A night out

Jan 10, 2008 22:56

So. Way back when, during the Quintesson thing, Ironhide and Alpha Trion had a talk. They hadn't really talked much since then. Last night, Trion comms Ironhide out of the blue and they decide to go out and play some pool.

Alpha Trion: ::Accept incoming Transmission from Alpha Trion: y/n?::
Ironhide: ::Y::
Ironhide: ::Alpha Trion?::
Alpha Trion: ::Ironhide. Question. Are you as bored out of your processor as I am mine?::
Ironhide: ::...yes?::
Alpha Trion: ::Would you like to join me in a game of pool at one of the poolhalls in town? I hear they are rather enjoyable.::
Ironhide: ::Uh...yeah. -kinda shocked tone-::
Alpha Trion: ::Alright. Meet me outside?:: *is currently looking for a good altform that would not draw attention...*
Ironhide: ::Alright. On my way.:: -shakes his head, and starts heading that way-
Alpha Trion: *and he finally found one, and scanned it, changing the colors to a dark blue with dark red pinstriping. http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.diseno-art.com/images_2/Acura_Advanced_Sports_Car_Concept_1_back.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.diseno-art.com/encyclopedia/concept_cars/acura_advanced_sports_car.html&h=288&w=400&sz=55&hl=en&start=76&um=1&tbnid=bu4gS8VJ0whZ5M:&tbnh=89&tbnw=124&prev=/images%3Fq%3DSports%2Bcars%26start%3D60%26ndsp%3D20%26svnum%3D10%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN * ::Alright I am on my way. I have a new altform, as well.::
Ironhide: -reaches the exit and leans against the doorway, waiting-
Alpha Trion: *he finally made it outside and transformed into the sleek sports car he had chosen.* ::So, what do you think?::
Ironhide: -straightens up as soon as he sees him- ::Uh...it's good.:: -respectful tone, transforms as well-
Alpha Trion: *He laughed* ::Ironhide...you CAN relax around me. I am not going to slag you or something, so just relax.:: *he could sense the other's tenseness around him*
Ironhide: ::...sorry, I just...:: -sinks down on his tires a bit-
Alpha Trion: *he began to head out* ::What is it, Ironhide?:: *calm, peaceful tone*
Ironhide: ::...you're so much /older/ than I am. It's only right that I show respect to you.:: -quietly-
Alpha Trion: *he smiled mentally at that* ::Alright, fair enough. But still...Just so you know, if you want to relax a bit, you can.:: *his tone was light and cheerful*
Ironhide: -relaxes, slowly, following Trion-
Alpha Trion: *he took off down the highway, headed for the town, the night lights gleaming over his new alt.* ::So tell me, what have you been up to lately, Ironhide? We don't seem to talk much.::
Ironhide: ::...eh, this and that. Worked on a new gun for a few days...I'm going to test it on those drones.:: -activates his holo, just in case, dressed in casual clothes and a leather jacket-
Alpha Trion: *he followed Hide's lead, and activated his own holo, A Sean Connery lookalike, who just happened to sound like him, too. They were nearing Mission City already, the lights of the city brightening the sky before them.* ::Sounds like fun. Perhaps I should fire up these old rusty cannons and take out a few myself.::
Ironhide: ::Every bit would help...those things are /everywhere./::
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled over the comm* ::Perhaps a game of hunting when we get back?::
Ironhide: ::Optimus is going to lead a group assault on them; I don't know when.::
Alpha Trion: ::Hmm, that sounds like a good idea. Perhaps I should contact him and see what he is planning.:: *he took the offramp to the city, veering downward in the curve that took them to a lesser highway in the direction of the city now before them*
Ironhide: ::...did you have a particular location in mind?::
Alpha Trion: ::There are several poolhalls that looked rather interesting, I think we can try one of those. Have you ever played before?::
Ironhide: ::No, but it doesn't look very difficult.:: -swerves to avoid someone not paying attention to the road, grumbling curses-
Alpha Trion: *he laughed...actually -laughed- at that.* ::Ahh, I see you have picked up on the human custom of Road Rage!:: *his holo grinned at that, and then flipped on some music, playing "Life is a Highway" for something different*
Ironhide: ::If they'd slaggin' pay /attention/...:: -grumbles, was in no danger of being hit, but it was still annoying-
Alpha Trion: *his laugh calmed to a chuckle* ::The humans arn't as perceptive as we are...and they don't have the advanced scanning systems we do that allow us to adjust for possible dangers.::
Ironhide: -mumbles something about there being a red light, then drops it- ::Hn. So what have you been doing to pass the time?::
