Log dump: Arcee rescue mission part one!

Apr 15, 2008 20:36

Barricade: ::Springer, Location?:: *He was on his way to the base doors, and moving fast*
Chromia: -serious look on her face as she follows; no one gets away with hurting her teammates-
Springer: *hurrying out of the med bay, first making a little pitstop by the armoury...*
Springer: ::Had to pick up some tools... Be there soon.::
Barricade: ::Alright. Hurry.:: *He reached the doors and stood waiting, pissed off and in pain. But the pain fueled the pissed off, and he was getting more and more pissed by the moment*
Elita: *she burst throught the Ark's doors, a glint in her eyes as she looks around*
Springer: *Sees the other mech--a 'con?!-- waiting for him at the doors. It's a bit of a surprise, but he covers and nods in approval*
Springer: Ready?
Elita: We are. *practically snarling in anger at Nemesis*
Chromia: -growls slightly-
Barricade: *He glanced up at Elita...and Chromia* ..Good. Glad you're with us. *there's a low growl to his voice*
Barricade: *He shifts, anxious* Is anyone else coming, or are we going?
Chromia: -looks at Barricade, a little concerned-
Barricade: *catches Chromia's look*..What? *voice lower, darker than normal*
Springer: I guess the gang's all here, big guy. *Does a wonderful job of covering his own anxieties, smiling broadly*
Chromia: ::...are you alright?:: -she'd read all of the posts, and knew he had to be in some serious pain-
Barricade: ::No. But I won't stand by and let this continue.:: *glare* Then lets go. *he turned and shoved open the door, walking out, leading the group out*
Barricade: *Once outside, he transformed and spun tires, dirt kicking up and flying everywhere as he sped off*
Elita: *stalks behind him, expression dark and unreadable*
Springer: *follows, transfroming into 'copter mode and easily keeping pace with the police car*
Chromia: -transforms as well, following-
Elita: *follows*
Barricade: ::You all don't hurry up I am leaving without you.:: *Is already halfway to the barrier*
Elita: *right behind him*
Barricade: *Dust kicking up everywhere behind him*
Chromia: -a little blue mini cooper follows closely-
Springer: ::...look up, genius!:: *swoops in low and pulls ahead of 'cade*
Barricade: ::Good! I have something to talk to you about, by the way, While we are on the subject.:: *ttly speeding*
Springer: ::Got time, big guy:: *is easily keeping up with him*
Moonracer: Wait for me! *screeching up behind Elita and Chromia, little green Honda Fit swooping out the base doors and thumping onto the ground :D*
Barricade: ::You and Arcee. Did you two have a past or something that I should know about?:: *being blunt and to the point, not much time for dallying. Pissed Cruiser is pissed*
Elita: *just...keeps pace with Chromia*
Moonracer: *scurrying behind them, easily catching up, giggling over a private femme comm link!* ::Great! We're getting Arcee back!::
Springer: ::Huh?:: *caught off gaurd* ::What business is it of yours?::
Chromia: -stays silent; this is Elita's to reveal, and her's only-
Barricade: *He growled* ::I'm her /fucking/ bonded.::
Elita: *hiss* ::Not anymore, Barricade. As far as I am concerned, he shattered BOTH of her bonds. This is hardly the time for a pissing contest.::
Barricade: ::He got BOTH of them??:: *Now he's really pissed off...*
Springer: ::WHAT?!:: *tilts and wobbles in the air*
Elita: ::Just drive.:: *she's revealing nothing else, not the time for an argument*
Barricade: *growls* ::Sounds good to me.:: *Kicks it into a higher gear, finding tracers left by previous mechs as they neared the edge of the barrier..*
Moonracer: ...*just,,,stays silent D: *
Chromia: -well, this is going to be lovely-
Elita: *nearing the barrier* ::This could be a problem. Wasn't Starscream ordered to shoot anyone on sight who tried to leave?::
Chromia: ::We're not going to join that /glitch/ though...::
Springer: *Is too stunned to argue, following along*
Moonracer: ::True!:: *cheerful*
Barricade: *he has one goal in mind, and is focused, speeding faster*
Thundercracker: *Speaking of that... A certain blue seeker comes swooping in for a fly-by and spots the group...*
Elita: ::Perhaps we should entertain the thought of informing Starscream.::
Thundercracker: *private, to Warp & Starscream* ::Looks like we got runners...::
Barricade: *he picked up on the seekers* ::Everyone, heads up. Seekers to our 6.::
Skywarp: *follows in the wake of the purple* ::Gotcha.::
Elita: ...
