Two logs I've been meaning to post

Jan 21, 2008 10:52

Sarah: -needing some fresh air, heads outside with a blanket in her arms so she can look at the stars properly-
TC: *A blast of warm air assaults her from the side- not searing*
TC: *but rolling, and tumbling over her, like the blanket she wears*
Sarah: What the- -looks around-
TC: Bit cold for Fleshlings, isn't it.
TC: *slight warm tone, to go with the air*
TC: *As a hand scoops her up- the metal warmed, purposefully*
TC: *It brings her a little closer to the sky- and a pair of dimmed red optics*
Sarah: That's what the blanket's for, silly. -smiles at him warmly-
TC: Yeah, well.
TC: If I remember right, you just got over a cold.
TC: Don't need to get sick again and have that sparkling of yours get sick.
TC: My two caught a virus from bad energon, coded into the cube itself.
TC: Little things glitched for nearly a vorn. =_=
Sarah: -laughs- Contrary to popular belief, we don't catch colds from temperature. -amused- Oh? long is a vorn, again?
TC: No, but your system can relapse from the pressure placed on it by the environment.
Sarah: -wraps the blanket around her shoulders-
TC: And I think *calculates* Its somewhere in the vicnity of two to a hundred years your time?
TC: I can never remember *slight shrug*
TC: *right shouldervent showering her with more warm air*
Sarah: are you?
Sarah: You still look pretty bad.
TC: *he shrugs- gears grinding a bit*
TC: I'll get to the medbay- eventually.
TC: Just... don't like being flat on my back for extensive periods of time.
Sarah: Mmm. I can understand that. -looks up at the stars-
TC: I'll take you flying again.
TC: Soon as I can go flying again *wryly*
Sarah: I'd like that. -smiles, then reclines on her back, putting her hands behind her head-
TC: *Fingers curl over her protectively a bit- hydraulics whining and hissing a bit more audibly than the last time she was with him due to the fact more of his chassis is open*
TC: *He has no cockpit- and there's a faint warm glow from his chest*
TC: *It's quite white- but with blue edges to the glow*
Sarah: ...I don't think your body is supposed to be making those sounds. -worried-
TC: S'because my plating is open.
TC: Megatron's fusion cannon laid open my chassis
Sarah: -eyes widen-
TC: Wasn't his fault, whatever that...thing was..i.nside of him did this.
TC: I don't blame him for any of this.
TC: And I won't depress you with the damage.
Sarah: No, I know it wasn't him. I visited him yesterday.
TC: He's a very close friend, he and Prime both. *soft chuckle*
Sarah: -smiles softly, shifting a bit to get more comfortable- I helped Megatron organize Optimus' CDs last night.
TC: How much of it was Linkin Park.
Sarah: Only a little bit. He has a pretty wide selection, actually.
TC: We always joke about his emo.
TC: Since for aw hile there, he was listening to that for a bit.
TC: *sighing as he leans back, wincing once as he adjusts- but making sure she's comfortable in his hand*
Sarah: I'm going to see if he can make me copies of some of his stuff. -grins-
TC: Hn. >>
TC: <<
TC: Don't suppose you could sneak me a copy?
Sarah: Sure!
TC: So what else is on you rmind, Sarah?
Sarah: ...not much, really. I needed some fresh air.
TC: Mm...know the feeling.
Sarah: I get like this sometimes, especia- -cuts herself off, blushing slightly-
TC: Especially?
TC: Do continue
Sarah: probably don't want to know.
Sarah: -fidgets slightly-
TC: Go on, nothing can gross me out- realy.
Sarah: Eheh...
TC: Go on *tone warm, cajoling*
Sarah: -fidgets again- Well, uh, how much do you know about human anatomy?
TC: A fair bit actually.
Sarah: Let's just say this is not a good few days for me. -blushing-
TC: ...Wait.
TC: Is it that seven day cycle thing?
TC: *optics blinking curiously*
Sarah: ...yeeeah.
Sarah: It's not fun.
TC: >.o
TC: Oh.
TC: Uh.
TC: Would it be entirely TOO personal to ask WHY you do that?
TC: that not something I need to know.
Sarah: -blink- Uh, it's part of our reproductive cycle.
TC: .....No offense.
TC: But you human females have it tough in the anatomy department oO.
TC: You carry the parasite to full term, and then you have to bleed still?
TC: Nnngh.
Sarah: Parasite? -laughs- Well, I guess a baby can kind of be considered a parasite at that stage.
TC: Well, if it feeds off of you and it gives nothing back.
TC: Y-eah, Parasite.
Sarah: And yeah, we do. >.<
Sarah: It's worth the nine months of being fed off of, though. -smiles-
TC: If you say so, honestly.
TC: I didn't have to feed mine, I built mine.
TC: But then again- Had to feed it from outside sources.
TC: So I guess really.
TC: Its all one in the same?
Sarah: Close enough, yes.
TC: Hn.. if you say so.
TC: You comfortable?
Sarah: Yeah. The stars are really pretty tonight.
Sarah: -stares up at them, trying to pick out constellations-
TC: Mmmm.
TC: I dunno. There's a thin layer of pollution this time, from the city.
TC: But they are pretty enough.
TC: *his fingers curling a bit more*
Sarah: I can never see them this clear at my house.
TC: Where do you live?
Sarah: A few hours away, on a farm Will's dad gave him. It's somewhat close to the city, though.
TC: Sounds...nice actually.
TC: Secluded?
Sarah: Lots of empty space.
Sarah: Ironhide and Ratchet didn't have to stay hidden.
TC: True...How are those two doing?
Sarah: I haven't seen them in a few days, but last I checked, they were fine. Will visited 'Hide in the medbay the other day, too.
Sarah: I would have gone with him, but I had to go to New York.
TC: *He is quiet after all this- listening to her talk. He doesn't mind if she rambles at him, really- he likes her*
TC: *and nods at that*
TC: Ratchet's a rather crotchety mech...but he and Hide are good for each other.
Sarah: -giggles- They're adorable together.
TC: M'glad that sort of...relationship doesn't bother you.
Sarah: Why would it?
Sarah: -curious expression-
TC: Some humans are phobic of it.
Sarah: They're narrowminded idiots.
Sarah: You can't help who you fall in love with. And...technically, aren't you guys really genderless?
TC: Yeah, and that ain't restricted to your species, either.
TC: Technically- yeah.
TC: Its all personality- really.
Sarah: Ironhide explained it to me before. -sits up, wrapping the blanket around her and leaning back on one of his fingers-
TC: Mmm..I thought he had.
TC: Smart mech, he is.
Sarah: -smiles-

