Disney logs -- Danis trip turns sour, PART ONE. >3

Nov 27, 2007 15:02

So, after wondering about Disneyland for most of the time, seeing various transformers mobbed/ruining things/NOT BLENDING IN/ Making out in Tommorowland.... Danien winds up in Toontown.

All she wanted was to see Mickey Mouse and get a photo with him.. She really didnt want the other stuff like dealing with Runabout OR Divebomb. Or Dirge or being stopped for Shoplifting. And the Mun owes several muns artwork for this. <3333

Oh and A Mickey Mouse toy being 'killed', but that comes later.

Danien: * rolls in, mumbling about dinosaurs, and looking for a ride. * .... this trip... is weirding me out.
Runabout: *her eyes flick and change colors - to crimson* I think.. I found something a little more fun.. *leans up and kisses Six a moment before sunglasses appear on her face*
Runabout: *heads towards Dani and smirks, standing in front of her and sitting in her lap* Hello.. Danien..
Danien: * and cuts line thanks to being in a wheel chair. <3 to being in a wheelchair today. *
Danien: 0.o
Danien: 0.0
Danien: 0.0
Runabout: *slides her sunglasses down and those red eyes appear* How are you.. today.. *evil smile*
Danien: 0.0
Runabout: Miss me? *headtilts to the side*
Runabout: *changes it to her male voice and whispers* Or do I need to remind you who I am..
Sixshot: *Follows, watching curiously*
Danien: get off my lap! im not gay!
Runabout: *presses a finger to her lips* Oh shh.. shh.. that won't do.. that won't do at all, little girl.
Danien: * Eyes widen in horror and she shuts up right away*
Runabout: I think you remember me, Danien..
Runabout: I'm just here to see that you're making good on your little promise.
Runabout: I know you've been bad..
Runabout: *smirks*
Danien: * whimpers, terror in her eyes*
Runabout: You don't want me upset, now do you?
Runabout: I don't like being upset.
Runabout: I don't think you want me upset...
Runabout: I'd hate to think.. what would happen.. next.
Danien: * shifts weakly, then looks down with a another muted whimper.* w-what do you want... im sorry,, for yelling at you..
Runabout: *leans close and kisses her very very gently* Be good, Danien.. be good.. or you'll be very... very... sorry.
Runabout: *Slinks up slowly and leans against Sixshot* And he isn't nearly as forgiving as I am..
Danien: * eyes widen, but she understands perfectly.. * o-of course. * fake smile, but cant quite hide the fear. *
Runabout: *smiles gently* Have a good day... Danien... *tugs Six* Cmon. Bonded..
Sixshot: ::Who was that?::
Sixshot: *following behind*
Danien: * and scoots back the wheelchair, turns around and - bloody hell, she can move fast in that thing when she wants to.

