Log dump: Arcee rescue mission part two!

Apr 15, 2008 20:38

Nemesis: (Killer) *Takes that as his cue to look towards the building - then YIP YIP YIP run away!*
Moonracer: *ruuuuuuuuuuuns before floor collapses D: D: D: *
Nemesis: *Why yes there is a Nemesis below you, Moonracer! Firing more shots. Run, run, or you'll be well done!*
Barricade: ::MOONRACER! REPORT!::
Chromia: -looks at Elita, her holo fading out-
Barricade: *starts heading towards the building, anxious, and ready to fight if need be*
Moonracer: ::He's below me!:: *squeaks* :: SHOOTING::
Nemesis: *Fires again, pinpointing the shot to try and catch the floor right in front of her - thus giving her no place to flee to*
Springer: *...and, in one phenomenal bound, hits the front door and heads for the sound of firing*
Nemesis: I'm going to rebuild this place with you.
Barricade: ::EVERYONE! MOVE OUT!:: *starts running*
Barricade: *Blades spinning, one cannon charging*
Moonracer: *attempting to still look for Arcee at the same time as the damn door is now BLOCKED* ::Now would be fantastic guys, really!::
Chromia: -/growls/, rushing towards the building-
Elita: *hiss, then nods at Chromia.* ::Go.::
Barricade: ::On our way!::
Nemesis: *We're sorry, your Arcee is in another castle*
Nemesis: *...well. Maybe not*
Springer: ::...way ahead of you!:: *Now he can the door, and he barrels into it, smashing it aside*
Barricade: *Barreling through the opening that Springer just created, looking around, scanning*
Elita: *right with her, the wing in subspace is put out of her mind, her only focus for now is getting /insdie/ and getting Arcee OUT*
Barricade: ::ARCEE??::
Moonracer: *cocks her gun, tipping it towards Nemesis. Okay, so this is the second time she's come to head with the guy.*
Chromia: -weapons out, homing in on Moonracer's position to help her-
Barricade: *trying to comm her*
Moonracer: *still running in circles*
Nemesis: *...point is, she's nowhere in sight. Once you get through the 'outer' shell of the building, though, it's quite obvious that Nemesis has taken steps to make this a sort of home...*
Nemesis: *.....though for him, home involves warped technology that has a cold, unfriendly feel to it*
Springer: *unsubs a gun of his own and fires down toward Nemesis*
Nemesis: *Smiles at Moonracer. And, kindly* I remember you. *There's a ka-klick in his gun, and the ammo changes - from a simple energy blast, into...for lack of a better word...a nailgun. Only they're not quite nails that're firing*
Nemesis: *Springer kind of messes up his shot, though. Blinks in surprise, looking up* ...just how many of you are there?
Elita: ::Cade, Springer, find Arcee. We know shes not on the upper floors thanks to Moonracer. Chromia and I will go help her.::
*** dytabytes has left the chat.
Barricade: ::Very well. Springer, you're with me. Let's go.:: *takes a left turn and heads off*
*** murasakivchan01 has left the chat.
Chromia: -as soon as sees Nemesis, she points her gun at him- More than just him. -low growl-
Moonracer: *weirded out by that smile, and, as Nemesis is confused, she takes her (usually) perfect aim at his HEAD and fires*
Springer: Roger! *Fires off a couple of shots toward the virus before following 'cade*
Barricade: *Heading off, and fast, looking for any side doors, hidden openings, ANYTHING...using all scanners available*
Moonracer: *she's peppered with whatever Nemesis shot at her, though thank you Springer! most of it misses *
Nemesis: *Another blink - and an optic is promptly shattered as Moonracer strikes through his head in a killing shot*
Nemesis: *Well. What would be. This is why it's good to play for Team Unicron, ladies and gentlemechs - you get features. Such as regeneration, his armor warping itself to heal*
Elita: *snarls, then...blink. Wow. Although she knows better...Nemesis doesn't go down easy...does he?::
Nemesis: ...I hate it when you people do that. *Drawls*
Springer: *racing down the floors now, searching for Arcee* ::Got any idea where she's at?::
Nemesis: *Ignores Moonracer, letting the virus-laden nails get to work, promptly pulls out his sword, and lunges for Chromia*
Chromia: -dodges, unloading her gun on him
Barricade: ::I've been scanning, and while I pick up traces here and there, I can't seem to pin her down..:: *growling, moving fast. They don't have much time*
Nemesis: *Takes the hits without flinching, aiming to close quarters with her. He moves fast - very much so. And he cleaves upwards in a powerful slash-uppercut*
Nemesis: *As for Arcee...signs are pointing...down?*
Springer: ::-Dammit! Guess we'll have to do this the old fashioned way...::
Moonracer: *takes aim at him Nemesis and fires again.*
Springer: *promptly starts kicking in doors* ARCEE?!
