Disney logs -- Danis trip turns sour, PART TWO. >3

Nov 27, 2007 15:12

PART TWO of Four i think. Mun is still formating the rest of them.

So, after wondering about Disneyland for most of the time, seeing various transformers mobbed/ruining things/NOT BLENDING IN/ Making out in Tommorowland.... Danien winds up in Toontown.

All she wanted was to see Mickey Mouse and get a photo with him.. She really didnt want the other stuff like dealing with Runabout OR Divebomb. Or Dirge or being stopped for Shoplifting. And the Mun owes several muns artwork for this. <3333

Oh and A Mickey Mouse toy being 'killed', but that comes later.

Sixshot: *Limps in, covered in mud*
Sixshot: *in wolf alt*
Rachet: She's not that delicate.
Rachet: But she is delicate at the same time.
Runabout: :: Danien. I have Danien. ::
Divebomb: :: Oh. ::
Runabout: *smirks* I have another friend.. you might remember him..
Sixshot: ::.....Bout?::
Divebomb: *looks around and spots the two*
Runabout: *headtilts* :: Sox? ::
Ironhide: -settles her in his lap, holding on to her hands- ...I know, but I can't help it.
Runabout: *Six
Danien: * is oblivious to this - is more interest in the mickey toy. *
Sixshot: ::Where you be?:: *is wandering*
Divebomb: *pushes over to them, occasionally biting back the urge to kick one of the brats*
Runabout: *leans over her and smirks at Divebomb*
Runabout: You like liver?
Runabout: :: Say yes. ::
Divebomb: Yeah, sure. With lots of energon.
Runabout: :: Toontown..
Runabout: :: With Divebomb and the tattletell.. ::
Sixshot: ::I'm in Toontown::
Danien: * looks up slowly and face goes white. really white*
Sixshot: *looking around*
Runabout: *smirks* Is it really that good? Not too tough?
Runabout: :: You should see me.. I'm male today ::
Sixshot: *oblivious to the humans trying to get out of his way*
Runabout: :: Why... are you in Wolf.. alt? ::
Sixshot: ::You can see me? Where the hell are you?::
Divebomb: Meh. Could be better.
Ironhide: : -claps her hands like he's seen Sarah do, smiling when she laughs-
Divebomb: *grins down at Dani*
Divebomb: Remember me?
Sixshot: *sits down on a hotdog stand*
Danien: * lots of fear in her eyes. oh yes, remembers him, yes she does. *
Runabout: *waves his hand* Oh look.. it's Six...
Ratchet: *laughs*
Runabout: *wavewavewave*
Runabout: *looks down at Danien* You remember my mate? The one who wants to squish you?
Ratchet: Just be careful. And play with her. They like it.
Runabout: The one who has flattened and buredn worlds to the ground with a glance?
Divebomb: *giggles*
Runabout: *burned
Divebomb: Good.
Danien: * nods weakly*
Runabout: *still waving his hands*
Divebomb: *begins speaking quietly, so no one else except her and Bout can hear*
Divebomb: If we were somewhere more private I could finish the job.
Sixshot: *Sees them finally, must have mud on his optics, and gets up to limp over*
Runabout: *slides to Divebomb and kisses his cheek in greeting* :: I've already started scaring her shitless... no Autobots need to find us..
Ironhide: -relaxes, playing with her and smiling happily-
Divebomb: *hugs Runabout warmly, but keeping it companionly and platonic*
Runabout: *smiles* Are you being good, Handsome?
Runabout: *keeps his hand on Dani's chair and Divebomb's arm*
Divebomb: As much as I hate being so, yes.
Sixshot: *Rumbles by Ironhide and Ratchet*
Divebomb: Yourself?
Ratchet: *blinks as Six rumbles by then shakes his head, glancing at 'Hide and Belle.* Don't want to know...
Runabout: Mmm.... *eyes Six* :: Can't as much see you as sense you.. ::
Runabout: Mmm... showing Danien a good time.