Alpha Trion: ::What else does an old mech do? Read over reports to find anything interesting.::
Ironhide: ::That's all you do?::
Ironhide: -if in robot mode, he would have an optic ridge quirked-
Alpha Trion: *He laughed* ::No, not always. I have often found myself becoming a therapist to some, giving advice and listening. I actually find it rather rewarding, being able to help others with things I have already been through...:: *his voice was calm again*
Ironhide: ::-chuckles- Yeah, with as much slag as we've had to deal with since coming to this planet...::
Alpha Trion: ::Agreed. Though I do need to speak with Sunstorm...:: *sudden thought, derailing the other train of thought. He pulled into the parking lot of a rather lively poolhall, and parked, waiting for Hide.*
Ironhide: -parks, and his holo exits his cab, looking at the place curiously-
Alpha Trion: *his own holo exited and he looked at Hide* Come on, let's go in. I am assuming you have done your research on Pool? *slight smirk from the Sean Connery lookalike*
Ironhide: On the way, yeah. -sticks his hands in his pockets and follows Trion in-
Alpha Trion: Good.*He pulled the door and stepped in, Hide following him. He looked around, eyeing the smoke that filled the air, the chatter from various tables and pooltables, the various drinks, laughter and clattering of hard pool balls hitting each other. He grinned. His own holo was dressed in casual clothing, a pair of dark blue jeans, a decent button up shirt with dragons on it, and worn black leather jacket, a bit different than Hide's.* Well, quite lively, it seems.
Ironhide: -glances around at the crowd, frowning when he notices a pair of females eyeing them- ::It's generally considered good manners to get a drink. Can't really drink with these, but eh. I'll get something.::
Alpha Trion: ::Of course.:: So, what would you like? I'll pay this time. *he took out a wallet and pulled a few 5's out as they headed to the bar.*
Ironhide: -shrugs- Just a beer, I guess.
Alpha Trion: *he eyed the other* Beer, huh? Well...*he waved his hand at the bar.* There are plenty to choose from. *slight smirk*
Ironhide: ::No sense wastin' good stuff a human can drink.::
Alpha Trion: A Budwiser, perhaps? Or a Heinekin? *he tilted his head, and waved over the bartender* Sir, a Bud Light for me, if you would please. ::I hear drinks with the word "light" in it is pretty bad...so..::
Ironhide: -shrugs again- The latter, I suppose.
Bartender: *the bartender nodded and grabbed a bottle, popping the cap and handing it to Trion* And for you, a Heinekin? *he reached over to grab it, looking at him to make sure.*
Ironhide: -nods, leaning against the bar and just watching the humans-
Ironhide: ::Fraggin'...wish we could drink with these.::
Alpha Trion: *he grabbed his bottle and pretended to take a small drink, infact leaving the drink in the bottle*
Alright! *he grabbed it and popped the cap on that one and slid it to Hide* 5 even, please. *he had a cheerful demeanor*
Alpha Trion
::Agreed on that one, Hide.:: *he handed the bartender a 5 and nodded* Thank you.
Ironhide: -takes it and pretends to drink as well, nodding at one of the few empty pool tables- Well?
Alpha Trion: * he nodded and then turned back to the bartender* What's it cost for a set?
*he looked at him and nodded* 10, for as long as you want. 3 per hour.
Alpha Trion:
*he nodded and handed the bartender a 10* If you would, please?
*he nodded and ducked behind the bar, then came up with a set of balls for the table and a key to unlock the table.* There ya go!
Alpha Trion:
Thankyou. I appreciate it. *he took the balls and nodded at Hide, and headed over to the table, ignoring the earth females that were sitting in the corner eyeing them and giggling*
Ironhide: -rolls his eyes- ::If ya don't want to be pestered by the females, put a ring on your left hand.:: -holds up his own discreetly to demonstrate-
Alpha Trion: *he coughed* ::Unfortunately, I am not taken, so...::
Alpha Trion: *he sent the balls on the table and unlocked it*
Ironhide: ::They don't know that. -dryly-::
Ironhide: -grabs a couple of sticks from the wall and hands one to Trion-
Alpha Trion: ::...True...think it's to late to manifest one?:: *he grabbed it from him and then went to align the balls, throwing the white one at Hide*
Ironhide: -catches it easily- ::Nah. Humans don't have as good sight as we do.::
Ironhide: -sets the cue ball on the table and chalks up his stick, studying the table-
Alpha Trion: ::Granted.:: *he very carefully manifested a ring, then reached back out to align the balls a bit more, then pulled the triangle off off them.* Want to break?