This next one was a day after this post here.

Alpha Trion: ::Incoming Transmission from Alpha Trion: Accept y/n?::
Ironhide: ::Y::
Alpha Trion: ::Ironhide....?::
Ironhide: ::...hey.::
Alpha Trion: ::...How are you doing...?:: *his voice was soft*
Ironhide: ::-bitter laugh- Better than last night.::
Alpha Trion: ::...I am sorry about that...I truly am..But..I thought I would share something else with you...It might brighten your day...::
Ironhide: ::It'd be welcome.::
Alpha Trion: ::...There's still a chance.::
Ironhide: ::-hesitantly- .......there is?::
Alpha Trion: ::Yes. I sat up all night last night looking over information and coming up with scenarios.::
Ironhide: ::And?:: -cursing himself, doesn't want to get his hopes up for nothing again-
Alpha Trion: ::What I found was...rather...promising. It is something that would take a LOT of testing, and a lot of failures to get through...but...I do believe it is possible...::
Ironhide: ::...tell me?::
Alpha Trion: bonding. But..the circumstances need to be just right. The pressure between the sparks, the amount of energy output...the resonance frequency between the all has to be perfect in order for it to happen...::
Ironhide: -he's silent for a long moment, letting it sink in-
Ironhide: you really think it's possible?::
Ironhide: -fraggit, /don't/ get hopes up, /don't/-
Alpha Trion: ::I do, Hide. Though the chances of an accidental sparkling are -extremely- low....if we could figure out the exact would work.::
Ironhide: -goes silent again, thinking-
Alpha Trion: *he let him think* ::I would not be telling you this if I were not certain, Ironhide.::
Ironhide: ::It's worth a shot.::
Ironhide: -hmm, this would require /lots/ of testing...but...- would we figure them out?::
Alpha Trion: ::It is. But it will be some time before the specs get more refined. Sparklings are serious business...everything must be right, or things can go wrong...:: *he listened to him, then spoke again* ::To be honest...? I know it would sound very odd, but...someone would have to study two mechs as they bonded, to closely monitor the fluctuations...or at least, have special scanning devices put on each to monitor everything....::
Ironhide: -is /very/ uncomfortable with that idea- ::..........preferably the latter, but if it needs to be done...::
Alpha Trion: ::It is very likely to create two sets of devices to do this, to monitor the energy levels and such.:: *there was light tapping and beeping in the background...he was already hard at work on more scenarios*
Ironhide: ::If...if it doesn't work, we should at least have more data on Sparks.::
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* ::Agreed. But just at least know that, even though there is a chance, there is an equal chance that it may not work. Just remember that, alright...?:: *his voice was calm, but honest*
Ironhide: ::I know. -quietly-::
Alpha Trion: least it is better than what we had last night...::
Ironhide: ::...yeah.::
Alpha Trion: ::Cheer up, Hide. We have a possible way now. I still think we can do it.::
Ironhide: ::I really /hurt./ -sighs-::
Alpha Trion: ::I know...that's -why- I stayed up and researched this....::
Ironhide: -smiles to himself- ::Thank you.::
Alpha Trion: ::..It's not a problem, Hide. I just couldn't sit aside and let a friend hurt like that....I needed to do something...::
Ironhide: ::You won't tell anyone?::
Alpha Trion: ::....You don't wish others to know that you want one...?::
Ironhide: ::I don't want their pity.::
Ironhide: ::...and I prefer to keep that portion of my life out of public knowledge...::
Alpha Trion: *he fell silent for a few seconds* ::I
understand....:: *he respected that.*
Ironhide: ::-gruffly- I need to take care of a few things.::
Alpha Trion: *he nodded* ::Alright. I hope I was able to cheer you up a bit, Ironhide...::
Ironhide: ::I do feel somewhat better...anyways. I'll talk to you later.::
Alpha Trion: ::Alright then.::

No worries, we aren't going to have it work. :D

sarah, log, alpha trion, thundercracker, ironhide

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