Danien: * keeps her mouth shut, gritting her teeth, really wanting more painkillers, but - not going to ask for them. yet.*
Ironhide: -ttly focused on making Anna giggle-
Sixshot: *And finally makes his way to Bout and Divebomb*
Runabout: *waggles her painkillers* Want some, Divebomb? You look like you have a headache.
Runabout: *looks up at Six and purses his lips for a kiss!*
Sixshot: *Liiiiiiick*
Sixshot: *muddy, riverwater lick*
Divebomb: *nods at Six*
Sixshot: *tail thump*
Divebomb: No. They wouldn't do anything for me. *grin*
Danien: * look at mickey toy, look at mickey toy, see? mickey is cool. *
Divebomb: *looks at Dani* What's wrong with the human? Aside from the obvious.
Runabout: *smirks and winks* Wanna give me something to cling to, Baby?
Ratchet: *shakes his head and joins Ironhide*
Runabout: Mmm... besides the fact she's an idiot?
Runabout: And when I pointed out, she yelled at me. *wibble* Viciously.
Sixshot: ::Kinda stuck.::
Sixshot: ::What's going on here.::
Danien: * gulps, face paling even more in fear*
Sixshot: *Peeeers down at the human. Doesn't recognize her.*
Runabout: ::Why stuck? ::
Runabout: :: This is the dumbass I told you about yesterday.. ::
Sixshot: ::.....long story. But the Riverboat Ride is toast.::
Runabout: :: Mmm.. do you need some help getting into a more managable form?
Divebomb: *strokes her cheek warmly*
Ratchet: *tickles Anna*
Danien: * doesnt like the big wolf, but is smart enough not to say anything. stiffens at the stroken, looking at Divebomb in real fear*
Runabout: *steals the Mickey*
Runabout: *makes it dance*
Ironhide: Anna: -giggles, burbling happily-
Danien: * maybe hyperventicalting at this point in time too.*
Runabout: :: You got a laser, Baby? ::
Runabout: Friends come in all siiizes.. take it from meee.
Divebomb (5:14:39 PM): *winks at her* Not like we're going to hurt you right now. Too many fleshlings around, even though I would like to wipe out the entire park.
Ironhide: -smiles fondly, and laughs-
Ratchet: Cute little thing.
Runabout: Oh, Divebomb... why the entire park when this is so much fun..
Danien: * nods weakly, then bites her lip, headache going up a notche. >3*
Runabout: :: Can someone blow up the Mickey's head?::
Sixshot: ::You should've been there for the Riverboat thing, Divebomb. It was a 'blast'.::
Sixshot: *lays down on the pavement*
Divebomb: :: Really? I was stuck in some stupid "Futureworld". ::
Runabout: :: Hey guys. Blow. Up. The. Mickey's. Head. ::
Sixshot: ::Oh, hell yeah. Didn't you guys see the explosion?::
Runabout: :: Nope.. ::
Ironhide: Anna: 'ide!
Runabout: *shakes it some*
Ironhide: ...
Ironhide: ..........
Sixshot: ::What Mickey? There's like a billion of them::
Runabout: :: The one in my hands.. ::
Divebomb: *glances at Bout* And the entire park because their screams would soothe me. And I actually missed that...
Divebomb: :: No laser. Hologram? Remember? ::
Runabout: *strokes Divebomb's head*
Runabout: :: Six? Please, Baby? ::
Sixshot: *grabs the Mickey out of Bout's hand and rips it's head off*
Sixshot: ::Happy?::
Ironhide: .....did she....
Ratchet: Hide. She said your name.
Ratchet: o.O
Danien: * looks, looks, mouth falls open.* mickey..... ?
Ironhide: -frozen in shock-
Danien: * is more in a state of shock thaan anything*
Runabout: *smirks and offers the Mickey back to Danien* Sorry... Six doesn't know how to play with things..
Runabout: *strokes Six's head*
Divebomb: *makes a purring sound*
Ironhide: Anna: -giggle- 'Ide!
Runabout: Who's my Baby? *kisses SIx's nose again*
Divebomb: *leaning into the stroke*
Ratchet: *falls back laughing*
Ratchet: Sarah is going to kill you.
