Arcee: *she's grouchy, especially now that she's escaped from the medbay. No more of that mess for Arcee. Either way, she's sulking in her room. Door locked. Lights off.*
Firestar: *she coos at Chromia, giving her side a tiny poke.* Didn't you say we ought to visit Arcee?
Chromia: -leans back and makes a happy electronic chirp, poking her back- We should. :3
Firestar: *nods, purring happily at her and her chirps, and nods.* Yeah. Maybe we should. Wanna comm her?
Chromia: Okay! -grins- ::Arcee? You up for a visit from Firestar and I, hon?::
Arcee: ...::Yeah. Sure.:: *she's still pissy with Soundwave, and the frustration is clear over the comm.*
Chromia: -pouts a bit at that tone, but smiles at Firestar- She needs cheering up. Badly.
Firestar: Oh well, then I supposed we are just the ones to take care of that for her! *she grins at Chromia, leaning over to give her a -slow- kiss, then stands up and offers a hand.*
Chromia: -kisses back, standing up and taking her hand- Let's go!
Firestar: *she grips the hand and purrs at her, then leads her out the door with a grin on her face.*
Chromia: -leans on her as they walk, grinning-
Firestar: *she gives her a little nuzzle as they walk.* She sound cranky?
Chromia: Yeah. Don't really blame her, though. -frowns-
Firestar: Yeah, me either. *pouts, then nods.* There's her door, you wanna knock or me?
Chromia: I will. -quick nuzzle, and knocks softly- ::Arcee? We're here.::
Arcee: ::Come in, it's not locked right now.:: *she sounds cross, although it really isn't directed at the other two.*
Firestar: *eyes Chromia, then shrugs,* Alrighty then.
Chromia: -goes in, closing the door behind her and smiling at the pink bot- Hey. Thought you might want some company.
Firestar: *nods, standing with Chromia, looking down at Arcee in concern.*
Arcee: *they don't get smiles in return, rather they get a scowl.* Thanks.
Chromia: Hey, now. Don't take your frustration out on us. -pouts-
Firestar: *nods.* Yeah, really! That isn't fair.
Arcee: Sorry. It's...uh...been a rouch couple of days. *she shifts, and while she's been -patched- the hole in her spark chamber is still there.*
Chromia: :( -goes over to hug her carefully-
Arcee: *she returns Chromia's hug, then shifts her weight again.* You guys can sit if you want.
Firestar: *picks her way over next to them, sitting carefully next to Arcee.*
Chromia: -sits on her other side and just leans on her- Feeling any better, hon?
Arcee: *shrugs.* Not really. I mean. Soundwave *the name is a hiss * patched me up, but the actual chamber itself is still missing pieces.
Firestar: *cringes, she's not a fan of Soundwave either.*
Chromia: -frowns- Why did Soundwave patch you up?
Arcee: *engine thrums angrily, though it hitches.* The other medics were busy. Elita asked him too.
Firestar: Yikes. Being patched by him isn't fun. *knows!*
Chromia: -cuddles with her a bit, just offering comfort-
Arcee: *shakes her head.* Yeah. Thats an understatement.
Firestar: So. Uh...*eyes Chromia.* Had many visitors?
Chromia: -gives her a curious look back, as if to say, '...what?'-
Arcee: ...No. *grumbles.* You two. Elita. *blinks, then coos.* Springer. *this one is grumbled in annoyance.* No 'Cade.
Firestar: ....*Chromia's turn, Firestars outta options *
Chromia: /Barricade/ hasn't visited you yet?!
Arcee: *shakes her head, rubbing a hand across her eyes.* Nope. Not even a comm.
Firestar: *frowns...that's odd.* But...Springer's been here?
Arcee: *nod.* Twice.
Chromia: -grins at Arcee slightly-
Arcee: *blinks at Chromia, what's she grinning at...*
Firestar: *bursts into giggles.* Well, you know he's always liked you, Arcee!
Chromia: She didn't, Firestar! She was shocked when I mentioned it the other day!
Chromia: How she missed it, I don't know...