Springer: ::Roger!:: *pulls up and makes for the lead Seeker*
Elita: -private to Starscream- ::Starscream. Location and status.::
Starscream: *private to Warp and TC* ::Oooh, who are they?::
Starscream: *private to Elita* ::Why're you asking?::
Chromia: ::Frag.::
Skywarp: *private to Seekers* ::... damned if I know.::
Elita: :We're going to need help. And we'd highly appreciate it if you /don't/ shoot us.::
Thundercracker: *comms back* ::'bots! It's a bunch of /AUTOBOTS/?!::
Barricade: ::Springer, Get back here! Save your fragging energy!!::
Starscream: *private to Elita* ::Need help with what?::
Skywarp: ::... do we shoot, or let 'em go? Screamer?::
Starscream: *private to TC and Warp* ::Half a klik. One of them a pink femme?::
Barricade: *Pegs the needle on the speedometer*
Elita: :: A rescue mission only. We do /not/ wish to directly engage in combat.::
Starscream: *private to Elita* ::Going to get Arcee, then?::
Skywarp: ::They're all in alt, how the slag'm I supposed to know? ... there's a pink one, though.::
Springer: *growls over the comm, but pulls back... not before coming threateningly close to clipping the purple/black seeker*
Elita: ::Damn sure going to try. Are you going to help us? Or at least let us through the barrier? ::
Thundercracker: ::Orders were that /no one/ leaves the barrier, Warp.::
Skywarp: *jerks back and fires off a warning shot* ::Hey, greeny! Don't get too close!::
Starscream: *private to Warp and TC* ::Hold fire, TC. Hold fire, Warp.::
Moonracer: *nudges Chromia's bumper gently* ::Hey. Why're there fliers everywhere?::
Chromia: ::No one's supposed to leave the barrier.::
Starscream: *private to Elita* ::Go for it. We're a bit busy right now, but have fun.::
Skywarp: ::Yessir.::
Thundercracker: *...forcing himself not to frag the 'copter, obeys the order* ::Right.::
Moonracer: ..::oh. that's right. Are we gonna get in trouble?:: *no more brig pleasekthx*
Starscream: *private to TC and Warp* ::They're cleared with me; let them go. Going to retrieve an Autobot that got nabbed.::
Barricade: *private to Warp* ::Skywarp. This is Barricade. I would appreciate it if you didn't fire on anyone::
Chromia: ::Hopefully not.::
Elita: *cringes inwardly at the shot* :: Thanks.::
Barricade: *low growl*
Elita: *open comm* :: They're letting us through. Go, Barricade.::
Skywarp: *to Barricade* ::Hey, he started it. But I won't...::
Barricade: *to both* ::Thanks.:: *Guns it.*
Skywarp: ::*snort* It's because Starscream ordered me not to, not because of you.::
Elita: *floors it right after him*
Springer: *Increases speed, keeping pace with 'cade*
Barricade: ::Either way, Skywarp. Any of you helping us, or just watching?:: *Breaks through the barrier*
Moonracer: *hugs tightly behind Chromia*
Elita: *bursts through right behind him*
Chromia: -following Barricade closely-
Thundercracker: *watching them, comming to Warp* ::...sure we should let them go?::