Runabout: *smirks andleans close to Divebomb and kissed his ear* :: You got nothin, Bomb? ::
Danien: *takes the mickey back saddly. is just,, in shock..*
Divebomb: *grins* :: Nothing. Holographic lasers don't actually do much. ::
Ironhide: ....not just Sarah.
Ratchet: *still laughing*
Runabout: *takes the body and makes it dance for Divebomb*
Ratchet: Maybe she'll think its cute.
Ironhide: OhprimusIhopeso.
Divebomb: *flick with finger*
Divebomb: Disgusting.
Divebomb: *unwittingly quoting his leader*
Danien: * watches the dead mickey with a very sad face. and surprizingly, she hasnt yelled yet. of course, its not like she will... *
Runabout: *laughs and makes it dance more for Divebomb* But Divebomb.. I love you ...
Runabout: Me and my headless self!
Runabout: Give me a hug!
Ironhide: -unfreezes, goes back to playing with her; this may be his last day of life, he's going to enjoy it!-
Danien: ;____________________________; Mickey is dead...
Divebomb: Well, I hate fleshlings. Disgusting, pink worms. *flick again
Runabout: *looks at Danien*
Runabout: Worse.. he doesn't. Exist.
Divebomb: He was never alive. He was a fictious character.
Runabout: He's a figment of your imagination.
Runabout: He never existed.
Divebomb: Maybe we are too. And you're really laying in a hospital bed in a coma.
Runabout: The guy that looks like him? Probably an alcoholic.
Runabout: A fabric stuffer.
Ratchet: *cackles again and watches, a huge grin on his fac,e reaching over to dote on the child*
Danien: ..... ..... ... * visble battle not to yell at them all. *
Runabout: *smirks* What is that, Danien?
Runabout: Do you want to say something?
Runabout: I'm sure Divebomb would LOVE to speak with you privately..
Sixshot: *And low, low rumble from the large mechanoid wolf at their feet*
Danien: N-no... i dont.. i.. im just... in shock..
Divebomb: *examines his holographic fingernails*
Divebomb: *briefly elongating them into claws*
Divebomb: *before snapping them back*
Ratchet: *starts playing peek-a-boo with her*
Runabout: *rubs Divebomb's leg as he leans down and nibbles on Six's ear*
Runabout: *growls happily in his ear*
Danien: * eyes the claws in fear, hands automatically going to her arms*
Runabout: I think you want to say something.. so say it..
Ironhide: Anna: -squeals-
Runabout: I think.. Divebomb.. you need to remind her what pain is.. she's been popping pills.. she doesn't remember what pain is
Danien: No, Sir, I dont, really.
Divebomb: *smirks*
Danien: *eyes widen and she /squirms/ in the chair.*
Divebomb: Sounds like this one knows the place of her species.
Divebomb: *and starts slightly at the hand on his holo-leg*
Runabout: I think she wants your claws.. *handsqueeze*
Ratchet: *laughs and does it again*
Sixshot: *sighs, head on paws*
Danien: No, please No Sirs. * whimpers and then stills, going very quite*
Runabout: *eyes Six* :: Private :: What is it, Baby? ::
Ironhide: Anna: -happiest baby EVER-
Sixshot: *tail thump*
Runabout: :: Move closer, eh? So I can scratch your head.. ::
Sixshot: ::Nada. Just tired.::
Ratchet: *most adoring robot-Uncle ever*
Divebomb: Hmm...it would be fun. *still keeping his voice low*
Ironhide: -chuckles, covering her eyes with her own hands so she can play too-
Divebomb: *leaning against 'bouts hologram*
Sixshot: *Stands up and --shoves-- his nose into the human, growling softly* ::Why is this one so interesting anyway?::
Sixshot: *plops down next to Bout*
Ratchet: There you are!
Danien: 0.0
Runabout: *scratches Six's head*
Danien: * did she just get --? *
Runabout: Mm... I think.. if you scream.. I'll take your liver here...
