Log Dump :D

Nov 27, 2007 00:31

Bonecrusher: *and is drinking a lot*
Bonecrusher: *and is drunk*
Arcee: .....*is also...and is also! Uh oh, is it time for another episode of Arcee and Crushers excellent adventures?!*
Bonecrusher: *as long as they don't involve pink wires, it very well might be!*
Arcee: *Yay! adventure FTW!*
Bonecrusher: WHUT I DON'T GET IS WHY THIS.... *waves a hand at the stinking tentacle monster* THING'S ALL OVER MAH ENERGON. D< *....yeaaa, is druuuunk.*
Bonecrusher: *Megs should come join them.*
Arcee: *frown * Yeah, why we gotta come down here to get drunk?!
Arcee: Hey. HEY.
Arcee: Hey...
Arcee: We should EXPLORE.
Bonecrusher: .......
Bonecrusher: WE SHOULD.
Arcee: ....this place is huuuuuuuge.
Arcee: Let's do it.
Arcee: *wibbles to her feet, doesn't help she's still kinda hurtin' *
Arcee: *kinda
Bonecrusher: ....LET'S. *staaands - ow tire but w/e - swaying and gathering up more cubes for future use*
Arcee: *griiiins, and does the same as him, grabing more cubes to lessen trips back!* Where....where to...where to first?
Bonecrusher: .......*points back at where the dead mech was* LESS GO POKE THA' GUY.
Bonecrusher: *;D?*
Arcee: *giggles..* OKAY!
Bonecrusher: *and off they march to poke the dead guy~*
Arcee: *follows behind, only kinda stumbling *
Arcee: *giggles, pokes at the dead mech * LOOK. I SEE DEAD MECHS!
Bonecrusher: ....HAR, HAR. WHAZZIT. 'S A DECEPTICON 'R AN AUTOBOT? *oooh wow, gravity makes kneeling weeeird*
Bonecrusher: *pokes*
Arcee: I dunno.
Arcee: *pokes at it, head tilt *
Arcee: Prolly...*hiccups * Prolly an Autobot.
Bonecrusher: COULDA GOT STUCK.
Bonecrusher: *glugs*
Arcee: Huh.
Arcee: True.
Arcee: *sip.*
Arcee: Hey.
Arcee: Whats this?
Bonecrusher: ??
Bonecrusher: *looks* WHUT'S WHUT?
Arcee: *poking at a panel *
Arcee: There's,...um...buttons.
Bonecrusher: ....BUTTONS, Y'SAY?
Arcee: Yeah.
Arcee: *Stares *
Arcee: Couple of em but looook!
Arcee: *Reverant
Bonecrusher: .....
Arcee: A big reeeeeeeeeeed one.
Bonecrusher: ..........................
Bonecrusher: ....BUT....
Arcee: but...
Arcee: you know you want...you know you wanna!
Bonecrusher: .....IT'S SO TEMPTIN'....
Arcee: *:-D*
Arcee: *picks his hand up and pushes the button with it *
Bonecrusher: ...........!
Bonecrusher: HEYYY!
Arcee: *eeeheeheeheehee!*
Arcee: *trap door?*
Bonecrusher: *under them?*
Arcee: *yes?*
Bonecrusher: *oh shit?*
Arcee: *ohyes!*
Bonecrusher: *falls* !!!!!
Arcee: *squeeeaaaaallllss!*
Bonecrusher: NOT AGAAAAAAIN!!!!
Arcee: *trap door closes above them? dark? And crusher is pillow again!*
Bonecrusher: D:
Bonecrusher: WHUT JUS' HAPPENED??!
Arcee: *oofs.* You were my pillow! *giggling happily *
Bonecrusher: ......
Bonecrusher: WHERE'RE WE?
Arcee: Uh. I dunno. Tunnel?
Arcee: *blinking * It's dark. Got a light?
Arcee: You're a mine clearing vehicle.
Arcee: Mines are dark
Arcee: you gotta have a light somewhere...?
Bonecrusher: .....
Bonecrusher: PRIMUS.
Arcee: WhatEVER. *dumps energon on his head *
Bonecrusher: .....
Bonecrusher: *licks what he can reach of his face*
Bonecrusher: *glug*
Arcee: *giggles, drags him behind her in the dark *
Arcee: Cause you are soooo big and slow!
Bonecrusher: D:
Arcee: You need help.
Bonecrusher: I KNO.
Bonecrusher: *nods*
Arcee: *giggle * Where aaaaaaaaaare we.
Bonecrusher: I'M NOT SAVIN' Y'AGAIN.
Bonecrusher: -_-
Arcee: No more moooonsters! *follows tunnel *
Arcee: Thanks for that....
Arcee: *mumble FTW!*
Bonecrusher: YEA, YEA.
Bonecrusher: *glug*
Bonecrusher: THING WUS IN M'WAY.