Barricade: *And down he was headed, trying to get a lock on her* ::Arcee? Can you hear me? Respond!:: *hoping against HOPE*
Nemesis: *Moonracer's shot hits him in the shoulder, but it immediately starts to reshape*
Moonracer: Owowowowowowowowowowowowow.
Moonracer: *dancing around* OW!
Chromia: -grunts, dodging it, but still getting a shallow cut across her chassis- Gonna have to do better than that. -and immediately darts backwards, aiming her shots at the normal vital points on a mech-
Barricade: *he's running scans left and right, full power ones, also kicking in doors* ::ARCEE!::
Elita: ....::Just hold him off, give them time to find Arcee, then we BOOK IT.
Elita: I've got a few flash bombs, we might be able to bring the place down around his head.::
Moonracer: *firing shots at Nemesis, though OW SLAG THIS HURT A LOT*
Springer: *running scans, kicking in doors, shouting her name*
Barricade: *Is getting more and more pissed off* ::/ARCEE!/::
Arcee: *open comm to Autobots* ::asdkjfskgjn... ow.::
Nemesis: I intend to. *The shots take their toll, visibly...but they don't slow Nemesis down much. He just continues advancing on Chromia, slashing, and grinning feraly*
Springer: *...he'll find Arcee even if it means he has to rip this place apart!*
Barricade: ::SLAGGING...ARCEE!!!!::
Springer: ::ARCEE?!:: *tries to home in on the comm*
Barricade: *he can't hear it, and he has no idea* SLAGGIT WHERE THE PIT IS SHE!? *BREAKING doors now*
Elita: ::WHERE ARE YOU?::
Springer: ::We're here, baby! Just tell us where you're at!:: *...//TRACE FAIL!*
Arcee: *Oy. her head hurt, and her chest hurt, and everything hurt and hey. comms are coming in from everyone!*
Chromia: -Chromia's a brawler, she can take a good deal of pain, and he's only scoring shallow hits-
Barricade: :://ARCEE! RESPOND!//:: *still kicking in doors, unable to hear that she's been comming others*
Arcee: *but she's tired. so. ow. Cade is now included.* ::cell. down down down.::
Barricade: ::...! ARCEE! WE'RE COMING!:: *he took off full tilt down the hall*
Springer: *Crusing violently, he bolts away from 'Cade, heading down deeper into the lair...*
Barricade: *He's just barely ahead of Springer, running, and fast*
Moonracer: *owoowwwww! She's still shooting at Nemesis, but she's kinda twitchy, and while shes 100% sure she wont hit Chomia, she might miss Nemmykins*
Elita: *That's okay, Elita's here with her Big Bad Gun! Zzzzzzing!*
Chromia: -she tries to move in closer, pulling out a hidden blade on her forearm and slashing at him with it-
Nemesis: *Is certainly moving enough to make firing into melee hazardous for one of them, Moonracer.*
Nemesis: *Doesn't seem to care about Chromia's skills, slashing with mathematical precision, each strike calculated to be a killing stroke if Chromia would do him the favor and just stop moving*
Nemesis: *As for the blade - he reaches with his free hand to grab it*
Springer: ARCEE?!!!!!!!!!! *...comes charging into a hallway flanked by many cell doors and immediately starts to scan for a signal...any signal..*
Barricade: Springer, take one side, I will take the other. *he starts scanning*
Chromia: -like slag she's going to make this easy, and she presses it into his hand-
Barricade: *running down the hall*
Arcee: ::in the basement. cells. dungeon. whatever.:: *cross*
Barricade: ::We're there. What Cell??::
Arcee: ::find me, you win a piece of candy.:: *owowowowowow*
Barricade: *RUNNING*
Arcee: .....