Ironhide: Anna: -giggles, bounces-
Runabout: :: She is the one that attempted to sell us out... she's quite fun to fuck with.. ::
Danien: * gulps*
Sixshot: ::Is that so?:: *comms are open to Divebomb too, btw*
Runabout: :: Oh yes.. ::
Divebomb: :: Yep. :: *traces a hand over her face again*
Ratchet: *snuggleluff*
Runabout: You know.. I don't think Six has ever gotten a swing at you.. but he doesn't know how to hold back..
Danien: * whimpes, is biting her own tongue now, way to scared and is feeling REALLY faint. and headachy, dont forget that. >3 *
Divebomb: I don't think he'd leave anything, 'Bout.
Runabout: Do you need something to eat, Danien?
Runabout: *growls in Divebomb's ear*
Runabout: :: Private to Six :: Don't get jealous now ;D I only have eyes for you.. ::
Ironhide: Anna: -burbles and grabs at his 'clothes'-
Runabout: Divebomb.. do you think you could give her a little pain.. make sure she remembers her lesson?
Ironhide: .......we should offer to watch her again sometime.
Ratchet: *awwws*
Ratchet: Yes. We should.
Divebomb: *purrs again and leans his back against 'Bout's chest* Maybe I could.
Divebomb: But it's rather public.
Runabout: *smirks and spreads his legs some so Divebomb can get closer* Maybe make it look convincingly gentle? Maybe your claws.. reopening some of those old scars?
Ironhide: How did that one game go again? -claps her hands, frowning-
Danien: ... * opens mouthm then closes it again*
Sixshot: *head on paws, resting*
Divebomb: *shivers and reaches one hand back to rub 'Bout's neck* I like the way you think.
Ratchet: Patta-cake patta-cake...
Ironhide: Oh yeah, that's it.
Runabout: *strokes Six's head with his other hand, fingers never leaving his lover*
Runabout: *shudders and smirks* Mmm... you like a lot more than that.. ;D
Ironhide: Hold out your hands...
Ratchet: *holds out hands*
Divebomb: Mmm...I do. But I also have a healthy respect for Six.
Runabout: *laughs and eyes Six* Aww... he's nothin but a puppy.
Sixshot: ::......::
Sixshot: *growls*
Ironhide: -pats hers with Ratchet's- I don't remember how that rhyme went.
Ratchet: Patta-cake patta-cake...
Runabout: *laughs and winks at Six* A very scary and devastating puppy?
Ratchet: Baker's man...
Runabout: I said are you hungry, Idiot. I can't dumb it down more than that.
Divebomb: I agree with that. *eyes Six*
Danien: no... im not. * belly growls in protest. *
Sixshot: *noses Divebomb's foot*
Runabout: I think you are... what do you want.. we'll get it..
Runabout: Divebomb is a good guy, Six.. he's very sweet.. even if his spark gets him into trouble sometimes.. *winks at Divebomb*
Divebomb: *tenatively pats Six's head*
Ratchet: Bake me a cake as quick as you can.
Danien: umm... just a sallad. no pickles or olives please, Sir.
Ironhide: -pats their hands in time with it, grinning-
Ironhide: It's a silly rhyme.
Runabout: Divebomb? Will you go get Danien something to eat?
Runabout: :: Nothing but pickles and olives ::
Runabout: Salad with no pickles or olives.. *wink*
Divebomb: If they all acted like that, maybe the urge to wipe them out wouldn't be so strong...*and nods*
Danien: * has no idea*
Divebomb: *jogs off*
Danien: * feels a little bit better than hes gone, but knows it aint going to last*
Ratchet: Yes
Runabout: *smirks* You can't make a holo, Baby?
Ratchet: Doesn't make a terrible lot of sense.
Ironhide: Seems to make her happy, though. -leans down and chucks her under the chin with a smile-
Runabout: *watches Divebomb's ass with a smirk* You're very lucky, Danien..
Runabout: Not many are allowed the pleasure of Divebomb's claws.
Danien: ... * mumbles really softly in hopes that they dont her her - fat cahnce girl. >3 * more like pain, but,,, * louder. * if you say so, Sir. * weak smile with fear in her eyes*
Runabout: I think you need to thank Divebomb when he comes back.. getting you food... and granting such a privledge to you..