Arcee: Yeah...of course! *affirmative nod!*
Arcee (2:47:15 AM): *strollign along, ooh is that a light at the end of the tunnel?*
Bonecrusher: ....'S WHERE'RE WE GONNA END UP?
Arcee: *blinks *
Arcee: *oooh...is that a basement? Cause they've been walking a long way *
Bonecrusher: .....
Bonecrusher: UH.
Bonecrusher: ....'S A SQUISHY PLACE *:\*
Arcee: *or a door to one, anyway * Hrmm. How we gonna doooo this?
Bonecrusher: .....IUNNO.
Bonecrusher: ....
Bonecrusher: !
Bonecrusher: NOOOOO.
Bonecrusher: 'N IT'D LOOK BAD.
Bonecrusher: .....'N MEGATRON WULD GET MAD.
Arcee: Your important?
Bonecrusher: IIII DUNNO.
Arcee: Then it don't matter!
Arcee: Have another cube.
Bonecrusher: ....*drinks another cube*
Bonecrusher: ....MAAABYE INSTEAD
Arcee: *giggles happily * Yes! That sounds FUUN!!!
Arcee: Um...holos...?
Bonecrusher: YEAAA.
Arcee: *beams, holo!pop*
Bonecrusher: *holo~~~* ....Soooo........... Open th' door!
Arcee: *throws the door open, stumbles through it *
Bonecrusher: ....*follows*
Arcee: *bliiiinks?*
Bonecrusher: .......Humm.
Bonecrusher: ....Uh.
Bonecrusher: ....Whut did y'get us int'?
Arcee: I..I dunno...
Arcee: *staring in mild interest *
Arcee: You pushed the button.
Bonecrusher: Whut!
Bonecrusher: You made me!
Arcee: You did!
Arcee: Still your hand.
Arcee: *beam!*
Random woman: -dark brunette woman is digging through some boxes, looks up at the voices- Who's down here?
Bonecrusher: *hmph*
Bonecrusher: ....
Arcee: .... I'm ARCEE.
Arcee: This is CHARLIE.
Bonecrusher: Hey, why can't I use m'name?!
Bonecrusher: *stage whisper*
Random woman: -frowns- This room is off-limits, you know. Now, back upstairs you go. -makes shooing motions-
Bonecrusher: .....Oookay. *looks at Arcee* Yus?
Arcee: Upstairs? *shrugs, grabs Crushers arms and pracnes up the stairs *
Arcee: *prances
Bonecrusher: *is dragged, but not really complaining. this is interesting~*
Random woman: -notices 'Charlie' and raises an eyebrow, whistling, before going back to what she was doing-
Bonecrusher: ......
Bonecrusher: *why do they all do that? D:*
Arcee: *giggles, nudge.*
Dolly: * a blonde woman* *notices them both*
Arcee: *blink.*
Bonecrusher: .....Uh. Hi?
Bonecrusher: *confused*
Dolly: * smiles* hello handsom.
Bonecrusher: .......
Bonecrusher: *why me*
Arcee: *slow grin *
Dolly: *smiles*
Bonecrusher: *why always me - turns to go riiight back down to his tunnel*
Arcee: *pushes him forward * Go say hi!
Dolly: Awww... leaving so soon?
Random woman: -door is locked~ -
Bonecrusher: *....slaggit*
Bonecrusher: Arcee, c'n we goooo now???
Dolly: *walks up to him with a sexy smile*
Bonecrusher: .....*backs up*
Dolly: Dont be shy,
Arcee: *giggles *
Bonecrusher: *hits door* D8
Dolly: * hand on his chest* stay and have some fun will you?
Bonecrusher: ....Uuuum, nothx.
Arcee: Where...uh where are we?
Michael: -an asian man walks by, wearing tight leather, stopping when he sees Arcee- New? -approaches her with a dashing grin-
Arcee: *blinks, then eyes him * 'Ello.
Dolly: Surelly there must be something that you see that you like?
Michael: My name is Michael. -takes her hand and kisses it-
Bonecrusher: ....No, not r'ly.
Arcee: .....
Bonecrusher: .....Yer not m'boyfriend D:
Bonecrusher: :: ARCEE HELP ::
Arcee: Hiya, Michael I'm Arcee where are we?
Arcee: ::Hey this guys real nice!::
Dolly: * has big boobies - and all but presses herself against him*
Bonecrusher: :: ....TRADE AT LEAST?! D: D: D: ::
Arcee: ...::Mmmm no you can keep Dolly.::
Bonecrusher: :: D: ::
Arcee: :::-D::
Dolly: Are you sure?
Bonecrusher: *is trying to melt into the wall - is actually tempted to just pop his holo right here and now, but that'd be bad*
Bonecrusher: Yusma'am.
Dolly: well then lets find some that you do like, a man perhaps?
Michael: -laughs- Had a bit to drink, huh? -turns to 'Charlie'- Oh don't worry, we have everyone's tastes here.
