Feb 24, 2008 22:14

First, the log that tells you just how this all came about; after this post, Jolly and Red Alert got together tonight (Monday, the 25th is when I say this starts), and... well.

Jolly: *Jolly is currently walking (well, stalking, really) up to the main security control room of the base, carrying with her a flask in one hand and a disk in the other - the flask would be for her inevitable desire to drown her impatience and annoyance, and the disk would be for the head of Security, Red Alert. ...They are both, most likely, directly related to one another.*
Red Alert: *Red Alert is waiting in said security control room for Jolly. He wonders when she'll get there as he looks around a bit nervously. He starts thinking as he waits, wondering what /could/ happen if the program /isn't/ compatible. He fidgets as he thinks of all the things that /could/ go wrong.*
Jolly: *If Red Alert goes into a panic over the possibilities of Jolly being /wrong/ about something, he's going to get such a talking to! Speaking of Jolly, she appears in the doorway after a few moments, taking one long look around the large room and, unimpressed, taking a swig from her flask.* Well. It's clean, at least. *And /that/ would be loud enough for Red Alert to hear, notifying him of her arrival.*
Red Alert: *He can't help but worry about there being the possibility of Jolly being wrong. Even if someone reassures him, he knows /something/ could go wrong. Red Alert glances over at Jolly* Of course it's clean. *He sounds /more/ than slightly annoyed* Why wouldn't it be clean?
Jolly: Nevermind that. *She cuts off all the small talk/insulting/annoying bullcrap and holds out the disk to the robot looming over her 5 foot self.* I'm Jolly, you're Red Alert, and this is going to get me and my group off of this base and to the Bahamas in twenty minutes flat. Get to installing it.
Red Alert: *Was that a twitch? Quite possibly. He takes the disk.* Thank you. *Red puts the disk in, glancing at the screen. He pauses a moment and puts his hand in front of Jolly* It would probably be good to have you up here. Just in case. *He pauses a moment* And I would appreciate it if you /didn't/ come in here and decide to order me around.
Jolly: I'm not ordering you around. I'm /telling/ you to do something you were already /going/ to do, whether or not I told you to do it. *She sounds exasperated, and takes another swig from her flask before hopping onto his hand with no reservations.* I just want to get this over with so I don't have to deal with your people and your problems any more than I already have.
Red Alert: *He sighs as he sets her down in front of himself* Well, it /sounded/ like you were trying to order me to do it. *He glances back at the screen starting the installation process* Lets get this over and done with then.
Jolly: Well, stop pretending I sound like I'm doing something I'm /not/. And besides, even if I /was/ ordering you around, you could just step on me. *Her tone is completely flat, and it's clear she knows he wouldn't do that.* And yes, /let's/. The sooner this is done, the sooner I can get myself a bikini and a cabana boy.
Red Alert: *He watches the computer as it goes through the installation process* Yes, I /could/ do that, but I'm pretty sure you also know that I /wouldn't/. *He glances back up...75%...85%...* So, what /exactly/ does this program do? *95%...100% And the installation is complete*
Jolly: Of course you wouldn't. And it's supposed to effectively replace the generator my party installed early in the yea- *Jolly's explanation is cut off rather abruptly as the computer decides it really /doesn't/ like the program they had just installed - really doesn't like. Doesn't like so much that it makes several loud beeps, as though it were about to explode, and then -*
*The base erupts in a God-awfully loud, blaring cacophony of Christmas music, so loud it actually drowns out the shrieking, swear-filled tirade that Jolly launches into.*
Red Alert: *Red Alert starts at this, looking around at everything because of the beeping. That's /never/ a good sound. He /visibly/ twitches at this* I'm guessing it /wasn't supposed to do /this/. *He glances down at Jolly, noticing that she doesn't seem too happy either.*
Jolly: /NO. IT ISN'T./ *Jolly swears for a good minute and a half longer until the music abruptly ends, and then stamps her foot angrily - thank Santa for the cloth shoes, there, Red Alert.* I am going to /tear them apart/ until they get it /right/ that is /not right/ and they will /know it!/