Arcee: ...*gives them both a grouchy look.*
Firestar: What?! How could she not have known?! *gales of laughter this time, good natured though.*
Chromia: -giggles, not noticing the grouchy look-
Firestar: *clings to Chromia gleefully.* That's too funny.
Arcee: *grouch grouch grouch.* Ha. Ha. Ha. *eyes them both.* How did YOU two know?! *sheesh, they acted like it was public knowledge or something!*
Chromia: .......Arcee, it was /painfully/ obvious!
Arcee: ....How so? *Primus, she must be ignorant. :/ *
Firestar: *snorts.* Gosh, do we need to spell it out for you?!
Chromia: Primus, the way he looked at you, how nervous he got when you touched him.... -starts ticking things off on her fingers-
Firestar: *giggles.* The way he get's when YOU look at him, the way he talks to you, it's obvious he adores you!
Arcee: ...*blinks at them both.* Wow.
Chromia: did you not notice? :/
Arcee: I have no idea. *stares at them both.*
Firestar: *giggling behind her hand.*
Arcee: I must be dense.
Chromia: Or maybe you didn't want to notice? -muses-
Arcee: *confused look.* Why wouldn't I want to?
Firestar: *snorts politely *
Chromia: -shrugs- ....I don't know.
Firestar: Well. *grins at Arcee and Crhomia.* Now you know. Whatcha gonna do?
Arcee: Uh. *stares at Chromia, um, help me?*
Chromia: Aw, Firestar, give her a chance to think things over! She just found out a couple days ago!
Firestar: *giggles.* I can't help it, things like this are so cute!
Arcee: Yeah. Adorable. *siiiiighes.* I have no idea whatto do. I've never felt this alone, cause my bonds are broken, ya know?
Chromia: -rests her head on Arcee's shoulder- It'll be okay.
Arcee: *siiiighes.* It's /frustrating/.
Firestar: *gives Arcee a pat on the shoulder.* Yeah, we can really only imagine.
Chromia: ......let's talk about something less depressing.
Firestar: *nods, shivering.* Yeah, let's do that! Chromia, new topic?!
Chromia: Uh....hmmm.....I don't know.....
Arcee: *sighes.* I'm depressing you two.
Chromia: No, no, you're not! Uh...we can tell you what happened were gone? -really at a loss of what to discuss D: -
Arcee: *sighes tiredly.* Sure, if you want to. I was gone for a while.
Chromia: Well....right around that time, there was that little 'video' that occured... -giggles, grinning at Firestar-
Firestar: *grins at Chromia, giving a nod.*
Arcee: Huh? What video? *curious, now *
Chromia: 'Hide and a couch trapped on them. While they were sparking. And someone put out a distress signal with video attached! -giggles more-
Arcee: *stares at Chromia.* Oh, wow! I'm sorry I missed that. *grinning.* Is that video still floating around?
Chromia: I'm sure it is, somewhere. -grins- And you know how once you reach a certain point, you can't close your chamber until you overload? Yeeeeeah. -giggles turn into fullblown laughter-
Arcee: Wow! *giggles.* So how long were they stuck like that?!
Firestar: *snickering behind a palm.* It was a while, wasn't it?
Chromia: A good two or three breems, yeah. Skyfire ended up having to help.
Arcee: Wow. And he's big.
Firestar: Oooh Skyfire and Optimus played a prank on everyone too...made it look like they'd interfaced, I think?!
Chromia: I remember that!
Chromia: It kind of....backfired on them.
Chromia: But it was still funny!
Firestar: Yeah it did backfire, but it was hilarious for everyone else! *snickering.*
Arcee: *kerblinks.* Wow. *she grins slightly, crossing her arms.*
Chromia: I couldn't stop laughing at Megsy and Screamer bickering at each other. x3
Firestar: That never gets old, really.
Arcee: doesn't. *sighes.* I'm really glad to be back.
