :: Thank you. :: *Warmly. :: Though I had some help. :: *A bit on the wry side, he couldn't exactly do it himself and his drones had other tasks during wartime to perform rather than redecorating - though they had done their part of the work.* :: I thought you might like it. An administrator's real office. :: *Amused, and sounding the part. While Magnus had looked around Six-Gun had moved to the doorframe and leaning against it, the other standing just inside the room.* There are hard drives to transfer datapad contents onto, and Metroplex can access them remotely. *The car sounds pleased, happy about him liking the room.* They're mostly empty now, though.

Ultra Magnus: ::It is great, whoever set it up is a mech after my own spark.:: *He comes back to stand by Scamper and Six-Gun. A sudden inclination grips him and hopes he is not going to far as he gently pulls the car-drone into a hug.* I missed you guys... so glad you're here. *He speaks softly, emotionally.*

Metroplex: :: It did remind me about you, when we were working on it. :: *It was hard to miss the thing Ultra Magnus had with paperwork when getting to know him. The hug comes as a surprise for the trio, though it's slow enough to not startle either of them. Scamper brings his arms up to lightly return the hug, they aren't overly familiar to physical proximities like this, though used enough to it to not reject or overreact.* We're glad to see you too, Magnus. *Scamper replies with a soft voice, and Six-Gun grins and keeps watching the scene, a bit touched by the other's emotional state.* If we'd known we wouldn've come sooner, *he points out.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus is slow to release Scamper, but does eventually, catching the hints of Six-Gun's grin when he looks up at the gun-drone.* If there is ever anything you want my help on... *He doesn't finish that, but the offer is obvious - he will help Metroplex and his drones with anything. He quirks a lip* As much as I wish I could stay here right now and not go back to the base, there are things over there that I will need to see get done, though I can probably stay here for a while today.

Metroplex: *Metroplex is both friendly and patient, and Scamper lets Magnus hug him for as long as he needs, happy to see their friend again and to know he's doing well.* :: That goes for you as well. :: *He's earnest, wanting to do more for the other than just being here, but trusts the Autobot will ask him for help if he ever needed it.* We know you have responsibilities to take care of. *The car smiles up at him.* We'll still be here when you get back. *The gun-drone nods in agreement. (What else?)* And then maybe we can catch up a bit more. Metroplex is still getting used to the human media, but there's so much of it. *As an afterthought-* It was a long trip to get here. It took a lot of energy out of him. *The tone he says it with has a fondness in a way only the trio themselves could truly comprehend, trying to inform more than politely throw out. It had been a while since they had last spoken with Ultra Magnus, after all.*

Ultra Magnus: *He nods* I can imagine it was, I know I had to put myself into recharge before I could make atmospheric entry - had something of an interesting conversation with at least one mech who picked up my transmissions about the subject. It amused me that it never occurred to anyone that sitting in a decent stable orbit is a good spot to rest temporarily. *He snerks at the memory of his discussion with... Thundercracker, he thinks it was.* That probably doesn't work for everyone though, I think human astronomers would have noticed pretty quickly if you had sat in orbit, though I do wonder how much they notice our in-coming anyway... *He thinks for a moment* I might ask about energon generators, if that will help Met recharge better? *It turns into a question at the end, as he waits for their opinion on it.*

Metroplex: He wasn't really made for space flight. It's tricky for him to navigate sometimes. Mass and all. *More smiling, Metroplex and his drones are well aware of his different weaknesses. They had been put to the test before, like war tends to do with people.* We did orbit while he calculated the course of re-entry, but we thought it was better if we left topside as soon as possible. *When the sentence is finished, Six-Gun speaks up in an interlude, somewhat out of the blue for anyone not sharing the mind-link.* I need to go. It was really good seeing you again, Magnus. *He nods as a gesture of see you later before turning around and disappearing around a corner, off to do something Metroplex had expressed concern about. Scamper gives the remaining mech an apologetic expression. Sentient or not, they were still drones.* Thank you for the offer, but he'll be fine by tomorrow. We don't want to inconvenience you or distract you from your work.

Ultra Magnus: *Six-Gun's quick departure is not something Magnus is bothered too much by, the drones were prone to that last time Magnus had served with Metroplex as well, so he knows it is just a quirk of being drones to the city-bot. He shrugs about the work comment from Scamper* I haven't had a lot of work since the rust problem came up, though now things are starting to be worked out I will probably be inundated with paperwork as the whole thing is written up and in need of filing. *He gives the room another glance* It will probably be a lot more comfortable dealing with that here though.