Ironhide: Yeah. -positions the cue ball exactly where he wants, takes aim, and shoots, immediately knocking a stripe and a solid in-
Alpha Trion: *he raised an eyebrow* Nice shot. *he chalked his own stick in preparation*
Ironhide: -weighs his options, moves around the table, and shoots again, sinking another solid- Not difficult at all...
Alpha Trion: *he smirked* Save some for me, hotshot.
Ironhide: -grins and shoots again, sinking the 4- Slag, this is easy. Guess we have a bit of an advantage, though.
Alpha Trion: *he watched as the ball was sunk* Ya gotta miss sometime, slagger. *hint hint, smirk*
Ironhide: -looks at the table, aims, and barely misses getting the 7 in-
Alpha Trion: As I was saying. *smug look as he moved around the table, eyeing and aiming, calculating*
Ironhide: Hey, you can miss too. -pretend!sip at his beer-
Alpha Trion: Perhaps. *he bent down and aimed, and shot, seemingly aiming at nothing, but as the ball rolled around, it became apparent his targets. Three balls sunk as the white one bounced around the table, and he pulled back and grinned.* Now THAT is how you play. *grin as he chalked his stick again*
Ironhide: ....
Ironhide: -shakes his head, grinning- You wanna play that way?
Alpha Trion: *He laughed* What? You want a turn? By all means!
Ironhide: Take yer turn.
Alpha Trion: *he shrugged, and purposefully missed this time, though both of them knew it*
Ironhide: -studies the table for a long moment, then carefully takes aim, noticing out the corner of his eye those two females heading in their direction- ::...fraggit. Company.:: -shoots, sinking the six, but putting the cue ball in as well-
Alpha Trion: ::Joy.:: Oh, now look what you've done...you scratched. *he smirked and reached in, grabbing the ball and tossing it into the air* Hmm, My turn. *he winked at Hide.* ::Enjoy, Brunette at 10'oclock.::
*and indeed, the brunette was coming in from the 10 position, actually looking rather shy...*
Ironhide: ::-grumbles- Not again...:: -turns and looks at her- Can I help you, Miss?
Blonde: -the other woman, a blonde, approaches Trion, a good deal bolder than her companion-
Brunette: *she smiled sweetly* We were just watching you play...I have no idea how to play and...I was wondering...could you show me?
Alpha Trion:
*he spied the other woman and nodded at her as he set the ball down and aimed, and shooting it over one ball and hitting another, sinking it instantly. He straightened up and grinned.* Top that one. *smirk*
Alpha Trion: *he went to sink another, and missed again to give Hide a turn*
Ironhide: ::... -sighs- I'm /really/ beginning to regret the holo I chose...:: -raises an eyebrow at Trion- Nice. Betcha I can. -turns back to the woman- Sorry, Miss, don't give lessons for free. Need cash. -makes sure to have his left hand, or more specifically the ring, visible-
Blonde: Oooh, you're pretty good at this. -flips her hair, smiling- You know, you look an awful lot like Sean Connery...
Brunette: *she was a bit surprised, but...* Um...alright...? If you really want...*she began digging in her little handbag....*
Alpha Trion:
*He nodded and stepped back* I tend to get that alot...::Hide, your turn.::
Ironhide: -eyes her, not expecting that response, then looks at the table- Hmm. Be the first time I taught a human. -shoots behind his back, making the cue ball bounce against the sides a few times before hitting in the 2-
Blonde: So...you /aren't/ Sean Connery? Cuz, you know, you sound like him, too. -smiles brightly- I won't, like, announce it to the whole place or anything.
Brunette: *she blinked* ....So...do you like...teach animals or something? Like a circus? *she tilted her head*
Alpha Trion:
*he shook his head* No, miss, I am not. I just look like him. *he smiled gently at her.* And sound like him, apparently. I think you are the third person who has said that to me. *he grinned*
Ironhide: -chuckles- Nah. I'm...ah, in the military. -misses his next shot on purpose, but manages to make the cue ball land where Trion will have a difficult shot-
Blonde: Oh. -looks a little disappointed, but covers it up with another smile- Never seen you guys around before. New to the area?