Dolly: * GRABS his wrist*
Bonecrusher: D:
Arcee: ...*blinks.* Oh...tastes? What kind?
Dolly: Michael.. do you know if Richard is available?
Bonecrusher: I don't got tastes, I gotta boyfriend! D: D: D:
Michael: I think he's with his regular at the moment. He should be done in a half hour, though.
Michael: -smiling winningly at Arcee-
Arcee: *beams back.*
Dolly: then who of the men are free?
Arcee: ::He's soo nice!::
Dolly: * she is inent of getting him a nice partener
Bonecrusher: :: SHE ISN'T GETTER OFFA ME D: ::
Arcee: ::You leave and I'll slag you again.::
Bonecrusher: :: BUT BUT BUT ::
Arcee: ::But nothing. YOU STAY.::
Michael: -gives Arcee a pat on the shoulder- First time? It's okay to be a little nervous, hon.
Arcee: Oh. Um here? Yeah, never seen this place before. *runs hand through pink hair absently. Where WERE they?*
Dolly: *YOINKs bobo along - only to run into a male - Damien, darkhair.*
Damien: *Damien smiles nicely - look, perfect teeth*
Bonecrusher: ........
Bonecrusher: Um.
Michael: Well, if you'd like, I happen to be available for the next two hours. -smiiiile-
Arcee: Oh really? *grins.* That's nice of you. We're trying to explore the city.
Damien: *Damien takes over from Dolly* hello handsome. <3
Michael: Really? I'm here for whatever you wish to do. I can show you around.
Arcee: ....Oh. Well. That would be awfully nice of you.
Arcee: But I really can't inconvenience you...
Michael: Oh no, it's not a problem at all. -runs a hand through his hair and loops arms with her-
Damien: * takes Crushers hand* so, first time here?
Arcee: Ah. Well. *grins* Um..okay then...?
Bonecrusher: .....Uh. Yeeeeaaa. *looks around* ....Where's here?
Michael: What would you like to see first, madam?
Michael: -leading her to the street exit-
Arcee: Um...well..I mean I have nooo clue where I am? *leans on him, gazes up at him, light pink eyes blinking sloooooooooowly!*
Damien: We are here. We have a range of choices to suit alls tastes.
Bonecrusher: .......Whut tastes?
Damien: * rans a hand yup bobos arm* all tastes.
Bonecrusher: .....
Michael: -smiles dashingly- Well...do you want to see the clubs? Or the more quiet places? Whatever you'd like.
Arcee: Club? *doesn't even know what that is.* Uh...quiet places?
Bonecrusher: .....Um. 'm not... in'erested.
Arcee: *calls over her shoulder at the girl harassing Crusher * He likes naked men!
Arcee: *scuttles out the door.*
Bonecrusher: *D:*
Bonecrusher: :: ARCEE, HELP ME ::
Damien: * IS A MAN!
Michael: A beautiful woman like yourself...I bet you dance wonderfully.
Damien: * the woman left
Michael: -strolling out with her-
Arcee: Oh. Dance? Sure...
Damien: You like naked men?
Damien: That can be arranged for you, Sir.
Michael: I know of a great place just down the block where we can dance.
Arcee: ::Whats wrong, Crusher?::
Bonecrusher: ....No, I like my naked man D:
Arcee: Oh. Okay...*blinks, sure why not, what a nice guy he is!::
Bonecrusher: As in, m'boyfriend.
Bonecrusher: :: I DUN WANNA BE ALONE HERE D: D: D: ::
Arcee: ::Come dancing?::
Arcee: ::RUN!::
Bonecrusher: :: .....RIGHT ::
Bonecrusher: Um. Um. I gotta - ummm, m'friend. Gotta stick with her. Sorry. *makes a dash after where Arcee left*
Arcee: ::::It'll be fun! Michael's gonna show me some clubs! Hurry!::
Michael: -strolling on down the street at a leisurely pace- So Arcee, that's an unusual name. Very pretty.
Arcee: *strolls with him, preens * Thanks...it was...*erg. where did it come from?* My uh mom's.
Michael: Ah, I'm sure she was just as beautiful as you are.
Arcee: *has no idea * Yeah, she was!
Michael: -stops outside of a building that's thumping from all the bass and grins- Ladies first. -gestures to the door, winking at the bouncer-
Arcee: *slides in with a huge grin, cool! ::Crusher where ARE YOU?::
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *firm hand stops Crusher.*
Bonecrusher: ....*blink* Whut...?
Bonecrusher: *looks*
Bonecrusher: ................
Michael: -dance floor is crowded with people!- I knew you'd like this place. So, m'dear, shall we dance?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *slooow smile * I remember you!
Bonecrusher: ..................................*chokes*
Arcee: Sure! *looks thrilled!*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *eyes the door.* Heading after your friends?
Bonecrusher: ......Uh. Yea.