Chromia: We're glad to /have/ you back. -small hug-
Firestar: *nods, including herself in on the hug~ threeway!*
Arcee: *chuckles softly, and hugs the two.*
Chromia: -cuddles-
Firestar: *purrs gently against them both.*
Chromia: -as soon as they get back to their room, she flops on her back, laying on the couch- I miss times like this. Just us femmes talking and hanging out. :3
Firestar: *grins at Chromia, flopping right next to her.* Me too. Just the girls, you know? It's nice all of us are here together now.
Chromia: Yeah. Wish Moonracer and Elita were there, too. -rolls over on top of her, getting comfy; Firestar pillow!-
Firestar: *grins at her, offing a little as Chromia rolls on top of her.* Kinda like the old days, huh? During the war when it was just us?
Chromia: Mmhmm. -nuzzles her-
Firestar: *grins, giving her a happy nuzzle back, and a purr *
Chromia: So.....that comment you made about the Springer thing being cute. Now I'm curious. What did you think when I told /you/ I loved you? -teasing grin-
Firestar: *grins at her, tilting her face up to look at her properly.* I kinda knew it already but at the same time it was like...what? *grins at her.* But I felt it back anyway, so I liked it.
Chromia: .....I thought I'd hidden it. Oh well. -kiss- Good thing you loved me too.
Firestar: *grins at her, purring into the kiss.* Well, you did, but we're femmes. We know these things, right?
Chromia: Mmmm, something like that 'woman's intuition' human females supposedly have?
Firestar: *nods with a grin.* Yeah, sure! Did you know how I felt? At all?
Chromia: -frowns slightly, thinking back- No. I was taking a chance in telling you.
Firestar: *purrs against her, cooing softly.* Glad you did. I was too shy about that to do anything.
Chromia: -nuzzles, getting more comfortable on her Firestar!pillow-
Firestar: *snickers at Chromia, settling her arms around Chromia's waist.* Don't ever get caught by Nemesis. If he broke our bond....*shudders..*
Chromia: I won't. /You/ don't get caught, either.
Firestar: I won't. *confident.* Definitely not. And I wish I could have been there for her rescue.
Chromia: -mumbles- Selfish of me, but I'm glad you didn't go. Hate to see you get any nasty viruses.
Firestar: *nods * I heard about Moonracer. *chuckles.* It's only funny because she didn't get badly hurt. And Bombshell seems to take pretty good care of her.
Chromia: I don't like him. He's creepy. But I don't know, he does seem to care about her.
Firestar: *snickers.* I've actually never met him. But she always seems in great shape, everythings perfectly running. *shrugs.* I guess he cares enough to keep her running well.
Chromia: -shudders, remembering the drones-
Firestar: *pulls her in close, frowning.* You okay?
Chromia: Flashbacks of those icky drones.
Chromia: Hated those things.
Firestar: *nods, giving a scowl.* I hated them too. *sniffs, and curls her arms around her, tugging Chromia in closer.*
Chromia: -snuggles in closer, just enjoying the cuddling-
Firestar: *> her neck an experimental nibble.*
Chromia: -purrs, tilting her head a bit-
Firestar: *grins, then dips her head in, giving some wires a nip.* Hmm. Miss tasting things, still.
Chromia: Never did get that holo upgrade, did you? I might get one, and you can tell me if it gets things right. -runs hands down her sides lightly, nipping her audial playfully-
Firestar: *rumbles gently.* Oh, I definitely will. *purrs into Chromia's audials, her fingers gently digging into her armor, refusing to let up on her gentle assault on Chromia's neck.*
Chromia: -purrs louder, fingers digging into seams, and nips along her neck and jawline-
Firestar: *her engines thrum happily against Chromia, Firestar's hands beginning to wander away from her shoulders and down her sides, sliding between little seams and teasing Chromia's most sensitive spots.*
Chromia: -moans softly and presses up against her, straddling her hips and running hands up to wheelwells to trace the very edges before dipping in and dragging lightly along the inside curve-
Firestar: *she trembles at that, and her fingers dance up Chromia's sides and up her back, digging in gently along the edges of her spine. A free hand reaches up to pull her into a little kiss.*
Chromia: -deepens the kiss with a groan, shifting against her to better press their chests together teasingly-
Firestar: *she squirms under Chromia, whimpering slightly as the kiss is deepened and she squeeeeeeezes Chromia against her tightly.*
Chromia: -grins, pulling away slightly- Maybe we should move this to the berth. Don't want to end up like ol' 'Hide and Ratchet, now do we? -smirks-
Firestar: ...fantastic idea. *purrs at her, sweeping her up and into her arms and tossing her onto the berth, following right behind her.*
Chromia: -squeals when she's picked up and laughs at the toss, making a come-hither motion with her head as she stretches languidly-
Firestar: *she purrs at Chromia, slithering up on the bed towards her, sliding her body gently against hers.*
Chromia: -pulls Firestar on top of her and promptly starts nipping at her neck, sliding one leg up to wrap around her and pull her close-
Firestar: *she purrs, continuing where they'd left off from the couch, though this time her hands are wandering Chromia's chest, lightly tickling sensitive wires and nerve clusters.*
Chromia: -shudders, moaning, and growls quietly in her audial- You can do better than that, love.... -drags fingertips along tire treads, tracing the lines roughly-
Firestar: Ooh. Challenge?