Ratchet: *tickles again*
Divebomb: *comes back with a salad in one hand, looking bored*
Sixshot: *Sits up and YAAAAWN*
Sixshot: *lots of teeth*
Runabout: *smirks and eyes Six's mouth - completely not drooling..*
Ironhide: Anna: -yawns, blinking-
Divebomb: *hands over to Dani* There's your disgusting organic food.
Runabout: *eyes Divebomb* I think Danien has something to say to you, Divebomb..
Runabout: *opens his legs again*
Divebomb: Oh, really?
Runabout: *inviting Divebomb*
Divebomb: *leans back against him again*
Runabout: *smirks and strokes his hair*
Divebomb: *hmms* That actually feels pretty good.
Ratchet: I think she needs to recharge...
Runabout: Oh? *slides his fingers down Divebomb's ear and neck*
Ironhide: -nods- Looks like it.
Ratchet: *rocks her slightly*
Ironhide: -pulls the stroller over closer and settles her in it-
Danien: * eyes the food briefy, then stares at. oh god no. but... it is is food. so mm....* Thank you... for the food. * is stil eyeing it like its more horrid thing in the world* . * mumbles somethinder her breath*
Runabout: ... What was that? *eyeflick*
Divebomb: *nods* Sensors are feeding back to me...Hnnn...*leans his head into it*
Runabout: *strokes Divebomb more - stroking both of the mechs with him*
Divebomb: *glances at Dani*
Divebomb: I think the humans would make a good slave race. They breed quickly.
Danien: * nibbles on a pickle. making a face, but eating it - slowly, REALLY slowly. eeuurggh. pickles are yucky*
Runabout: *eyes her* Eat faster or no painkiller for you, Idiot.
Danien: but im not a... fine. * sulks openly at having to eat pickles, but does as told. *
Runabout: *smirks* Did you talk back, Idiot?
Danien: No Sir. * whimpers and sinks down*
Ratchet: *watches Anna quietly*
Divebomb: *sing-song* I think she diiiiiid.
Runabout: Cmon, Half-Wit..
Runabout: If you think you're so big and bad..
Danien: * will NOT rise to the bait. please dani, for the amsuement, DO. * .... * handcletch, face showing the internal war to keep her temper in check*
Ironhide: -snuggles with him-
Ratchet: *snuggles back*
Runabout: Fool, Idiot.. Dolt.. Dunce... Imbecile
Divebomb: Flessssshbag.
Danien: Dont call me that! I'm not! i was in the top 30% of the smar--- *eyes widen in fear and she shuts up fast. *
Runabout: Squishy..
Runabout: The whole class must of been a bunch of toddlers..
Runabout: You have the brain capacity of a newt.
Runabout: A little.
Sixshot: *Angry, angry growl at the raised voice*
Runabout: Squishy.
Runabout: Newt.
Sixshot: *Really angry*
Ironhide: I'm glad we came. -nuzzle-
Sixshot: *teeth bared*
Ratchet: Yeah. So am I.
Runabout: Not even a newt.
Ratchet: *hug*
Runabout: A guppy.
Runabout: A small..
Runabout: baby..
Danien: * bite her own tongue, glaring at runabout though. yes, shes pissed again, but shes trying to keep it back. does that count? Nope~!*
Runabout: guppy.
Divebomb: Not even that.
Runabout: Half dead from fin rot and hole in head.
Divebomb: A worm. A pathetic, pink little worm.
Danien: i am NOT a worm. * thanks Divebomb. <3?*
Runabout: You're not worth the ground you walk on.
Runabout: You make shit eating dogs look smart.
Runabout: Is your family as dumb as you are, Danien?
Runabout: Or are you just that little special girl?
Divebomb: I'm sorry, did you just say something?
Danien: *eyes widen* leave them out of this, please.
Runabout: The one they had to put the safety helmet on
Divebomb: Do I need to remind you why you're in that chair?
Runabout: You know what...