Skywarp: *comms TC* ::Well... Screamer said to. He's the leader.::
Moonracer: *weaving just behind Chromia, feeling awkwardly /grim/ for a change*
Barricade: *hope no one minds paint chips cause there's rocks and dirt flying everywhere from his tires*
Elita: *farthest thing from her mind at the moment*
Chromia: -paint chips are /nothing/-
Barricade: *not that he cares either. *
Thundercracker: *eyeing up the green 'copter, still private to Warp* ::...I wanna frag that one so bad right now...::
Moonracer: *squeaks through the barrier* :: So...uh anyone know where we're going?::
Skywarp: *to TC* ::Hn... maybe later?:: *he would too, to be honest. Ah well.*
Barricade: ::I've found some trackers left by other mechs. We're using those.::
Thundercracker: *to Warp, plus a little nudge over the bond* ::Yes...later.::
Barricade: *Running constant scans for the tracers*
Elita: ::Good. Remember - this is rescue ONLY. Please do not engage in direct combat with Nemesis or Galvatron.::
Springer: *flying close, being oddly quiet*
Barricade: ::And if they should attack us??:: *growling*
Springer: ::...:: *speeds up*
Elita: ::Defend yourself. But get /out/ of the way. This mission is not to kill them. They are...strong.:: *falters*
Moonracer: ::You got it, Elita,...:: *D: *
Barricade: ::No, really?:: *not exactly amused, and makes a sudden left turn, following the tracers* ::LEFT EVERYONE::
Chromia: ::Gotcha, boss-lady.::
Springer: ::...right, ma'am.:: *banks hard, keeping close to 'cade*
Elita: *hardly amused either.*
Moonracer: *makes a hard left, the little Fit zooming behind them*
Barricade: *It took them a couple hours to get there, most of the time cut because of their speed. When he hit the last marker, he skidded to a stop and transformed, looking around* ::End of the line, everyone.:: *His blades were already out.
Barricade: *
Moonracer: *tense, following behind the others, thinking to herself. She was quiet for once*
Springer: *Transforms mid-air and lands beside the 'con, pulling out an energy blade*
Nemesis: *And...there is a completely innocent powerplant before them*
Nemesis: *Albeit one that looks like it's been abandoned for some time, with quite a few gates up with 'NO TRESSPASSING' - but nothing whatsoever to suggest it is actually the Evil Lair. Look, there's even a 'Beware Of Dog' sign.*
Elita: ::Is this it?::
Barricade: ::This is where the last marker is.:: *He took in the sight, growling to himself.*
Springer: *careful to set his comm to an encrypted channel* ::Yes, ma'am. It's Casa de Villian::
Chromia: ::.....well, at least he's smart about his lair.::
Elita: *encrypted* ::Alright. We ought to send in a spy, to see where she is. We are here only for her.::
Barricade: ::Hn. Elita. Can you get a trace on Arcee?::
Nemesis: *-complete with pet dog. Look, there is a pitbull running up to them, tail wagging! Someone wants to plaaaaay*
Barricade: *Glares at the pet dog* .....