Firestar: *rumbling against Chromia, her touch turns a little less gentle, but by no means /painful/, instead it's with a practiced ease that she flickered of some of Chromia's central systems, an easy thrumming coming from her engines.*
Chromia: -intakes hitch at that, and she growls louder, letting her other hand wander down Firestar's back and to her sides, working fingers between armor to run them along cables and wires-
Firestar: *she shivers in delight against Chromia, a hand trailing down her chest as she purrs.* Mmm. Open for me?
Chromia: -does so, grinning in anticipation, and works her hand in further to caress the outside of her spark chamber, pressing her chest up eagerly-
Firestar: *she hisses in anticipation, plates easily sliding out of Chromia's way, her own chamber pulsing with life as she pushes herself down against her.*
Chromia: -lets out a low moan when their sparks touch, leaning up to kiss her and pulling her even /closer/, slamming her with spark energy-
Firestar: *she groans into Chromia's mouth, the energy taking her over. she sends back pulses of her own, shuddering against Chromia's frame.*
Chromia: -moans get louder as she keeps on sending stronger and stronger pulses, the hand buried in her side pressing agaainst Firestar's casing gently, fingertips lightly dragging-
Firestar: *it's /intense/, so intense, and she can't take it but she cligns onto Chromia like the world was ending. It might have been for all she knew, really, the pulses flooding her and overpowering her systems and sending her into an oblivion that shrouded all coherent thought. Pulses flew back from her without regard, slamming into chromia.*
Chromia: -kisses her, /hard/, lost in pure bliss, and shrieks when overload hits her, her head falling back on the berth with a thump and arms crushing them together-
Firestar: *she echos Chromia's shriek, the overload finally consuming her and taking over all of her motorskills and she's limp in Chromia's crushing grip, her systems shaking and her body is wracked with shudders.*
Chromia: -collapses completely, not able to do much more than gently nuzzle against her neck as her intakes work overtime-
Firestar: *she's on the fritz as he systems reboot, and as she's finally coherent again, she blinks at Chromia, slowly, and is able to do little more than mumbles against her neck something incomprehensible.*
Chromia: LoveyouFire.... -giggles weakly and shifts onto her side, snuggling close with a happy sigh-
Firestar: Mmmf. luvyoutochromia...*that's all she can manage before rolling to snuggle next to Chromia, optics still closed.*
Chromia: -stays quiet, just purring softly as she drifts off into recharge-
Firestar: *she drifts off, but not before pressing a sleepy kiss to Chromia's arm.*
Mary: *Ringringringring*
Mary: *-Well, at least that's how the dial tone on /her/ end goes*
Ironhide: ...hello? -well, a number he hasn't seen in a while!-
Mary: Oh, hi! Um...Ironhide, right? This is Mary. *Nervous chuckle* Wasn't sure this'd work...
Ironhide: Oh. Hey. -slightly surprised tone-
Mary: Hey. *Pause...then* I'm, uh, not interrupting, am I?...
Ironhide: Nah. Not doing much of anything right now.