Arcee: ::nemesis told me that. right after he made cookies and milk for SANTA.::
Nemesis: *Grins, and pulls her forward with it, black energon leaking from his hand like tar. Retracts the sword in his other hand, and reaches to grab Chromia in a chokehold*
Barricade: *begins ripping open doors*
Chromia: -pops it loose, but not quick enough to avoid the chokehold- !
Moonracer: *has given up shooting for now, DAMMIT IT HURTS!*
Barricade: *He's completely focused on trying to find her, driven by the large /gap/ in his spark*
Springer: *follows 'cade's lead, but is careful to scan first of traps....*
Chromia: -presses her gun into a seam in his side, still firing-
Nemesis: *And look - there's now a shield between him and Moonracer by the name of Chromia. Smiles malevolently at her, before slamming her down towards the ground hard enough to get her through the floor they're on*
Elita: *she can't intervene much between the brawl with Nemesis and Chromia without getting in the way*
Elita: *soooo, attempts to go help Moonracer.* What are you DOING?
Nemesis: *Promptly jumps in after her, too!*
Moonracer: I dunno I dunno! It hurts though!
Moonracer: *twiches, isehfojklgrED*
Chromia: -well, that fraggin' hurt, stunning her a bit-
Elita: .....
Elita: Moonracer. Calm down. I'm going to help Chromia. *bolts, and jumps in the hole after Nemesis and Chromia*
Springer: Baby, hang in there! *...nope! No Arcee in there! Try another door...*
Barricade: *Still ripping open doors* ::Slaggit Arcee!!:: *voice filled with worry, anger...sounding very much darkened*
Arcee: ::.............::
Chromia: -as soon as she gathers her wits, she pops out the tonfa on her other forearm and tries to stab into the center of his chest-
Arcee: ::ya'll are gonna miss out on candy if you dont come find me::
Barricade: ::Bonded I'm coming!:: *Doesn't care about the fact that their bond was broken...she's still his as far as he's concerned, and he WILL find her*
Springer: ...come on, sweetie... Don't you lose it now... *tears open another door.There's only two left now...*
Nemesis: *-pauses at that, blinking down at the protrusion from his chest. Huh. That's not supposed to be there*
Barricade: *ripriprip to doors*
Chromia: -twists it, bitch-
Nemesis: *Then looks up, arching an optic before reaching to grab that and tear it away, too*
Nemesis: Do you really think you can hurt me>?
Arcee: *already lost it. oh PRIMUS it hurt. she's missing part of her spark chamber, for petes aske*
Elita: *whump! lands /directly/ on Nemesis*
Chromia: -grins ferally- Doesn't hurt to try.
Nemesis: *Immediately reaches up to grab and throw the offending femme off his back*
Elita: *oh now, thats not nice. Elita dislikes being thrown, unless it's by Soundwave, so she clings to Nemesis instead, wrapping arms around his neck*
Chromia: -her intakes are straining a bit from the chokehold, but she still fires into his side, shoving the gun muzzle in-
Springer: *Tears open the only remaining door...and there she is!* ARCEE! *He rushes toward her, just thankful to see her again*
Nemesis: *Stumbles towards a wall, but manages to control it so he slams into it with Elita positioned as a buffer*
Barricade: *He looked in, seeing her and bolted in, half shoving Springer out of the way in his worry, pulling her carefully to him* OHPRIMUS...!!!!!
Arcee: *twitches, blinking up at Springer* About time. *sparks fly everywhere.
Arcee: Literally. Her chest is ripped open, and she's a mess. A piece of her spark chamber is missing*
Elita: *gruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunts, but doesn't let go, her grip tightens around his neck*
Barricade: *He skidded to a stop right next to her and knelt down* ...Ohslag....Arcee..! *He's running scans on her*
Nemesis: *Slams backwards again, snarling. Does not look good - for lack of a better way of putting it, he's dripping off parts of himself, the regenerative systems not quite able to keep up*
Arcee: ow.
Elita: ::ANYONE?::
Barricade: ::WE FOUND HER:"
Barricade: Arcee, we need to move you...*worried*
Elita: ::THEN GET HER OUT.::
Arcee: *curls in a ball. ow.*
Chromia: ::We can't keep him distracted for much longer, fraggit!::
Barricade: We have to get you out of here. *he knelt down* Springer, help me get her on my back.