Elita: ::I can get the same as you, Barricade. Nothing more.::
Nemesis: (Killer) *Pantpantpant:D:D:Dtailwagtailwagbark!*
Chromia: -a dog! :D-
Moonracer: ::I can do it...! I'm stealthy, remember! Elita? Cade? Chromia? Guys?::
Barricade: ::We need someone small to go in...:: *He turned and looked at Elita, then Moonracer*
Moonracer: ...::Guys?::
Springer: ::Moony...this ain't the /time/...::
Nemesis: (Killer) *Sniffs at Springer's foot*
Springer: *watches the dog warily*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Lick?*
Moonracer: *grumbles* ::It's one of my specialties, sheesh. Lemme do this!::
Springer: ::...I meant about the dog.:: *deadpan*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Puppy eyes, tailwag*
Barricade: ::Elita..?:: *yes, he wants Elita's opinion*
Moonracer: ::What dog- Ooh. Puppy.::
Springer: *holds her back from petting it. Doggy might be a boobytrap*
Elita: ::Let her do it.:: *private comm to Cade* ::Get her away from the dog before she starts /squealing/.::
Chromia: ::Moon, hon, no time to pet the dog.::
Moonracer: *wants to pet :(*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Notices Moonracer. Barks a greeting!*
Barricade: ::Moonracer. Go. Just /BE CAREFUL/. Watch where you are going, and report back every finding. Send details.::
Moonracer: *:D*
Barricade: *Shifting, anxious*
Nemesis: (Killer) *ohai. can haz playtiems nao?*
Barricade: *.......glares at dog*
Moonracer: ::Okay.:: *squirms free and attempts to ignore the puppy, bounding off silently (wow, whoda thunk it?) towards the building, and disappears into the shadows*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Barks, chases after!*
Chromia: ::...../frag/. It's an alarm, I just know it.::
Springer: ::...dammit.::
Elita: ....::Believe it or not, she's actually quite good.:: ... *frowns* ::That dog barking after her /will not do/.::
Moonracer: *grunts, picks up a dry stick and hurls it far away from her, crap crap crap*
Nemesis: (Killer) *-oooooooooh! STICKSTICKMUSTGETSTICK. Chase!*
Moonracer: *please chase please chase*
Barricade: ::Slag...:: ....
Moonracer: *hustles away from the dog and clambers up onto the ledge of the building, trying to slip away from view, peeking into windows*
Springer: *private, to 'cade* ::Be a shame to shoot the critter...but...::
Barricade: ::.....:: *growling. The thought /had/ crossed his mind..*
Elita: *shifts* ::Chromia...are your weapons online?::
Elita: *it crossed hers too*
Chromia: ::I'd rather knock it unconscious. But if I have to.::
Nemesis: *Looks pretty empty, inside the building. Maybe even too empty.*
Springer: *..thought crossed his as well*
Chromia: ::Yes, they are.::
Barricade: ::Moonracer, Status.::
Barricade: *Shifting uneasily. He wants to go in and /do something/..*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Is looking around for someone to give stick back to. Does not see Moonracer...so goes to Chromia, tail wagging proudly*
Moonracer: *frowns, peeeeering closer, then shifts and flits lightly around the building, looking in different windows* ::Looks empty in there.::
Springer: *crouches a bit, ready for anything*
Elita: ::Good....keep them that way.::
Chromia: .... ::Going to activate my holo, keep it from barking.::
Barricade: ::...HOW empty??::
Elita: ::Good idea.::
Nemesis: *Couple windows are broken. One leads into a room with a open door...overall, though, it's dark. Depending on senses being used, though, a lot of energy can be 'seen' within*
Chromia: -and does so, cautious, but smiling at the dog- Hi, boy. -quietly-
Nemesis: (Killer) *Seems completely comfortable with a holo popping in - even going so far as to try to leap up onto said holo to give stick! Tail is wagging like mad*
Elita: *....*
Chromia: -can't help but grin, and gives him a pat on the head, grabbing the stick and tugging on it slightly-
Moonracer: ...::Like, empty like a bottle?!:: *duh* .... *she's using every sense she has, so she squints, and slips through one of the broken windows.