Red Alert: *He just watches her, waiting until she's finished. He looks back at the screens and reads through the error messages that are popping up everywhere* Well, it looks like I won't be able to fix it by trying to uninstall this. *He looks at Jolly again* Do you know how long it would take to get a program that /is/ compatible ready?
Jolly: This one took /long enough/ for me to know it will take at /least/... I don't even know! *She throws her hands in the air and huffs, hair actually /frizzing/ at how angry she is, and then falls into a dejected pout.* I just wanted a cabana boy, some sun, hot weather, sandy beaches, and a margarita or fifty. What is /so hard/ about that?
Red Alert: *He sighs, knowing that this is probably just going to get worse. He frowns at the error messages. He glances around nervously, worried now, about what could possibly happen since there's a security breach* W-We'll just have to get this fixed as fast as we can.
Jolly: *She blinks, and stares at him in bewilderment, before narrowing her eyes.* You stutter. Stop it.
Red Alert: *Red glares down at her, tempted to tell her to /make him/, but refrains from* /That/ definitely sounded like an order, and as I said earlier, I would /appreciate it/ if you /didn't/ try to order me around.
Jolly: It worked, you stopped. *Her voice is flat, even as she adds:* I'm going to murder every last one of my technicians. At least it doesn't seem to have done any /lasting/ damage.
Red Alert: *He shakes his head* It could be troublesome. *Red points at one of the error messages* There seems to be problems with being able to encrypt things. That could be - actually, it /is/ - a problem. And, yes, I'm well aware of the fact that it can be fixed. It /could/ cause some problems, though.
Jolly: /Could, could, could./ What are you, a broken record of bad ideas? My technicians will fix it. They know better than to disappoint me like this. *...Doesn't that sound foreboding?*
Red Alert: *Oh, yes, it sounds quite foreboding.* Perhaps it would be a good idea for me to work with them? I know this system, and it would probably help to have someone who /knows/ the security systems here helping.
Jolly: /Fine,/ once I'm through with them, I'll be sure to send them right along to /you./ They can be /your/ problem, for once.
Red Alert: That's /fine by me/. *He shakes his head, realizing he should probably let Megatron and Optimus know about this* Just let me know when I should be expecting them.
Jolly: Soon, if I can't find a place to hide the bodies. *She deadpans, staring at the console and all the errors.* ...At least it was only the once -
....*-And cue more swearing.*
Red Alert: *And he twitches again* And I suppose that will continue to happen...At least the major security systems are still functioning.. *He pauses for a moment) Well, I suppose there isn't much more we can do in here at the moment, is there?
Jolly: /No./ There /isn't./ *Oh, man, those other elves better run.*
Red Alert: *He places his hand in front of Jolly again, this time to help her down. He glances at the messages again, shaking his head*
Jolly: *She grudgingly steps back on Red's hand, growling threats under her breath.* They always /do something wrong/ I should never /trust them with things like this.../
Red Alert: *He sets her back down on the floor.* While I'm not very happy about this either, mistakes are made. At least we know we /can/ fix it, and that it isn't as bad as it could be.
Jolly: The barrier is still up. That's /one thing/ that's gone right in this /catastrophe./ *She takes a long drink from her flask, reels a bit, and wipes at her mouth.* I'm going to go make an elf-hide jacket. I'll send you the remains.
Red Alert: A good deal of the systems are still working, so, unless they stop working, things /should/ be...okay, I suppose. *He nods slightly* I'll be waiting to hear from your technicians to see if we can get this fixed.
Jolly: *Jolly spares Red Alert a quick nod, before storming out of the room, already hollering on what's most likely a headset.*
Red Alert: *And he just watches, as she leaves before he shakes his head and returns to looking at the monitors, seeing if there's /anything/ he can do to fix the problem*

(LJ-ify your IMs before pasting!)

SO BASICALLY, from Monday, the 25th, to Monday the 3rd, all posts will be absolutely 100% viewable to everyone. :D IF IT SAYS UNHACKABLE THAAAAT MEANS IT'S TTLY HACKABLE, THE ONLY THING KEEPING YOUR CHARACTER FROM SEEING IT IS, LOL, THE LJ-CUT.

:D It's only a week, so let's see what awkward situations might arise because of it!

log, announcement, red alert, plot, santa

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