Elita: ::Moonracer. Get out.::
Barricade: *no time to argue about who carries her, just gotta get OUT.*
Chromia: -kicks at him, trying to get loose, still firing-
Arcee: dont touch me. *whiiiine*
Springer: Come on, babe. *Gently kneels and picks her up carefully, liftingher onto 'cade's back*
Barricade: Arcee we HAVE to.
Barricade: *He wrapped his arms around behind him, making a seat for her* Wrap her arms around my neck.
Arcee: *hisses, spark shower, anyone?* take me to the godamn medbay, then
Moonracer: ::Okay.:: *she's squeaking and flailing but manages to crawl back out the window she came in, and down down down*
Barricade: Got it.*he stood and began heading out* ...We need a back way out.
Nemesis: *Throws Chromia away from him, devoting both hands to reaching back and trying to grab Elita*
Barricade: *Looking around as he stood*
Elita: ::Go, Chromia::
Springer: You got it, sweetheart! *Goes out first, taking point to protect 'cade and Arcee*
Barricade: *doesn't care about what Springer is calling her, he just wants to get out with her safely*
Elita: *has about a dozen small flash bombs that would go really well with Nemesis' face!*
Chromia: ::...you make sure you get out of here.:: -gives her a look, and darts out as fast as she can-
Barricade: Springer, you find ANY doors that lead outside, TAKE IT.
Barricade: ::Elita, we are on our way. Looking for a side door:: *ENCRYPTED COMM TO ELITA*
Arcee: *aaaand offlines for muns sanity*
Arcee: *sniff* thanks...
Springer: Right. *moves fast, but not fast enough to leave them behind as he scans for the nearest way out...*
Elita: ::Get out ASAP. I'm going to blow what I can of this place up.::
Barricade: ::Understood. We will let you know when we are out.::
Barricade: *Behind Springer, moving fast*
Springer: ::FOUND ONE!:: *charges up stairs quickly*
Barricade: ::Good. Let's get the slag out of here!::
Springer: *...and takes a sharp turn down a hall, towards a nondescript little hatch...*
Barricade: *Following, and closely*
Moonracer: *already out and waiting she's on FIIIIIIRE*
Springer: *...and there goes the hatch! Up the ladder, everybody!*
Chromia: -zooms over to Moonracer, looking her over worriedly-
Barricade: *aannnnd going up!*
Moonracer: *whimpers at Chromia* Bombshell's gonna be /pissed/.
Springer: *In practically no time, he hits another hatch, this one popping open out just outside and behind the factory. He clambers out quickly, helping get Arcee and 'Cade out of the tunnel*
Chromia: -narrows her optics a bit- He should be happy you came back alive at all. -yeah, she doesn't really like Bombshell-
Elita: ::Are you idiots out yet?!:: *very /cross/ and in a lot of /pain/*
Barricade: *He's grateful for the help, and looks around* ::Elita, we are out.::
Nemesis: *Still trying to grab you and slam you into things, Pinkie II~*
Barricade: Springer....Can you carry her in your Copter mode? *looking around*
Elita: ::Thank you.:: *ouch, grunts as she's slammed, then gives him a sweet smile*
Springer: Sure. *transfroms, opening so 'Cade can load her in....*
Nemesis: ...
Elita: *and sprinkles all of her bombs around his feet, oh, there's about five seconds before they /explode/! and...cue a RUN from Elita!*
Springer: *...then he notices that damn dog as it comes trotting up with the stick...*
Nemesis: *-oshi*
Nemesis: (Killer) *:D?*
Springer: ...
Springer: ::Hey, 'cade? Do me a favor?::
Elita: *You are the weakest link! Goodbye!*
Barricade: *he loaded her in, wincing at the damage she had. He was pissed and worried about her as he strapped her in, then closed the door on SPringer* Go. Get her out of here.
Barricade: *Growls at the DOG*
Elita: *diiiiiiiiiives out a window, boomboom!*
Springer: :: Load up the dog, too.::
Nemesis: (Killer) *Blinks at the building as explosions from Elita's bombs blow out half the windows...yips, and immediatly runs towards it*
Barricade: Alright. *loads up the dog, strapping him down too.* ...good dog...