Michael: -leads her to one of the few empty spots and starts movin' to the music-
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Ah. I'll accompany you, then. The streets can be pretty...*slides eyes over him * Scary. Alone.
Bonecrusher: .............Riiiight.
Bonecrusher: *keeps going! Is gonna find Arcee noa D<*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *follows *
Arcee: *dances happily with him, wow he was sooo nice!*
Bonecrusher: .....:: ARCEE, WHERE'D Y'GO?? ::
Bonecrusher: *is wandering the street :\*
Michael: -staying a respectful distance away from her, letting her initiate if she wants-
Arcee: ::Club down the street. Not far. Only one out here. You can hear the base from outside!::
Michael: -wow he's a good dancer-
Bonecrusher: :: .......OH. THA' ONE. ::
Bonecrusher: *finds and enters - dutifully ignoring Not-Naked-Naked!Jeff*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *still following. :-D *
Bonecrusher: *he has an Arcee to beat up D<*
Arcee: ::You been here before?!::
Arcee: *still dancing with him, wow, what a good dancer!*
Bonecrusher: :: NO, BUT I COULD SEE IT :\ ::
Michael: -another dashing smile- Yes, you /are/ quite the dancer!
Arcee: ::Hurry up!::
Bonecrusher: *looks at Jeff briefly* Are y'actually trailin' me fer a reason?
Arcee: *beams at him * Thanks! You're really good too! Thanks sooo much for bringing me here! *tipsy, insert drunken giggle here *
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *nods. is going to get that nice piece of ass if his life depended on it. *
Michael: T'was my pleasure. -movin' those hips-
Bonecrusher: *spots Arcee and makes his way to her, grumbling all the while* Y'just LEFT m' there!
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *right behind Crusher *
Arcee: *grinning up at Michael!* ::Hey I told you to follow! Not my fault you sat there with Dolly...::
Michael: Ah, what was your name again? -smile, doesn't stop dancing-
Bonecrusher: ?
Michael: -looking at Crusher-
Bonecrusher: ....Uh.
Arcee: That's Charlie!
Bonecrusher: ....Yeah.
Arcee: *grinning * He's my friend!
Arcee: *giggles * He's drunk...
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *perks at the news *
Bonecrusher: *oblivious* Arcee, don't we gotta... y'knoooow. Do somethin'?
Arcee: Like what?
Bonecrusher: Y'know.... A tunnel, s'm energon.......
Bonecrusher: *pointed look, ignoring the dancing*
Michael: I'm sorry, I should have asked if you wanted to come along as well. -spots notnakednaked!Jeff- You came too? Hey, buddy.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *grin * Hey Michael.
Arcee: *still dancing * Come on and dance, Crusher!
Bonecrusher: I don't dance.
Bonecrusher: *flatly*
Arcee: Sure you do!
Michael: Yes, dance! -groovin'-
Arcee: I've -seen- you do it!
Bonecrusher: Not like this, you haven't.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Yes, dance.
Arcee: Give it a whirl! Have some fun! Lighten up!
Bonecrusher: 'M drunk, not stupid.
Michael: -laughs- You should listen to your friend. She has the right idea! -Cotton Eyed Joe starts playing-
Bonecrusher: D< Blackout'd kill me, 'n y'know it.
Arcee: ::-Don't have to be stupid to have fun, sheesh!::
Michael: -grins- You know the steps to this one, m'dear?
Arcee: *thinks...slag...looks it up on the net?!* I think so?!
Michael: Show me then. -links an arm with her-
Arcee: *well she got called out on that one *
Arcee: *totally does her drunken best!*
Michael: -laughs- A little rusty, it seems.
Arcee: *giggles * Yeah a bit!
Bonecrusher: *shakes his head* 'm goin' t'the bar. Y'all have fun. *moves directly for said bar - well, actually, one of the booths, but who cares.*
Bonecrusher: *he won't dance D<*
Arcee: ::Come on, this requires no physical contact! Not really!*
Michael: Ah, you're remembering it now, good!
Arcee: *happily does the dance, hey this is fun!!!*
Michael: Right left right, right left right....left right left, left right left...
Arcee: *wheee!*
Arcee: ::Crusher come on omg this is great!::
Arcee: ::Loooooooooser!::
Michael: -enjoying himself greatly-
Arcee: *humming along, hey look she can learn, even when intoxicated!*
Arcee: *and loooook, she isn't bad either!*
Michael: -song ends, changes to a slower one-
Arcee: *pant!*
Arcee: Hey I like this song. *grin!*
Michael: -leans in only a little and grabs her waist to slow dance with her-
Michael: I'm glad to hear that. Having fun?
Arcee: Actually, yes! *grins.* So um. That building Cru- ah, Charlie and I Were in.
Arcee: That you work at?
Arcee: What was that? *blinkblink *
Michael: -blink-
Michael: You don't know?
Arcee: *shakes her head * Nah. We kinda...stumbled in through the back door.