Brunette: Okay...so...why did you say that? *she looked at him, curious, watching him...not the table*
Alpha Trion:
*he chuckled* You could say that. *he smirked at Hide* ::Smartaft.:: *he contemplated, and then took careful aim, hitting in a direction not expected, and knocked two into the holes, one solid, one stripe* ::Take that. But I suppose you can have another turn...:: *he missed on his next one...*
Ironhide: Because it's the truth. -shrugs- ::Play along. M'hoping ta make them think we're insane so they'll leave us alone.:: -moves around the table and taps one of the pockets with his stick- Eight ball, corner pocket.
Blonde: So where're you from then? -leans on the edge of the table, twisting a strand of hair with a finger-
Brunette: Oh...well...*she shrugged* So...how long have you been in the service? *she sipped at her drink, inching closer to him*
Alpha Trion:
*he grinned* Outer space. ::Play along? Got it.:: *he smirked, knowing the girl would take it as a joke.*
Ironhide: -not a second of hesitation, but edges away from her slightly- 'bout twelve million years, your reckoning. -sinks the eight with ease, grinning at Trion-
Blonde: ....outer space. Like, seriously, where are y'all from? -little bit of annoyance creeping into her tone-
Brunette: *she blinked at that* .....Yeah, I guess it could seem like that, couldn't it? *She held her drink with both hands*
Alpha Trion:
Okay, fine, I give. *he searched, and named the next best thing.* Roswell, New Mexico. ::Nice shot, Hide.::
Ironhide: -shrugs- Feels like twenty million sometimes. ::...the slag? Keep going with it!:: -smirks at Trion, and adds out loud- New game, I rack, you break.
Blonde: Isn't that, like, where those aliens crash landed, like, years ago? -tilts her head- You think maybe it was the same ones as the ones that're, like, here on Earth now?
Brunette: *She nodded* Yeah, true, it can. I actually work in one of the jewelry stores here in town...and it feels like a day turns into years sometimes...*she grinned*
Alpha Trion:
Sure thing. *he nodded at Hide before addressing the girl* ...Nah, that was a different race. *he grinned at her, being truthful, but she had no idea.*
Ironhide: -pretend!sips at his beer and starts setting up the balls again- ::Slaggitall, these two are dense.::
Blonde: But, like, isn't it kinda cool to have aliens here? I mean, yeah, that attack wasn't cool, but still. /Aliens!/
Brunette: *he said nothing, so she turned and watched him set up the balls, finding his hands fascinating* ...I like your hands. They look...strong...
Alpha Trion:
*he nearly choked at the other girl's comment on Hide's hands* ::Heh, I think she likes you.:: *he shook his head* Yes, the attack was rather devastating...But of course, I had only heard about it...
Ironhide: ....uh...thanks...I guess. -total WTF look on his face- ::Time to step it up. -exasperated-::
Blonde: -keeps on twirling her hair- Yeah, I mean, dying is sooo not cool. -edges closer to him, smiling-
Brunette: *she noted the ring finally.* Oh, you're married! Well, she is one lucky woman...*she smiled sweetly*
Alpha Trion:
*he nodded* No, it isn't cool...::Agreed.:: *he readied his break, and went for it, sinking at least 5 balls in the process.* Hnn....not my best...*he was trying to freak out the girls* Hey, 'Hide, you think I can sink the rest in two shots? *he waved his stick at the rest of the balls*
Ironhide: -/finally/- Yeah...lucky. -studies the table, then grins- Go for it.
Blonde: -only now decides to notice the other 'male' there- 'Hide? Is that, like, a nickname? Ohmygawd, I didn't tell you my name! -turns back to Trion, tossing her hair- I'm Leslie.
Brunette: *she still hung by him, almost as if she were trying to see if he had any interest in her at all. She watched Trion try and make the next shot.* Do you really think he can...? *she looked at him, meaning Trion*
Alpha Trion:
Yeah, like a nickname. *He aimed again and shot, sinking 4 this time with a series of well-calculated ricochets..*
Ironhide: -is ttly /not/ interested, has a mate kthnxbai- 'Course he can. Old bot's still got some energy in 'im. -grins at Trion-
Blonde: -looks at 'Hide- So, like, how'd you get a nickname like that? -bright smile, twisting that hair-
Alpha Trion: *he was aiming again, half ignoring the two human females.* Good, I'm glad ya do.