Nemesis: (Killer) *-!!!!!!!!*
Chromia: -spots Elita and grins, nudging Moonracer and transforming to get the frag out of there-
Springer: ::Thanks!:: *Quickly takes to the air, heading straight for the base*
Elita: *limp limp limp, transform, takes OFF*
Chromia: ::Everyone out?:: -is ttly getting out of there-
Barricade: ::No problem. TAKE CARE OF HER FOR ME...AND ELITA.:: *He took off towards the femmes* ::Do any of you need assistance??::
Elita: ::Yeah. We're all out. We're good, Cade.::
Chromia: ::Had much worse injuries. These are nothing.::
Barricade: ::Alright. Springer is Evacing her to the base. LETS GET OUT OF HERE.::
Moonracer: *Moonracer's mostly okay she's just spasming like an idiot*
Moonracer: *following behind the others, her driving a tad erratic, but she's doing well! Hopefully this will wear off by tomorrow. So Bombshell doesn't see it*
Elita: ::Good. Let's...go home.:: *tired, really really tired*
Nemesis: *Plant is merrily smoking away~*
Barricade: *He transformed and took off down the road, dirt kicking up again.*
Arcee: *squirms a little, then....big sigh. :(*
Springer: *...and what's that? The moment Springer lands, there goes the doggy, running back to the virus!*
Chromia: ::Moonracer, make sure you get an antivirus scan when we get back.::
Springer: ::...aw slag...:: *watches the dog go as he hurriedly comms for a medic*
Moonracer: *whimper* ::Definitely.::
Arcee: *okay. she's home. she wants medbay bed. now. and she's gonna get there medic or /not/ and she's currently up and squirming to her feet*
Ratchet: ::Ratchet here, what is going on?::
Arcee: good night, and farewell. *yes, she's /done/ peace out! medbay, aaaah here I come! Nope, NOT waiting for a medic!*
Ratchet: *He's heading towards the source of the comm, heading outside*
Chromia: -heading for the medbay as well, though her injuries can wait; she mostly wants to check on Arcee's condition-
Springer: ::Got a injured 'bot here! Hurry!:: *comms the coordinates to Ratchet*
Arcee: *ignoring everyone else and walking to the medbay no matter how bad it damn hurts, screw waiting!*
Springer: *has transformed and is following her closely*
Arcee: *pause, looooks behind her, crooked smile* gonna help me?
Springer: *offers his arm* Gladly.
Ratchet: *He was running towards the corrdinates,and skidded to a stop as he found her* ...Holy Primus...Arcee you should NOT be walking!
Barricade: *He arrived a few moments later, getting on Arcee's other side* .....
Arcee: *leeeeans heavily* i need to lay down.
Arcee: *stumbling anyway. waiting? not an option*
Springer: She didn't want to wait. *grins at Ratchet*
Springer: *picks her up and /carries/ her to the medbay*
Arcee: *dragging them both to the medbay. she's not stopping, guys!*
Ratchet: Stubborn femme. COme on. Lets get her to the medbay.
Barricade: *Following closely, worried*
Arcee: *well. that is better. and promptly drops into recharge right there in his arms*
Chromia: -catches up to them, looking at Arcee with horror- What the frag did he /do/?!
Barricade: .....I don't know, but I am going to kill him myself...*mumbling to Chromia*
Elita: Broke their bond. *tired, she needs the medbay too.*
Chromia: ....frag. -softly-
Ratchet: *He led them to one of the berths in the medbay* Here.
Elita: *to Chromia only* ::And ours.::
Ratchet: Set her down here.
Springer: Don't know... *Keeps a check on his fears, laying Arcee down on the berth*
Ratchet: *he was already heading to his tools and dragging them over*
Chromia: ::.....fragger's gonna /pay/.::
Springer: *moves to stand out of Ratchet's way, but still stays close to Arcee*
Barricade: *he was pacing now, back and forth, near Arcee's berth, ignoring Springer*
Bombshell: *scuttlescuttlescuttle*
Bombshell: *scuttlescuttlescuttle*
Bombshell: *scuttlescuttlescuttle*
Bombshell: *And, WHAMMING the door open...*
Springer: *hears the Weevil before actually /sees/ him, and cringes outright. Machismo? GONE!*
Ratchet: *He's bent over her, already starting repairs on the worst of it*
Barricade: *glares*
Chromia: -leans against a wall out of the way, looking over worriedly at Arcee-
Arcee: ....who is that. */shoves/* oh. It's /him/.
