We Could Be Heroes by
1297 (Kirk/McCoy, Spock/Uhura, McCoy/Jocelyn, PG-13, 3503 words)
Summary: It's almost cruel how, with all of their equipment and cancer-swallowing drugs, it still comes down to crossed fingers and a prayer.
Notes: This story is powerful in a quiet way and the characterizations are so air tight and just everything about this makes my heart sing. A very good McCoy character study.
Bloom and Grow by
thistlerose (Joanna-centric with Kirk/McCoy, Uhura/Spock, Teen)
Summary: Five times Joanna McCoy wished she'd never set foot on the Enterprise, five times there was nowhere in the universe she'd rather have been, and one time she wasn't so sure.
Notes: This entire series is amazing. Previous parts have been from Kirk or McCoy's POV and are just as rec'd as this part, but
thistlerose's Joanna voice is phenomenal and it'll make your heart ache in the best possible way.
These Kids, They Lost Their Graces by
affectingly (Kirk/McCoy, NC-17, 9,329 Words)
Summary: There are moments in Jim's life that act as axis points.
Notes: This is one of those fics where you'd better remember to wear your mouth-guard because it's gonna punch you in the face. Jim is screwed up, he has issues, and he's completely, painfully real. Bones is solid for him, helps pick him up. There's humor and hurt and intensity. It'll wreck you. But in a good way.
Love is Strange by
garryowen (Kirk/Spock, NC-17, 45,000 words)
Summary: Spock accompanies his parents to an Earth resort where Jim Kirk is a dancer. Dirty Dancing redux.
Notes: This fic is pretty much beyond description. An epic adaptation that takes all the best things about its various source materials and merges them seamlessly together. The background details and TOS canon woven throughout this Reboot story make for a stunningly vivid read, and the character voices feel incredibly true.
Observer Effect by
bdeternity (Kirk/Spock, PG-13, 1,211 Words)
Summary: "The supreme precept of the Vulcan Science Academy, roughly translated, said: 'If it can be observed, it can be understood.'"
Notes: This is the author's first fic -- what an auspicious debut! The character interaction is adorable, warm, and hilarious, and she's got the subtle timing just right.
Deleted Files From the Captain's Log by ANON (until author IDs go up Jan 1st) (Kirk/Spock, R, 6500 Words)
Summary: Just another day in the life of James T Kirk and crew. Except this time, no one's trying to kill them.
Notes: One of the things I love most about the new ST movie is how much it makes me grin. This story captures that feeling perfectly. The banter is great, the sex is hot, and all the voices are spot-on.