Brunette: *she looked at Hide with a wierd expression* .....
Ironhide: Shortened version of my name, Ironhide, like most of them. -shrugs again, pretend!sipping and leaning on the wall-
Blonde: -confused look- That's a totally weird name.
Brunette: *she eyed Hide, then her friend. Yeah, the 'bot' comment and the name was wierding her out* ...I'll be right back...bathroom...*she slipped off, eyeing her friend..*
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled at that, and took the shot, but missed again.* ...Damn. I missed. *slight smirk*
Ironhide: -grins to himself- Weird for you humans, anyways. -studies the table, aims, and shoots, sending the rest of the balls in- /That's/ how you shoot. -smirks at Trion-
Blonde: -looks at 'Hide oddly- Wait. So, like, you're not human? -what drugs are this guy /on?/-
Alpha Trion: ::Hide, careful...Don't overdo it.:: Oh, well, I have been shown the way of light! I shall follow in your footsteps, grasshopper! *he smirked* Set it up, it's my break now.
Ironhide: ::Not gonna give too much information. Mars should make us look sufficiently crazy, I think.:: -completely serious look on his face, lowers his voice to a conspiratorial level- Mars isn't as lifeless as you think. -pushes off from the wall and starts racking the balls-
Blonde: ...uh...I should, like, go check on Amanda...she's been gone a while...
Brunette: *she was already on her way out, flipping her hair about and straightening her skirt.*
Alpha Trion: *he grinned at that, watching his friend set up the balls again*
Blonde: -catches up to her and whispers to the brunette- Ohmygod, like, these guys are crazy...
Ironhide: ::Told ya.:: -backs away from the table, smirking-
Brunette: *she eyed the guys and nodded* I know...They creep me out...*She whispered back, twisting her fingers together.*
Alpha Trion: ::I see that. Good job.:: *he grinned, aimed and broke the racked balls, sinking three of them.*
Ironhide: ::-snickers-:: You can do better than that.
Blonde: Let's try that Sullivan's place...there's always druggies in here... -eyes the guys as well, edging towards the door-
Brunette: *she nodded to her friend* ..Alright...let's go...*she followed her friend*
Alpha Trion: ::Heh, very well done, Hide.:: Oh, come now..I could have, but then what fun would that be?
Ironhide: Betcha can't sink 'em all in two more shots.
Alpha Trion: *he smirked* Oh? How many cubes? *he lined up for another shot*
Ironhide: -tilts his head, thinking- Ten.
Ironhide: -smirks-
Alpha Trion: Alright, you're on. Ten cubes. *he lined up, and studied for a few more moments, then grinned* I can make this shot in one.
Ironhide: -quirks an eyebrow- Prove it.
Alpha Trion: *He concentrated...this would require precise movement. After a moment, he took the shot, one ball after another began to fall in....finally, the cue ball rolled slowly towards another that was sitting on the edge of the last hole and just barely tapped it. It moved...and wobbled...*
Ironhide: -watches closely-
Alpha Trion: *he didn't touch the table...watching....*
Ironhide: ...
Alpha Trion: *It fell*
Alpha Trion: *and he smirked*
Alpha Trion: So...does that mean 20 cubes since I made it in one, not two?
Ironhide: ...no. Still ten.
Ironhide: -grins-
Alpha Trion: *he grinned back* Alright. I think I can settle with that.
Ironhide: So....how many if I get them all with /one/ shot?
Alpha Trion: *he contemplated that.* 15? Which means if you get it, I only give you five, because you already owe me 10.
Ironhide: Works. -grins- Set 'em up.
Alpha Trion: *he grinned and set them up, aligning them just right for Hide* Alright, have at it!
Ironhide: -takes his time positioning the cue ball exactly how he wants it, and...shoots-
Alpha Trion: *watches...*
Ironhide: -balls are disappearing one by one at a rapid speed, ricocheting off of each other and the walls, until there's only two left, heading straight for each other-
Alpha Trion: *he had to* Miss! Miss! *he chuckled*
Ironhide: -they hit, and go to opposite corners, neatly going in and leaving the cue ball spinning in place for a moment before stopping-
Ironhide: I believe you owe me five cubes. -smug grin-
Alpha Trion: *he grinned and began clapping* Well done!! Beautiful! Yes, yes I do. *he clapped a hand on Hide's shoulder with a grin*
Ironhide: How about we go back now, and have a few?