Bonecrusher: *is sitting sullenly. WOULD order a drink, but, you know, he can't drink. Meh.*
Michael: Huh. Well... -whispers- ...it's a brothel.
Arcee: *Well, you know, he could come and dance ...wait WHAT?*
Arcee: A...*research, research, ohslagomgwtf!* Oh. I see. Oh. Okay.
Michael: I thought it was obvious. -confused look-
Michael: -keeps on dancing-
Arcee: ::Crusher. I think we should somehow get home. Now!::
Bonecrusher: :: WHY? ::
Arcee: ::Um.::
Bonecrusher: :: I THOUGHT YOU WERE HAVIN' FUN. ::
Bonecrusher: *:P*
Arcee: *doesn't want to answer.*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *sits next to Crusher * So. Beautiful. How's it hangin?
Bonecrusher: ..........
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *caress to arm ftw *
Bonecrusher: .....Dun touch me. *shrugs away D<*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Dance?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *beams, yes he's hot!*
Bonecrusher: No, thanks. *D< JUST REMEMBER, BLACKOUT IN HANDCUFFS oooh.*
Michael: ...are you alright?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *at least he isnt naked *
Arcee: Uh...sure....
Notnakednaked!Jeff: ...*but he could be!*
Bonecrusher: *no thanks*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: So. Baby. What's your kink?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: You must like somethin or you wouldn'ta come in.
Bonecrusher: .....My boyfriend's m'kink.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Where's he? *Scans crowd *
Michael: If you're worried about payment...I actually wasn't expecting any. Spending time with a nice woman like you is well worth it.
Bonecrusher: ...Not here.
Arcee: *kerblinkies * Oh. Really? Wow. I mena...that's awful nice of you...
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Ah. Didn't feel like coming out tonight?
Michael: It's a welcome change from my usual clientel. -smiles-
Bonecrusher: ....He din' know we were goin' out. Kinna las' second.
Arcee: Oh. I would guess so...*grins sheepishly * Sorry we just sorta bumbled in...
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Shame.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Dance?
Michael: No, it's alright. Happens on occasion.
Arcee: Came in through the basement. You know it smells like old cheese down there?
Michael: You aren't as flustered as most get.
Bonecrusher: No.
Bonecrusher: *D<*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: You sure? You look awfully bored.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: I'm not gonna feel all over you or anything. *yet.*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: But really. You ought to lighten up.
Bonecrusher: 'm fine. Jus' relaxin'.
Michael: -laughs- Yes, it does need to get cleaned out.
Arcee: *nods.* Yeah. *then shrugs.* Flustered? Eh. I don't really get like that. *he does, though. *gestures to Crusher *
Arcee: He's a bit uptight sometimes.
Michael: He needs to loosen up a bit. And Jeff there has always been a bit pushy... -frowns-
Arcee: *chokes slightly * Yeah. He's...met him before.
Michael: Oh...I pity the man.
Arcee: *twirls, shimmy.*
Arcee: *giggles profusely *
Notnakednaked!Jeff: So.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Sexy. Why were you in our lovely brothel?
Michael: -shakin' his ass-
Bonecrusher: .........We got lost.
Bonecrusher: There wus... a tunnel. An' it wound up.... Wait.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: ....Really. The neon signs out front were no indication?
Bonecrusher: ........In a whut?
Bonecrusher: *blink*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *blank stare * Brothel. *is like duh!*
Bonecrusher: ........
Bonecrusher: *//searching*
Arcee: *grin *
Bonecrusher: ......Oh. /Oh/. *looks at Jeff* ...... *shakes his head* Tha' explains a bit.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *folds arms *
Notnakednaked!Jeff: That still doesn't explain why you were there.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *curious, wants to loooove him! He just really needs a HUG *
Bonecrusher: There wuz a tunnel. An' we followed it. An' it went there.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: ...tunnel? *blank *
Bonecrusher: *no hugs D:*
Bonecrusher: Yus.
Bonecrusher: Under th' octopus.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: ....
Bonecrusher: Th' big... tentacle monster.
Bonecrusher: *waves a hand* 'S a long story.
Arcee: *can hear Crusher, and bursts into laughter * You were awesome with that!
Arcee: *don't ask -how- she can, but she can!*
Bonecrusher: *was, wasn't he*
Michael: -looks back at 'Charlie'- You can hear him? Wow.
Arcee: And I shot off a tentacle...!
Arcee: *urk.* I have really good hearing.
Michael: ...wait. Tentacles? -confused look-
Bonecrusher: But ya. I.... wonder who built it. *:/*
Bonecrusher: ...Mebbe th' rats did.
Arcee: Long story. Involves a very angry octopus.
Arcee: *thinks as she spins * I dunno. The rats didn't seem too bright...
Arcee: *spin, stumbles, ut oh!*
Michael: -quirks an eyebrow- Interesting....whoa! -catches her-
Arcee: *starts giggling *
Michael: No more alcohol for you tonight, m'dear.
