"rejoiced in the hopeless, we loved under atomic skies" by your_bespoke_psychopath (PG)

May 28, 2013 15:33

Apologies for my absence over the last week and a half--sometimes real life dares to interfere with fandom life. The nerve of it, I know. Anyways, I've still got a few more recs up my sleeve for you lot...enjoy!

Fandom: Doctor Who
Pairing: River Song/The Doctor
Length: 5903 words
Author on LJ: Unknown
Author Website: Tumblr
Why this must be read: This is a fic that opens up myriad worlds of its own while sketching the in-between moments--canonical and otherwise--of River and the Doctor's strange and wonderful relationship. It's heartfelt and funny and tear-inducing, not to mention timey-wimey in all the best ways. Headcanon accepted.


It takes her some time to realise this simple fact: their story is not a fairy tale. He’s not her knight in a shining armour, he’s as much of a hero, as he is of a monster. She’s a murderous bride, the perfect killing machine who rebelled against her creators. She doesn’t sit in her tower, idly waiting for her saviour. He doesn’t always wait for her.

While there are moments of bubbling happiness and bliss, there are also months of painful separation and silence.

They lie to each other.

He forgets her.

She pops into his life and without warning, destroying the façade of order he believes he’s built around himself.

He doesn’t always trust her.

They throw angry and hateful words at each other, always trying to bring down the walls they’ve put around each others’ hearts.

And yet, none of them is willing to end this, say ‘stop’, to turn around and run away. They stay stuck in the vicious circle of love and misery, unable to break out.

This is not a fairy tale.

There are no happy endings in their future.

rejoiced in the hopeless, we loved under atomic skies

doctor who, fanfic

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