Danien: ^____^ i get so see Mickey, * is a hyper human and is bouncing in the chair and so NOT looking where she is going. *
Danien: MickeyMickeyMickeyMickey! I get to see Mickey.
Runabout: *strolls through Toontown and oofs*
Runabout: *eyes the occupant of the chair and smirks*
Danien: * doesnt relieze - is way to hyper like someone gave her candy. *
Danien: ohh... I wanna that! * and is now glue to the window of a shop, looking at a 12' mickey figure*
Runabout: *follows and stops the wheelchair and leans down - chose his male form today*
Runabout: Hello.... Danien.
Runabout: We meet again.
Danien: * ohshi ------- Eepp.*
Danien: * slowly looks up, squeaking again*
Danien: h-hello...? * polite, but scared*
Danien: * really wants a painkiller now too. *
Runabout: You look like you need some help.. I should escort you around..
Danien: n-nono... its fine... * weak smile, fear in her eyes. * y-you dont have to...
Danien: b-but...
Danien: if-if you want to...
Danien: * is not like she can do anything anyways now is it?*
Danien: NightWireUser: n-nono... its fine... * weak smile, fear in her eyes. * y-you dont have to...
Runabout: *smirks* Oh don't be so worried...
Runabout: Where would you like to go, Danien?
Danien: * looks down at her hands, cletching then a bit, then sighs* .... if i say no... your ganna be angry, right? * doesnt want him, but also doesnt want to make him angry. damn, being stuck tween a rock and a hard place sucks.*
Runabout: Where... would you like to go, Danien?
Danien: I wanna see mickey,, and please... dont call me that... please?
Runabout: Call you what, Danien?
Danien: Please dont call me Danien. * is trying so hard to contain her temper. *
Runabout: *smiles* Why, Danien? It's such a prettyname... *leans close and smiles - kisses her ear*
Danien: * shivers* becouse... I hate it, i hate it, it makes me feel like im in trouble.. and it also reminds me of mama when i'm trouble. So... please call me Dani instead. * and reaches for painkillers in her pocket, and yes, painkillers ftw. Chews on of them*
Runabout: *smirks* But you are in trouble, Danien..
Danien: * gulps* ... what did i do? * small whimper*
Runabout: Mmm.... I don't know.. have you done anything to warrant my unhappiness?
Danien: ..... Aside from That... Not that i know off.. * whimpers more. all she wanted was to see Mickey. *
Runabout: *strokes her hair like an affectionate lover* Oh.. Danien.. I'm sure you've done something.
Runabout: What do you want to do, Danien?
Danien: * shivers at the petting, knows that its just a show - and warning to behave. * ... I just wanna See mickey mouse. * brightens at that. Oh no... * * and starts to rabbit on about how great Mickey is. *
Runabout: *another pet* Calm down, Danien calm down.
Danien: But i wanna see Mickey! and Mickeys town house and Minnie and and and * list goes on.0.0*
Runabout: ......
Runabout: *PET* Danien.. do I have to calm you down?
Danien: * squeaks* no... ;___; Can we see Mickey now please?
Runabout: Of course... I'll even get my picture taken too.. <3
Danien: ^____^ Then lets go please. * would wheel back but umm... risk of running over his foot? not worth it. *
Runabout: *whispers* So every time you see it.. you get a headache....
Runabout: *pushes her along to see Mickey*
Danien: * is oblious to the whispers at this point in time. and is chewing on yet another painkiller. not that its going to work for much longer. >3*
Runabout: *pushes her to the front* Can we get a picture of Mickey together?
Attendent: both of you?
Runabout: Oh yes...
Runabout: I want her to remember our time together..
Attendent: * and is probble a droid thing too but w/e.* ahh... someone special to you?*
Danien: * is bouncing in the chair again, giddy beyond words.
Runabout: *smikrs* Course...
Attendent: Then right this way please. A sister perhaps?
Runabout: *smirks* Do we look related or something? *pushes her up to stand with Mickey* Now smile big, Danien.. we're getting our picture taken....
Danien: * and grins, glomping onto Mickey mouse as much as she can - doesnt care at this point that Runabouts in the photo. only sees Mickey.*
Mickey Mouse: * 0.0 Hugs them, both as the photos taken.*
Runabout: *smirks* Thank you so much...
Attendent: And you can collect your photo just over there. *points to Mickeys townhouse. * in the suvieners section.
Runabout: Thank you, Ma'am.. *pushes Danien onwards* See.. wasn't that fun? A nice picture of us together..
Danien: * nods* yea.. it was.. * happy smile.* at least i got to see mickey. ^_^;;; *perks up again at all the suviner stuff.* come on, i wanna get the photo. ^_^
Runabout: Of course...
Danien: *smiles. * .... you dont sound happy... did i do something again? * worried and scared. *
Runabout: Oh, no, my dear Danien.. I'm just glad you have a photo... that will give you endless pleasure.. and headaches.
Danien: 0.o -.-
Runabout: And I won't stop.. until thinking about Disney gives you a massive.. painful... overwhelming headache.
Danien: Thats why i have painkillers. * do NOT lose temper here, do not lose temper here. losing tempter is a very bad idea,*
Runabout: *smirks* Sometimes painkillers don't work.. and the way you eat them like candy... they'll stop working soon
Danien: ... .. * hands clech tightly now. * .... maybe i should have taken the skull faces offer then... and given it what it wanted.
Runabout: *growls very softly and leans his head against hers and whispers in her ear*
Runabout: So... you considered helping them, Danien? I knew you would do something I disliked..
Danien: I didnt, * is telling the truth* i didnt. I was, but then... they lost when they tryied to use my family against me.
Runabout: I was only kidding when I said I would make Disney miserable for you.. but you know what...? I think.. I think I will.. come on..