Moonracer: Hmm...interesting. This has potential. Sneaks closer for a better look*
Barricade: *Eyeing the dog*
Springer: ::Critter's okay with that... Not a good sign.::
Nemesis: (Killer) *rrrrrs playfully, dropping to all fours*
Springer: *Keeping one eye on the plant and the other on the dog, he waits*
Nemesis: *The lights go on in the room Moonracer enters, but other than that, nothing*
Chromia: -tugs more- ::No, it 's not. He is a cute dog, though, have to admit.::
Nemesis: (Killer) *Lets it go, immediatly drops to play-with-me-i-have-my-butt-in-the-air position*
Moonracer: *hisssss, and presses herself against the wall, the light coming on causing her to tense and stay perfectly still,
Nemesis: *Hummmmmmm from the lights - just like old ones in a bathroom*
Moonracer: though she glances around the room for something to use, maybe some kind of light switch to turn that mess OFF*
Chromia: -tosses the stick away from the base for him to chase-
Elita: ::Agreed. He is rather cute.:: *shifts, pressing a hand to her chest*
Barricade: *looks back at the building* ::How's it going, Moonracer?::
Nemesis: *Seems like she's in what was some sort of human office. It's since been cleared, though the furniture has been shoved to the side*
Barricade: *low, growly voice*
Nemesis: (Killer) *CHASES STICK!*
Moonracer: .....::fragging lights came on::
Barricade: :::....Slag... Automatic lights?::
Springer: *oh hell...*
Moonracer: ::Looks like an office.:: *feeling the walls for a switch while continuing forward, tiptoing silently*
Nemesis: *Also, there's no lightswitch...but there's what looks like a light panel, with a single, blinking red light*
Moonracer: ....*oh no.*
Barricade: ::Be careful. Tell us the MOMENT you find anything::
Chromia: -grins, though she's still listening and paying attention, and waits for him to come back-
Moonracer: ::Guys there's a panel in here it's got a blinkey red light looks like a button or something can I push it?::
Barricade: ::I wouldn't recommend it. Elita, Opinion?::
Elita: ::NO.::
Springer: ::NO, Moony! Don't touch /ANYTHING/!::
Chromia: ::....Moony, you know what happens when you push random buttons. Remember Drega?::
Barricade: ::Just recon, Moonracer. No touching. Find Arcee. Primary Objective.::
Moonracer: *disappointed, edges closer though, looking for maybe a door or something, maybe said door has a little window on it?*
Moonracer: ...:Oh yeah.::
Elita: *attempts not to facepalm* ::She /does/ like to do that, I forgot about that...::
Barricade: *Growls*
Nemesis: *Door is open! Leading out into hall. Apparently Moonracer has entered on the 'business' level, though it's obvious this isn't exactly Wall Street*
Nemesis: *It probably is a tight squeeze, though, seeing as these parts were made for humans and no effort has been made to enlarge them*
Springer: *can't help but smile a little... it's grim, though*
Nemesis: (Killer) *returns!...not with stick, though. It's a piece of metal*
Moonracer: *squeeeeezes through, poking her head through. Where the hell is Arcee?* ::Still don't see anything other than what look like offices.::
Elita: ...*eyes the dog, frowning*
Barricade: *he looked at the dog* ......What does it have?
Springer: *sees it and grabs it* Nice puppy!
Moonracer: *squeeeeezes through, poking her head through. Where the hell is Arcee?*
Moonracer: :: Still don't see anything other than what look like offices.::
Chromia: .... -okay, so doggie isn't that bright, apparently- Just don't let him bark.
Barricade: ::Affirmative. Keep looking, Moonracer.::
Springer: *tugs on the metal, gently so as not to hurt the animal*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Is unwilling to give up piece!...but Springer is far stronger. He ends up holding a piece of what was, at one point, Ratbat's wing, with a pitbull dog attached to it and growling playfully*
Chromia: ::Wait. Is that...cybertronian metal?::
Nemesis: *Moonracer sees a flicker of white near the end of the hall, but then it's gone*
Elita: *.........deep, deep intake of breath, fire raging in her eyes* :: Yes.::
Barricade: *He turned and looked at it closer* ....
Nemesis: (Killer) *Oblivious! Tailwag.*
Chromia: ...