Bonecrusher: ....*watches that with a headtilt* 'Cade's gonna get sooo mad. *:P*
Arcee: Alcohol? *keeps giggling.* Haven't had a drop.
Arcee: *headtilt, blinks, shoves away and flees to Crusher * Is not.
Bonecrusher: *flat stare* Is too.
Michael: Wai- Arcee? -follows tentatively- ...did I make you uncomfortable?
Arcee: Is not. *leans on the counter * He's smarter than that. He doesn't get needlessly jealous like Blackout.
Bonecrusher: ......Whut?
Bonecrusher: Blackout's jus' possessive. *D<*
Arcee: *nod, then grins at Michael * Nah. Just figured Barricade wouldn't like ya holdin me so close.
Arcee: Yeah like thas better. *eye roll *
Bonecrusher: It totally is.
Arcee: *Gee, what weird names they are throwing around *
Arcee: is not. *prods him *
Bonecrusher: *i know right*
Michael: Barricade...is your...boyfriend? -odd look, orders a drink from the bar-
Bonecrusher: Is too. Means he caares fer me. *razz*
Bonecrusher: *what is he, ten?*
Arcee: *rolls her eyes * Barricade cares for me. But he doesn't try to pin me down, either.
Bonecrusher: Ooooh yes he does.
Arcee: Barricade's my life bond. *nods, like that explains everything *
Arcee: Hahaha. Funny.
Bonecrusher: He's got those.... *face-making* devil cuffs.
Arcee: True.
Arcee: *wow. poor Michael. He ought to be getting good and weirded out!*
Bonecrusher: *what about Jeff, like he's getting any less of the weirdness*
Michael: Life bond? Sounds romantic.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *is just there to stare at Crusher *
Bonecrusher: *makes a face* Not romantic, stupid.
Arcee: Crusher here is a cynic. *explains to Michael *
Bonecrusher: Not a cynic. I jus' kno whut 'm talkin' about.
Arcee: Lifebonding's not for everyone, ya know. I mean, you can feel the other just by reaching out and touching the bond.
Bonecrusher: *bitter who him never*
Michael: -ttly confused-
Arcee: *presses a hand to Michael's chest * Imagine this.
Michael: -looks down at her curiously-
Arcee: Loving someone so powerfully and forecefully that you can feel them anywhere in the world.
Arcee: If you're here, and they're in say...*//searching * China. You can feel everything they think. Feel. Say. Touch. Do. Because that bond is there. You can feel them all the way across the solar system.
Arcee: And you feel it all. In. Here. *prodding his chest with each enunciation * That's a life bond.
Bonecrusher: *looks flatly at Arcee* Why're y'tryin' t' explain it t' a squishy? They dun get it.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *staring in open mouth'd wonder *
Michael: That sounds absolutely wonderful. -odd look at Charlie- ...squishy?
Bonecrusher: Yeeea. *points* Y'all 're squishy. An' organic. *makes a face*
Arcee: It is wonderful. *leans back against the bar * As long as you find the right mec- uh, person to share it with.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: Organic? *kerblinkies *
Arcee: He's competent Crusher, I think he gets it. *grins at Michael *
Michael: -looks at them both, confused- Organic? How much has your friend had to drink? -concerned-
Arcee: Um...more than ten cubes?
Bonecrusher: He wouldn't get it if y'showed him yer spark 'n drew him diagrams. I dun even get it an' I tried to try it once. *>P*
Arcee: *nods at Crusher * Something like that, right?
Bonecrusher: Yeaaa.... No.
Bonecrusher: ....*hum* 15.
Bonecrusher: :\
Arcee: *whistle * Sheesh. I stopped at 8...or 9...
Michael: ...what's a...Spark? -going along with it-
Arcee: Your soul. *blinks evenly *
Bonecrusher: Y'know if I dun get blasted 'm gonna like kill Tracks again 'r summin.
Arcee: Huh?
Bonecrusher: Y'know.
Bonecrusher: When I wus sober.
Arcee: Oh. Yeah. Why did you do that?
Arcee: *grins at Michael *
Bonecrusher: 'Cos I wuz mad.
Arcee: Elita told me how you n Prime had it out.
Bonecrusher: 'S cuz Prime wuz all... Stupid.
Bonecrusher: 'N didn't pay attention D<
Arcee: Hmph.
Michael: Are those...real names, or nicknames?
Arcee: *blinks at him * Which ones?
Bonecrusher: .....Nicknames.
Bonecrusher: *flatly*
Arcee: Well, yeah, I mean calling Prime Optimus is weird.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *blink *
Michael: -blinkblink-
Bonecrusher: ....'s his las name.
Arcee: Yeah.
Bonecrusher: Prime.
Bonecrusher: ....'s uh.
Arcee: It's just easier.