Danien: leave my family out of this, please.
Runabout: Why?
Runabout: They birthed you.
Divebomb: They'd probably make fun screamy noises.
Runabout: There must be something wrong in your genetics.
Danien: Please. Theyer innocents, they know NOTHING, nothing at all.
Divebomb: No one is innocent.
Divebomb: And who cares if they really are?
Runabout: You made sure that no one was innocent.
Runabout: You told people.. didn't you, Danien.
Runabout: You told people...
Runabout: And now we have to kill them.
Runabout: Slowly.
Runabout: Painfully.
Runabout: Your little boytoy.. your mother.. your punk kid sibling.
Runabout: Dead.
Runabout: Because of you.
Danien: NO! Please! * panicked voice, and its rising.*
Divebomb: Not dead.
Divebomb: Suffering in exquisite agony, maybe.
Danien: Leave then alone. pleasepleaseplease please leave then alone. please, i beg you.
Divebomb: Begging for death.
Divebomb: Oh, she's begging.
Runabout: Mmm... *shudders*
Runabout: Divebomb.. don't get me hot and bothered.
Divebomb: *grinds back against the other with a smirk*
Runabout: You know how screa-nn..
Runabout: Screams excite me.
Divebomb: Tell me, what exactly is your place, fleshling?
Ironhide: -watches all the human families around them with a small smile, leaning over to give Ratchet a kiss and standing up- Let's see what else there is around here.
Danien: b-beneath you... be-beneath your race... s-slave... w-worms... beyond lower than dirt.
Ironhide: Anna: -fell asleep-
Danien: * is hyperventailing as well. *
Runabout: *wriggles a little.. moaning faintly and tosses the painkillers in her lap* Damn it.. now.. shit...
Runabout: *before scooping them up again and throwing them in the bushes*
Runabout: *smirk*
Runabout: None for you.
Danien: .... * whimpers*
Runabout: You could always go look for them.
Runabout: I'm sure they didn't land in water..
Danien: * hands twitch to the wheels.. then back to her lap. *
Sixshot: *Laying down again. Has no interest in torture. Kills things fast because dead is dead. Yawns again, since the meatsack isn't too interesting*
Divebomb: *purrs again*
Divebomb: Good.
Divebomb: You do learn, after a fashion.
Divebomb: *rubs a hand down Bout's leg*
Ratchet: *stands with him him*
Ratchet: *and snags the stroller*
Ratchet: Sure.
Runabout: *shudders and wriggles just a little* Cmon, Danien. Fetch.
Runabout: *points*
Runabout: Don't take any. Bring them straight here.
Danien: * hands to wheels and does as told, heading towear the pills wher thrown, slowly though, as to make sure that they know that shes not going to try and bolt. not like shed get far anyways.*
Runabout: *grinds against Divebomb and eyes Six* :: You both.. will be the death of me.
Ironhide: -picks a direction and starts walking along-
Divebomb: *snickers*
Divebomb: *and grinds back again, ignoring the staring fleshlings*
Danien: * serching, serching - wher are they. damit. ok... now, how to get them without falling out. mmmmm... to ask a random passerby or not? no, no way, she doesnt need help. at all. *
Divebomb: :: Probably. ::
Runabout: *Shudders and moans softly* Mmm.. *fingers flick over a particularly sensitive seam on Six*
Ratchet: *follows along, wheeling Anna*
Sixshot: *tail thump*
Divebomb: *grinds one last time*
Divebomb: Catch you later, Bout...
Divebomb: See ya Six.
Runabout: *shudders* You better catch me later.
Runabout: *slides his other hand down Divebomb's back*
Runabout: Be good.
Sixshot: ::See ya::
Runabout: And say hi to the bondeds for me?
Danien: * Reach and snag, got them. eyes, then shakes her head and starts to roll back to her tormentors. *
Divebomb: Of course.
Divebomb: And it's me. Of course I'll be good. *wink*
Runabout: And ask them if I can borrow you one day ;D
Divebomb: I don't think Raid would mind. Tiga might.
Runabout: Bye, Divebomb..