Springer: ...nargh. *Forces himself not to flee....still tortured by the /memories/ of Bombshell's .../help/...*
Bombshell: I see you people are keeping yourself in such -fine- working order while I'm not around.
Ratchet: *looks up at Bombshell* ......What are you doing here?
Arcee: *Lovely to see you again too, Bombshell.
Bombshell: Answering the distress calls of the mechs you're MANHANDLING, of course.
Chromia: -glares at Bombshell-
Springer: *seriously wants to frag the Weevil...*
Ratchet: *he's already shut off the pain receptors, and is working in the main injuries* I suggest you stay out of my way.
Bombshell: Oh, of course, so long as you don't keep me from my adoring fans.
Ratchet: Hn. Adoring fans...*continues fixing*
Arcee: *waves a hand, and grunts* He's fine. *she patched things up with Bombshell! He's just a creeper.*
Ratchet: *tone of, yeah, right*
Barricade: *He's pacing in the background, watching, anxious, worried, pissed off*
Moonracer: *he has at least one! :D*
Bombshell: For example, RATCHET, you're neglected some basic principles of triage.
Springer: *...grins at Ratchet. If he could, he'd have hug the medic right then*
Arcee: *sits up, peering at the weevil in amusement.*
Sunstreaker: ::is very very confused::
Bombshell: *strides merrily over to Springer, making tssking sounds*
Bombshell: Judging by the unsophisticated noises this one's making, he's in dire need of assistance.
Springer: *...and the smile becomes a rictus*
Ratchet: Bombshell, do you want to get decked again? *low tone as he takes care of some sensitive wires and circuts*
Arcee: Well. As fantastic as all this is. I'd reeeally rather spend the night in my quarters. This is going to have to wait.
Ratchet: ...Arcee.
Moonracer: Don't you hit him!
Ratchet: Layback down.
Springer: *iluratchet!*
Bombshell: I don't know, do you enjoy eliminating fellow healers?
Sunstreaker: Can I deck him? Whoever he is?
Arcee: No. *cheerful, but firm, and swings her legs off the table.* I'll be back in the morning.
Chromia: How about you be less of an aft and just help with the fixing? -crossly-
Ratchet: When they come into /MY/ medbay and start trying to take over? yes.
Bombshell: I know that "do no harm" is a very sophisticated concept, but we'll work on this one step at a time.
Springer: *under his breath* Take a number, kid.
Bombshell: Hey, I go where I'm needed. It's a calling.
Barricade: *growling in the background*
Moonracer: *twitches :(*
Ratchet: Well, you aren't needed here. *Ratchet is NOT thrilled with the bug*
Arcee: ....*puuuuushes them out of her way and stumbles right out the door, bye guyz!*
Ratchet: ARCEE!
Arcee: *...stumbles down the hall, bedbedbed, nightnight guys!*
Chromia: Arcee?!
Ratchet: *Goes after her*
Ratchet: WHAT do you think you are doing?
Springer: *follows her and ,catching up, gently takes hold of her shoulders* Whoa there! You /need/ to get back to the med bay, sweetie.
Barricade: *he ran after her* ..Arcee!
Chromia: -opens up a private line- ::Arcee, what the frag is wrong with you? Why do you not want to get fixed?::
Arcee: I'm going to bed. In my room. *mumbles, shoving her door open, and slam!*
Barricade: *slight glare at Springer*
Ratchet: ....*glaring at the door*
Arcee: *:D*
Barricade: *he stared at the door* .....
Springer: *Stands there staring as well*
Springer: ... *sighs and shakes his head*
Sunstreaker: O...kay..?
Barricade: *looks at Springer* ....cube?
Springer: ...yeah.
Barricade: Common room..?
Chromia: -okay, something is definitely wrong with her-
Ratchet: *He raised his hands and then lowered them, shaking his head. He had managed to patch the worst of it before she ran off, at least...*
Springer: *meets his stare* Fine with me. *starts to head toward the common room, sparing a worried glance at Arcee's door...*
Barricade: *he threw his own glance at Arcee's door, and headed with Springer to the common room...*
Chromia: -shakes her head and goes back to her and Firestar's quarters; her injuries will heal in a couple days-
Ratchet: *walks back into the medbay, heading to his office to do the latest paperwork..*

starscream, nemesis, log, arcee, chromia, barricade, moonracer, skywarp, ratchet, thundercracker, sunstreaker, springer, elita one

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