Michael: -spots someone a few feet away and lifts his glass to them, turning back to the conversation-
Arcee: *grins to Michael * We aren't from around here.
Arcee: Forgive us if we seem...off.
Michael: ...I can tell. Where are you from, then?
Michael: -smile-
Arcee: *looks at Crusher *
Bonecrusher: *flatly* Canada.
Arcee: *nods!*
Arcee: *//searching...
Arcee: Ah. Yeah.
Michael: I've always wanted to visit Canada.
Arcee: It's uh....cold.
Michael: See the maple trees.
Arcee: ....*//searching
Arcee: Hmmm yes they're really pretty. *leans forward * But don't you want to see some real wonders? Don't you ever get...*shifts * Antsy? To see more? See whats out there?
Bonecrusher: ........
Michael: I've never actually left this state. So, yes, I would love to, eventually. -smile-
Michael: Won't be able to for a while, though.
Michael: -sip-
Arcee: The state? *leans back * I mean...like...the whole world. The universe. There's a whole universe out there. *thinks.*
Bonecrusher: ....A universe they can't get t', Arcee. Remember tha'.
Arcee: Oh.
Arcee: Wow.
Arcee: That's sad...
Michael: -...huh, he's starting to put two and two together-
Michael: What wonders have you seen?
Arcee: Amazing things.
Bonecrusher: ........*eyes Michael*
Bonecrusher: ...With th' power o' Jenova, y' can see anythin'.
Arcee: Who?
Bonecrusher: :: ARCEE SHUT UP ::
Arcee: *stares blankly at Crusher *
Arcee: ::Who the slag is Jenova?::
Bonecrusher: *stage whisper* She ain't on the tier yet.
Arcee: *looks lost *
Bonecrusher: :: OUR NEW GOD. YER BEIN' TOO OBVIOUS. ::
Michael: Jenova. -quirks an eyebrow-
Arcee: ::What god? What the hell are you talking about?::
Bonecrusher: Jenova. *nods* :: HE'S NOT COMPLETELY STUPID. ::
Michael: So, tell me about Jenova, then. -dashing smile-
Arcee: *looks at Crusher blankly *
Bonecrusher: Not allowed t'.
Bonecrusher: Yer not on the right tier.
Bonecrusher: :\
Arcee: Tier...? *mumbles *
Michael: Must be secretive.
Bonecrusher: Very. *Nods*
Arcee: It is.
Arcee: Cause I don't know slag about it.
Michael: -quiet for a moment-
Bonecrusher: 's 'cos y'ain't drunk enough.
Bonecrusher: *waves a hand* When yer drunk, y'll get it.
Michael: You've heard about those mechanical aliens on the news, yes? -leans back on the bar, testing them-
Arcee: *twitch *
Bonecrusher: ....*waves a hand* S'mtimes I wonder who's drunker 'round here, me 'r th' media.
Arcee: Or me.
Arcee: *giggles *
Bonecrusher: Apparn'tly.
Arcee: Maybe um.
Arcee: We should be going? IT's getting late
Bonecrusher: ....Pr'lly.
Arcee: Barricade's gonna wonder.
Arcee: *shifts *
Bonecrusher: Meh. 's probably doin' somethin' important. 'r whutever he does.
Bonecrusher: *pushes at Jeff* Lemme up, squishy.
Michael: I'm of the opinion that they're not wanting to hurt us humans. -conversationally- Just trying to fit in.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *backs off, blinking at him *
Bonecrusher: Yea?
Michael: -looks Arcee directly in the eyes-
Arcee: *stares right back at him, still smiling *
Arcee: I'm sure they are.
Michael: I'd love to meet one of them one day.
Bonecrusher: *pushes out of the booth, sliding between Arcee and Whatever-this-dude's-name-is* 'm of the opinion tha' yer drunker than I am.
Arcee: Hope you meet a good one.
Michael: -finishes his drink-
Bonecrusher: *rolls his eyes* Ain't as drunk as her, tho. C'mon, Bubblegum. 's time t' go home.
Arcee: *Giggles hysterically, still loves that name *
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *follows them out, trying to comprehend whatever the hell he just heard *
Michael: I think I already have. Two, actually. -does that dashing smile again, waves-
Michael: -staying at the bar-
Arcee: O.O*big eyes yes big eyes *
Arcee: ::Let's get OUT of here ::
Bonecrusher: *ignores him utterly, going so far as to mutter loudly about stupid drunks*
Bonecrusher: *drags Arcee out to the street*
Bonecrusher: :: Y'STUPID IDIOT. ::
Michael: Arcee? I'd love to dance with you again! -calls out-
Arcee: I'd...like that! *grins, yay, new friend!*
Arcee: Whaaaaaat?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *stares to Michael * What was all that about?
Bonecrusher: *falsetto voice* Ooooh, wouldn't y'like t'see the universe?
Michael: Oh...nothing.
