Fresh meat!

Feb 25, 2008 10:31

Hello there! I'm Toast, your new Skywarp'mun! I met a couple of you guys last night, but I'm pretty sure I didn't meet everyone and even if I met you, I'm super bad at remembering names, so associating one person with multiple characters would probably cause my brain to start spilling out my ears and-*WHACK TO THE HEAD*

Well I thought I'd introduce myself. As you can probably tell, I'm nervous. I'll probably get over it and then spam you with porn. It happens.

MOVING RIGHT ALONG THEN, my AIM contact is dytabytes, my journal is dytabytes and my e-mail is dytabytes @ gmail . com. Why yes, I did make them all at around the same time, however did you figure it out? =D; I'm online fairly often, even though I'm usually hiding under an away message. If any of you have issues with anything about my playing or anything, please feel free to beat me liberally about the head and shoulders with a rusty tire iron (or give me concrit, that works too =D).

I'm looking forward to playing with you guys. It looks like a fun comm!


Sorry, forgot to talk about how I'm going to compensate for the fact that I don't know a lot about the history here.

Basically, somehow Skywarp's poof driver started glitching before he disappeared. He tried warping, it sent him out into space and every time he tried to come home, it sent him farther away. Somewhere along the way he got slagged up by a giant machine thing with tentacles. I think we're assuming it's Unicron but if that's unacceptable, we'll say it was the roboSmasher. Or something like that.

In any case, Warp freed himself, but didn't trust his poof powers anymore, so he came home the long way. He got even more damaged in the process, since flying around in space with damaged armour isn't good for you. Radiation and severe cold and such wreak havoc on the internals. Thus, the Skywarp of 'now' has some severe memory glitching. He remembers some things that have happened, but doesn't remember anything about others. For example, he knows he has kids, but can't recall what they look like. Thus, he'll be pumping everyone for information, discreetly or not.

I hope that explanation works =O!

intro, ooc

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