Barricade: *he looked back at the building, shifting, getting antsy.*
Moonracer: *squuuint, tip toes down the hall, towards the flash of light* ::Flashy light!::
Elita: *strangled, garbled little whimper, and it takes everything in her not to kill. that. dog.*
Springer: *stares at it, blank-faced*
Barricade: ::What?::
Moonracer: ::Well. Something white.::
Springer: ::...it's a wing...::
Nemesis: (Killer) *Thumpthumpthump goes tail. Either get it out of his mouth and throw it, or let it go~*
Barricade: ::Use caution. Anything in there could be a trap::
Chromia: -no longer wants to play with the dog-
Barricade: *low growl lacing his voice*
Elita: ::It's Ratbat's.::
Nemesis: (Killer) ...
Chromia: -growl-
Elita: *hands in fists*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Drops the piece, tail curling as he looks up at Barricade. Then Chromia*
Nemesis: (KIller) *...whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine*
Elita: *holds a shakey hand out for it* ::Find something /else/ to throw for him.::
Springer: Easy, boy... *absently pats the dog's head, handing the wing over to Elita*
Nemesis: (Killer) *Licks Springer's hand? Is good dog?*
Barricade: *.......glaring at the dog*
Chromia: -produces a holomatter stick and throws it in the direction she'd thrown the other one-
Nemesis: (Killer) !
Elita: *clutches it, her hands shaking horribly*
Nemesis: (Killer) *CHASE*
Moonracer: *still making her way down the hall :D*
Barricade: *Eyes Elita, and opens a Private comm* ::..Elita?::
Nemesis: *And it's about that point that someone - a human barrels down from the other side of Moonracer, running like a bat out of hell and looking over his shoulder. Human does not look in very good shape*
Moonracer: ::SLAG!::
Springer: *shakes his head, putting an arm about Elita's shoulder*
Barricade: *attention caught!* ::What is it??::
Chromia: ::...Moony?::
Barricade: ::Moonracer, Report!::
Nemesis: *Human looks like he is panicking, thank you, and upon looking back and noticing Moonracer - he screams, trying to skid to a stop but only ending up falling over. Momentum is a bitch* Nonononononotanotherone!
Moonracer: ::oh...oh dear.::
Springer: ::Moony, darlin'? What's going on?::
Moonracer: Shh! *frantic* Hush! I'm...crap! *bonks him on the head to knock him out*
Springer: *hears a faint scream and starts to move forward*
Barricade: ::Slaggit Moonracer! What is going on!?::
Moonracer: ::There's a human! He...crap! Hope I didn't kill him.::
Barricade: ::...WHAT?::
Moonracer: ::...nothing! :D*
Nemesis: *Agile human is agile enough to just get glanced by that. Still, he seems stunned...still terrified, though*
Chromia: ::Are you sure he isn't a holoprojection? Did you scan him?:: -cautious Chromia is cautious-
Moonracer: *now she has to think, and fast. he's still up...and he's seen her. Too late now*
Barricade: *itching to start pacing*
Moonracer: *holo ftw!* Hey...shh...what're you runnin from? *mech Moonracer sliiiides into shadows, if possible*
Nemesis: (Human) *Blinks dazily at Moonracer* Wh...u...crazy...giant robot, gonnakillme...*moans*
Springer: *really wishes he could get in there and /do/ something!*
Chromia: ::Moonracer. Scan him.::
Moonracer: *her holo gives him a look, following Chromia's advice and scanning him rapidly* Calm down, sweetie...
Barricade: *and starts pacing, like a predator anxious to attack*
Springer: *...standing stalk still*
Nemesis: *Scan results...in the fact that it is, in fact, a holo. And the human suddenly blinks at Moonracer...then grins* Gonna kill you, too.
Elita: *still stunned, holding the wing in her hands, dazed*
Nemesis: *With that, the floor promptly explodes as a full-power shot comes from below*

starscream, nemesis, log, arcee, chromia, barricade, moonracer, skywarp, ratchet, thundercracker, sunstreaker, springer, elita one

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