Mary: Ah. Cool. I...Nervously* ....I had a couple questions. Kind of stupid ones, but I figured you /might/ have something...
Ironhide: Shoot.
Mary: First guys have birthdays, right?
Ironhide: ......not really. When you live millions of years, you don't really keep track.
Mary: ...ah. celebrations or anything?
Ironhide: Not really, no.
Mary: Great. That's...going to make this a bit less likely, then. *Sigh*
Ironhide: Why did you want to know?
Mary: Well...Michelle's birthday is coming up. And...I wanted to do something /unique/. I figured maybe you or Ratchet would have some ideas. *Lamely*
Mary: I know, it's stupid...
Ironhide: .....I don't know her well enough to suggest anything.
Mary: I...I just dunno what to do. *Unhappy sigh.* Sorry to bother you.
Ironhide: Uh...well, what kind of things does she like or do?
Mary: She's...into sports. Kickboxing, mainly. It's one of the things I could never understand why she likes it, but hey...*nervous chuckle*
Ironhide: -//Search- Hn. She need any new gear or anything?
Mary: I'm not sure. I could...check, I guess, but I don't know enough about it to know what size she wears or anything. Maybe I should just give her a gift card, but it's so impersonal.
Ironhide: Gimme a klik. -and goes silent, doing some hacking-
Mary: ...a what?
Ironhide: -after a minute or two- Glove size 14oz. You probably know clothes sizes.
Mary: ...
Mary: Wait, how did you know gloves? *Confused!*
Ironhide: I can hack into pretty much any human system. Looked up her purchases.
Mary: that.../ethical/?
Ironhide: .....didn't do it for malicious reasons. They can't detect me.
Mary: Hm...hey. Think you could check to see who stole my credit card a few weeks ago? *Teasing!*
Ironhide: Not unless they stupidly changed information on it for me track 'em down.
Mary:, I'm just still in talks with my provider. They're pretty helpful, at least.
Ironhide: So you got an idea of what to get her yet?
Mary: Maybe a new set of workout clothing with gear?'s something, at least. *Chuckles* Thanks, Ironhide.
Ironhide: No problem.
Mary: never celebrate birthdays? *Curious, now!*
Ironhide: No. Like I said, when you live millions of years, you don't keep track. Gets tedious. - :/ -
Mary: So no presents? *Sounds bummed!*
Ironhide: No presents. -doesn't sound bummed about this-
Mary: Bummer. *She does!*
Ironhide: Eh. Never really bothered us.
Mary: And you guys are how old?
Ironhide: Me? Roughly over 20 million. One of the older ones. Think Ratch is somewhere around 16 or 17. Any of us that were sparked off of Earth are over 9, at least.
Mary: ....
Mary: And no birthday parties. *Flatly*
Ironhide: No birthdays. Though for us, a better term would be creation day.
Mary: Well, not that it's my place or anything to suggest it...but maybe you should start? *Nervous chuckle*
Ironhide: Eh, might. Celebrated other holidays here.
Mary: See? It's an idea!
Ironhide: Hn. Our calendar doesn't match up to yours, so I dunno what day. -idly-
Mary: Could go by zodiac.
Ironhide: Zodiac?
Mary: Yeah, the zodiac. Have you heard of it?
Ironhide: With the twelve animals?
Mary: Yep! Eastern and Western. One's months, one's years.
Ironhide: Huh. -//Search-
Mary: I'm a Gemini. Michelle's Taurus.
Ironhide: Frag, can't even remember what time of the cycle /I/ was created... -mutters-
Mary: Heh...sorry. Gonna keep you up all night with this, huh?
Ironhide: Eh. Used to memories I can't access.
Mary: mean ones you've forgotten?
Ironhide: Got about four, five million years that're corrupted. Can't access 'em. Same as forgotten.
Mary: Guess that shoots down the 'perfect memory' theory we heard about.
Ironhide: ....what? Where'd you hear this?
Mary: Online.
Ironhide: Huh. Gonna have to do some looking around.
Mary: I'll leave you to it, then. Thanks for your help.
Ironhide: No problem.