Bonecrusher: There's all this stuff ouuut there!
Bonecrusher: *facepalm* Yer an idiot. 's pop back and figure out how t'get outta that tunnel.
Arcee: *just, glares and punches him in the shoulder *
Bonecrusher: OW! Hey!
Notnakednaked!Jeff: What'd I miss...?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *knows he missed something. D: *
Michael: Don't worry about it. -pats him on the shoulder and walks out, humming-
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *follows him out *
Michael: -heading back to the brothel at a leisurely pace-
Arcee: *looks up, just in time to see Michael walk out, and meet his eyes before her holo pops out of existence with a horrified look on her face *
Michael: -blinkblink-
Bonecrusher: *sees Michael, sees where Arcee was....* ....Oh slag.
Arcee: ::.......should I come back??? D: D: D: D: D: ::
Michael: -raises his hands up smiling benignly- Won't tell anyone. Promise.
Bonecrusher: .....
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *looks terrified *
Notnakednaked!Jeff: She....she....
Bonecrusher: *glares* Y'do, an' yer gonna have more than just me t'deal with.
Bonecrusher: *utterly ignoring Jeff*
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *slack jaw *
Michael: -elbows Jeff-
Bonecrusher: *then, deadpans to Jeff* We're ghosts. Boo. *and POPs*
Michael: I'll make sure he doesn't tell anyone either.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *hiss to Michael * omgdidyouseethat??
Michael: .... -turns to Jeff with a bright smile- See what?
Notnakednaked!Jeff: She....he....she....GONE!
Michael: How much did you have to drink there, man? Come on, let's go back.
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *looks freaked out * Oooh....okay...*did have quite a bit while he'd been undressing Crusher with his eyes *
Michael: -claps a hand on his shoulder and starts leading him away-
Notnakednaked!Jeff: *stumbles with *

Optimus: \\Ironhide!\\
Optimus: \\You've got homing weapons, right?\\
Ironhide: ::...yeah. What the slag?::
Optimus: \\I need to borrow some.\\
Optimus: \\We have a problem.\\
Ironhide: ::Problem. What kind of problem?::
Optimus: \\Starscream described it as 'a hot pink roast fowl, apparently ambulatory'\\
Ironhide: ::......where are you?::
Optimus: \\Near the connection between Headquarters and the Nemesis...Megatron is going to kill me if it gets loose in there...\\
Ironhide: ::Be there shortly. -total wtf tone in his voice-::
Optimus: *And as Ironhide turns a corner - at the end of the hallway, heading straight for him - PINK TURKEY OF DOOM*
Ironhide: What in the pit is that?
Ironhide: -weapons immediately up, primed-
Optimus: (Turkey) !!!
Optimus: (Turkey) *LUNGE*
Ironhide: -fires!-
Optimus: (Turkey) *Is faster than guns, apparently, because it's on a very fast line to hit Ironhide square in the chest with its own body*
Ironhide: Ohsla- -fires again, this time with homing missile-
Optimus: (Turkey) *WHAM into Ironhide - hay that missile is headin' for both of them now u know*
Ironhide: -fuckfuckfuck, pushes it off and RUNS-
Optimus: (Turkey) *RUNNING ALONGSIDE!...well, faster..promptly makes another leap, barreling into a vent, and dissapears from sight*
Optimus: *And here he finally comes just in time to see Ironhide with a missile after him - takes aim with his blaster, FIRES*
Ironhide: Optimus, whattheslagistha- -SLAMMED against the wall from the blast of Prime's weapon hitting his missile-
Optimus: *at least it didn't hit ironhide?*
Optimus: *directly?*
Optimus: *Runs over* Ironhide, are you all right!?
Ironhide: ...fine.
Ironhide: What. Is. That thing?
Optimus: ...
Optimus: Well, it was an Archer Farms Premium Butterbasted Frozen Turkey...
Optimus: ...at one point...
Ironhide: .......
Ironhide: ............
Ironhide: It was a turkey.
Optimus: ...yes.
Optimus: *Getting up since it seems Ironhide is ok*
Ironhide: -rubs the back of his head, and gets up himself-
Optimus: *Looks down the hall - damn, T-intersection, where the hell did it go*
Optimus: ...did you see which way it went?
Ironhide: Uh.... -thinks- the slaggin' thing went into a vent.
Optimus: *Frowning, looking around*
Ironhide: ...and how was it created?
Optimus: ...
Optimus: Uh...
Optimus: ....
Optimus: Might've...tried...to do some cooking...
Ironhide: ...
Optimus: *Rubs back of head*
Ironhide: Optimus. Next time you...try...to cook, it might be good to have a human that knows what they are doing around.
Optimus: *Glumly* Yes, Ironhide.
Ironhide: -shakes his head and starts going back to his room, does not want to deal with that thing anymore-
Optimus: *Goes back on the hunt*

log, arcee, optimus prime, bonecrusher, ironhide

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