Metroplex: Preparation, then. *He looks over the room briefly, it hadn't changed much from when they'd made it. Getting a mental update from Six-Gun he nods faintly, exchanging some unspoken words with the two. It's a quick process, and he doesn't go absent, though his smile fades to be replaced by a friendly, bland expression.* The Cybertronians with the rust are mostly treated?

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods* From what I have been hearing, they're processing them now. Some of the worse cases have been released already. The next big problem will be dealing with rust that has set into the base itself. *He grimaces* I just hope the chapel isn't wrecked.

Metroplex: I thought I saw something about rust going for the ships. *The drone offers a light sigh. Rust was never a pleasant - or wanted - malady. He shows some interest in the last comment given, though.* The chapel?

Ultra Magnus: Yes... *He quirks a lip at the question* The chapel is a pet project of mine... I wanted a formal place to pray... *He shrugs, not unaware of how widespread the lack of faith in Primus is amongst Cybertronians.* It's in one of the empty storage compartments.

Metroplex: Ah, I see. To which god? *The latter part is almost an afterthought on the behalf of Scamper, and it's a rather light question, just shy of casual.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus snerks softly* Primus, of course. I don't know how Met missed that, I've always had a habit of morning and evening prayers.

Metroplex: We don't watch you all the time. *Gently, but not admonishing.* We didn't know it was something you do daily.

Ultra Magnus: *He rubs his audial sheepishly.* Yeah... well I don't like to make a great deal about it, I've had my fair share of commentary from people who don't see any point behind prayer... and I find it a good way to centre myself.

Metroplex: There is nothing wrong with some quiet introspection. *He looks up at the mech, slightly amused by the embarrassed gesture. With him, Metroplex and Six-Gun it was a somewhat different matter, though they still managed to achieve a unison of mind.*

Ultra Magnus: That's what I have always thought - it has helped me cope with a lot in life. *He shrugs at that.* Anyway... *Magnus grimaced* Ahh slag... *He mutters quietly.*

Metroplex: Is there something wrong? *Looks somewhat concerned, gazing up at Magnus with an inquisitive expression*

Ultra Magnus: Uhh... Probably nothing... but I probably have to go back to the base anyway... *Magnus grimaces at that.* Maybe I can come back later? *A big, dignified robot like Ultra Magnus should not be able to make puppy eyes. Really.*

Metroplex: I don't see why you can't. *He's amused by the other's face, almost pleading for the permission to return.*

Ultra Magnus: *That gets a happy smile, and Magnus moves over to the door.* Well I... I'll go fix up my stuff over there and... *He shrugs again, a hand absently caressing the doorframe.*

Metroplex: *The car just smiles back, stepping closer to the door and Magnus, giving him a pat on the back.* We're always open.

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus turns to catch at the hand Scamper patted him with, holding it for a moment.* Thank you... I'll head back now... and maybe see you later - if you're not busy.

Metroplex: *Optic ridges lift in surprise, but he doesn't pull the hand away.* Let us know and one of us will accompany you. *Advantage of having special drones, really.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods, releasing the hand.* If I need it, I do want to relearn my way around anyway, though I would hardly mind the company.

Metroplex: You know who to call if you get lost. *Followed by a lopsided grin, while Metroplex wasn't exactly a tourist's guide he still knew where everything was - strangely enough.* You remember the way out?

Ultra Magnus: *That gets a snerk* I think I'll be able to make my way. *He nods.*

Metroplex: Don't hesitate to call for help if you need it. *He steps out of the room, glancing back at Magnus.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus nods again as he follows Scamper out.* I will. *He says with a smile before turning down the hallway.*

Metroplex: *The car-drone nods back and watches the mech walk away before heading into another corridor with the certainty that comes from knowing a place inside out.*

Ultra Magnus: *Magnus heads out, only occasionally having to stop and recall the way they had come a few times. He occasionally trails fingers lightly along the wall, only really looking back when he's outside. He won't stay away for long though, Metroplex is probably the best base he's ever been within... and he really doesn't care if that opinion is the result of his giddiness over the city-mech's arrival.*

ultra magnus, log, metroplex

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