Runabout: *pushes her roughly to the souviner shop*
Danien: * whimpers, then drops her head down in defeat. * .... fine.
Danien: *softly* do what you want... next time i wont defend your asses off against the skull face wanting to kill you all.
Runabout: Danien.. you don't know.. when to shut up... do you.. *soft snarl*
Runabout: *stops and turns her*
Runabout: *looms over her*
Danien: * looks back, then looks away. * ... .. * is scared as shit now, and it shows in the shivering and then way shes looking away. this reminds her so much... of It.
Danien: * is trying her best not to alert any passing shoppers - and its working, thankfully for her. *
Runabout: You always let that mouth of yours run like that...?
Danien: No... I-I try not to. but I guess that i failed . UI'm sorry, i'll try harder not let is run.
Runabout: You're an idiot, girl. A grade A idiot. You make Starscream look like Prime.
Danien: * blank look, then her head shots up. oh shit. you didnt, you didnt call her that. you didnt. * what. Did. You call me? as i dont think that i heard you right, Sir. * temper is seen in her eyes, og yes. and its a big firy explosion waiting to happen. *
Runabout: Star. Scream. The BITCH of the Decepticons.
Runabout: The MECHS.
Runabout: That hurt you so badly.
Danien: No, not that. The Idoit bit. Did I hear you right? * ignoreing the mech bit for now. mun is scared.*
Runabout: Yes.
Runabout: You are an idiot.
Runabout: You haven't learned yet.
Runabout: You are a simpleton..
Runabout: A groundkissing disgusting little worm.
Runabout: You can't get it through that thick skull of yours
Runabout: WE.
Runabout: CAN.
Runabout: KILL.
Runabout: YOU.
Runabout: And yet you still run your mouth about our demise.
Runabout: We're your hope for salvation.
Runabout: You and all your pathetic little breatherine..
Danien: *eyes narrow, and then it comes. *
Danien: *0.0 Dani, shut up now. please? *
Runabout: *smirks* You are an idiot..
Runabout: *laughs softly... thinly veiled anger*
Runabout: I've seen enough.. my dear Danien. I've seen enough.
Danien: * is to pissed off to notice right now.*
Runabout: *pulls her to a secluded part*
Runabout: Now look here, Bitch. I am seconds away from taking you to the stratosphere and letting you freeze.
Danien: * ... ohshi! * * whimpers, eyes widening in terror at who she lost her tempter with.*
Runabout: I can.. and will end this miserable thing you call existance.
Runabout: Please... give me an excuse.. please.
Danien: * whimpers even more, then shuts up completely, just shivering in real terror now, her head starting to pound like hell*
Danien: * weakly* i'm sorry... please.. dont. an-anything you want... i'll do it for you... i'm so sorry... i forgote who i was speaking with, i really did. * did actaully, so its very true. like she would lie to him anyways. *
Runabout: *takes the painkillers*
Runabout: You have to earn back your painkillers dearest.
Runabout: You've been chugging them.
Runabout: It's not good for your liver.
Runabout: Not that you will have one soon enough
Danien: *whimpers, but says nothing. *
Runabout: I've always wondered what human liver tasted like.
Danien: * eyes widen even more* no, please...
Runabout: *smirks* Your liver will grow back..
Danien: please no. Im sorry, i' really, really sorry. any-anything... ill do anything with you, i swear it on my life and ill make myself anjoy it, just please... * yea, shes begging. *
Runabout: Mm... I wonder if Six likes liver.
Danien: *whimpers even more, panicking look, twiching in fear, but other than that.. three guess as to qwher her bodys decided to flash back. *
Runabout: *smirks and wriggles her painpills*
Danien: please... anything... * wants then but yea, motor skils = none right now.* please... give them back.. please?
Runabout: Why? Getting a headache?
Danien: * her face betrays that shes getting a rather painful one. *
Runabout: *smirks* You've been eating too many.. you'll have to suffer for a bit.
Danien: * shakes her head in something, probbly trying to get ride of the heacache, not that its working.* please... anything that you want,... just please give them back to me.. please... i beg you.. please, Sir..
Runabout: Sir? Now I'm sir?
Danien: * nods weaky* Yes Sir. * if she did find out his name, its unlikely at this point that she recalls it so yea. >3*
Runabout: *grabs her head and shakes her head*
Danien: * whine of pain at the shaking, fear growing brighter in her eyes*
Runabout: *stuffs a single painpill in her mouth before pushing her off*
Danien: * chews it up in record speed. * t-thank you, Sir..
Runabout: Come along dear Danien..
Runabout: *turns her and pushes her along, looking out for others*
Ironhide: -sitting next to Ratchet, who's playing with Annabelle-
Danien: * lets him push her, is more focused on looking like she didnt just have the fuck scared out ofher. *
Runabout: *smirks and looks around, humming some*
ratchetdamedic: *doting on Annabelle*
ratchetdamedic: *and generally playing the baby*
Danien: ummm... can please get a Mickey toy.. please Sir? and the photo too.. * is uber respectful and careful to keep her voice low so that only he can hear her*
Runabout: Hmm...
Ironhide: ....letmeseeher?
Runabout: *pushpushpush*
Runabout: Oh.. yea...
Runabout: *sharp turn!*
Runabout: *goes back*
Rachet: *hands Annabelle over*
Rachet: ^^
Danien: *pays for the photo and just picks out a small mickey toy. *
Ironhide: -takes her, handling her like she's made of glass-
Divebomb: *sulkily making his way through the area*
Runabout: *blinks and sees!*
Divebomb: *glaring at children that get too close to him*
Ironhide: Anna: -is a happy baby!-

CONT in Part Two. 

runabout, log, disney

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