Bad Boys, JEDI Style by Kelaria (Teen and Up)

May 28, 2013 11:42

Pairing: (Anakin/Padmé, others)
Length: (87,000 words)
Author on LJ: kelaria
Author Website: Kelaria on AO3
Why this must be read:

A hilarious romp, combining parody, wit, and invention. Hands-down my favorite laugh-out-loud fic and the first fic I recommend to any "newbies" to fandom. It's been a long time in the works and I've been crossing my fingers all month that it would be completed on my watch because, selfishly, I have wanted to rec it for so long - and yesterday Kelaria posted the final chapter! Go read it and give the author some love. :)

Bad Boys, JEDI Style

star wars universe, fanfic

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