A Heap of Broken Images (the digital life remix) by glim (G)

May 28, 2013 20:31

Fandom: MERLIN
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Length: 1395
Author on LJ: glimmergirl
Author Website: AO3
Why this must be read:
Summary: "Arthur finds a picture online."

Remixes stories can sometimes be difficult to write.  There is a thin line between staying true to the original yet still giving your own twist on the story.  In "A Heap of Broken Images (the digital life remix)", glimmergirl succeeds on both accounts.  The result is a poignant, somewhat bittersweet piece on destiny, waiting and needing to let go and a wonderful remix to the equally lovely "Imperfect Picture" by xsmoonshine.

A Heap of Broken Images (the digital life remix)

merlin, fanfic

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