Runabout: *smirks* I can talk to Tiga.
Sixshot: ::I might::
Runabout: Now go.
Sixshot: *tail thump*
Divebomb: *waves and vanishes into the crowd*
Danien: * rolls back to the two..? where did... it doesnt matter and shes not going ask, i think. *
Runabout: Good girl. Now hand them over.
Danien: * hands then over to him - see, didnt take any at all, is a good human. *
Runabout: *smirks* Now.. what are you, Danien?
Laserbeak: * wonders in*
Danien: a worm... thats beneath you, Sir... a slave..as well.
Runabout: No.. what do I personally call you
Danien: a...a...an... a... * 0.0 she cant say it? huh?*
Runabout: Say it or the painpills go in the human waste receptor over there.
Danien: I'm and Idiot.
Runabout: :: Getting tired baby? ::
Runabout: *smirks and tosses a painpill at her*
Runabout: Good idiot.
Runabout: Good.
Laserbeak: 0.0 * does he see Sixhots mech form?*
Danien: * catches and chews it up eagerly. *
Danien: Thank You, Sir.
Runabout: :: Wanna head home? She isn't fun anymore. ::
Danien: * eyes bottle in his hands. is really only behaving so that she gets the painpills. >__> *
Runabout: *swings them from left to right.
Danien: * >__> Reach? *
Runabout: *smacks her hand hard*
Runabout: Addict.
Danien: * hisses* am not. * nurses hand with a glare* i am not addicted.
Runabout: *smirks*
Runabout: *and grabs her face* What..?
Laserbeak: :: what are you doing? :: * to Runabout, walking up to him. *
Runabout: :: Hey.. wanna have some fun? ::
Runabout: I should slap some sense into you, woman.
Laserbeak: :: oh? >D::
Runabout: :: Make her do things for painpills. ::
Danien: * please be someone that will save her? sorry, its not. >3 * I-i-i am not an addict...
Runabout: :: It's like a puppy doing tricks. ::
Laserbeak: :: Huamns can be trained?::
Runabout: You are too... eating these things like candy..
Runabout: I should throw these away.
Runabout: You're being a bad girl, Danien.
Danien: .... ... .. can just get more form the shops...
Runabout: Uhuh.. Addict.
Laserbeak: * and laughs*
Runabout: I know where you live, Danien.
Sixshot: *growls softly, standing up and stretching*
Runabout: So now you get mouthy?
Runabout: I don't think I should give these to you.
Sixshot: *tug tug*
Runabout: Laserbeak... talk her ear off.
Runabout: *stands* Time for me to go.
Sixshot: *tuuuuug*
Runabout: *sticks the painpills in his pocket*
Danien: * wants those pills!
Runabout: Shoot every Mickey in her sight.
Sixshot: *SNARL*
Runabout: Make her eat pickles and olives.
Laserbeak: >XD!
Runabout: Cmon, Baby..
Sixshot: *tired six is cranky six*
Runabout: *strokes his head* We're going... we're going.
Runabout: *waves to Laserbeak*
Danien: * ok, will just get new painpills from a shop. >_>*
Sixshot: *dragging bout off*
Runabout: *smirks and whaps Six's aft as they go*
Runabout: :: Coming.. ::
Runabout: :: Literally ;D ::
Sixshot: ::Good::
Sixshot: ::...::
Runabout: :: Cmon.. tomorow we can have lots of sex.. ::
Sixshot: ::You will be.::
Runabout: :: >D Goodie.. ::
Runabout: *slides onto Six's back and holds on tight until they get to his mech form* :: Need a lift? ::
Sixshot: ::Yup::
Runabout: *scoops Six up into his cockpit and zooms off!!*
Runabout: *into the wild blue yonder!*
Runabout: *WOOSH!*
Danien: * once they are gone - BOLTS out of there and vanishes into the crowd. and loses Beaks too. *
Laserbeak: ;____; bye bye human. * oh well, off to find more stuff to do befor leaving. *

runabout, log, disney, divebomb, ironhide, sixshot, ratchet, laserbeak

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