Your Eyes Are Like Limpid Pools by Draycevixen (NC-17)

May 25, 2013 13:42

Pairing: Bodie/Doyle
Length: 1200 words
Author on LJ: draycevixen
Author Website: On AO3
Why this must be read: I was bound to include at least one story from Drayce in my month's recs... what can I say? I love her writing!

Drayce writes the lads with a sharp wit and a fine understanding of their relationship, but it's a relationship that never tips over into being soft or girly - she writes them as blokey blokes:

“No, it's not that easy. I'm not that easy.”

“Since when have you ever been easy?” Bodie muttered, attempting to pull Doyle back in to his arms.

'Your Eyes Are Like Limpid Pools' is short - just about right for a coffee break - so I won't tell you any more, except it'll make your day a better, happier one for reading it. Or I'll eat my hat.

Your Eyes Are Like Limpid Pools

the professionals, fanfic

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