Alpha Trion: Sounds like a plan, Hide. Shall we? *he waved his hand, and then began gathering the balls onto the tray*
Ironhide: -helps dig balls out of the pockets, rolling them in Trion's direction, and grins- We should play more often.
Alpha Trion: *he nodded at that* Yes, we should. *he gathered them all and then took them back to the bartender, nodding in thanks. He then turned to Hide and grinned.* Ready to roll?
Ironhide: Ready. -begins heading out the door, hands in pockets-
Alpha Trion: *He followed and headed to his own sports car, where several women were eyeing his car, and a few guys gawking at it. He nodded and gave a two-fingered salute to them all, 'unlocking' the car and getting in, and firing up that smooth, quiet engine. Everyone stared, eyes following the car as he began to back up*
Ironhide: ::Show off.:: -gets into his own 'vehicle' and waits for Trion to pull out before doing so himself, following him out of the parking lot-
Alpha Trion: ::Thankyou.:: *he smirked and headed out onto the street, taking off for the highway.*
Ironhide: ::Gotta say, didn't really peg you for being this...fun. -adds in quickly- No offense!::
Alpha Trion: *he laughed over the comm* ::Hehe, no offense taken, Hide. Most just look at me and think, 'Oh, oldtimer, he's no fun.' But...as the humans would say, Don't judge a book by it's cover.::
Ironhide: ::Bet you were a real party-mech in your younger days. -laughs-::
Alpha Trion: ::Hmm...I might know a thing or two.:: *he pulled onto the onramp*
Ironhide: -laughs again-
Alpha Trion: *when he got onto the onramp, he slowed a bit. He was taking an incomming transmission at the moment, and was not liking what he was hearing...*
Ironhide: ::...you alright?::
Alpha Trion: ::....I'm not sure.....Sunstorm just commed me...he's giving me some information...::
Ironhide: -getting a bad feeling- ::Something up at the base?::
Alpha Trion: ::Everyone at the base is fine...but...remember when Sunstorm got attacked last...?:: *he kept his speed slower, matching the speed limit*
Ironhide: ::Yeah...?:: -worried tone, pulling up into the lane alongside Trion-
Alpha Trion: *he fell quiet for a moment* ::The Vector Sigma files that he holds...they were damaged...::
Ironhide: -falls silent for a long moment before speaking again- ::...damaged. How badly?::
Alpha Trion: ::....Numerous sections...:: *he paused* ::....Oh Primus...Not those....:: *he slowed down slightly*
Ironhide: -stays alongside, has a feeling he knows which ones are being mentioned- ::What? Which ones? -fighting to keep his voice steady-::
Alpha Trion: ::.....The...The Sparkling files...:: *his voice was edged, and traced with sadness*
Ironhide: ::...no.:: -barely audible, and he nearly stops right there in the middle of the road, feeling numb-
Alpha Trion: *he pulled over to the side of the road, engine rumbling with a soft whine of sadness* ::....He says...98% of the files....are gone...:: *his holo just sat there at the wheel, his face blank with shock and sadness*
Ironhide: -drifts over as well, his own holo flickering as he sits completely still- ::...gone. -voice is tight-::
Alpha Trion: *he looked in his rearview mirror and glanced at Hide, seeing his holo flickering somewhat.* ::Hide...?:: *his voice was soft and shaky a bit..*
Ironhide: ::I...I need to get back.:: -pulls back onto the highway, staying at the speed limit and sinking down on his tires a bit-
Alpha Trion: *He followed, and kept quiet. He was mulling over this information now. Sunstorm had cut off contact, as he was headed to recharge. He wasn't sure what they were going to do now...*
Ironhide: -doesn't say a word until they reach the base and he's transformed- ...I...good night. -voice is slightly unsteady, heads into the base, directly for his quarters-
Alpha Trion: ::...Hide...I...I'm sorry...:: *he knew the mech was taking it hard...and he had a feeling why. He was going to see what he could do about doing some research ....to see if there was a way...*

log, alpha trion, ironhide

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